Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 11-12
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During his years of ministrey in Assiut Egypt, my father, Roy Lake Mainse, wrote out the words of a favourite hymn that he lived by that was written by J. B. Coats. This piece of paper was kept inside the cover of his Bible. He wrote the first part as a constant reminder of the importance of God’s Word and the second part heralds the importance of truth (click on the photo to enlarge for easier reading).
Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 12:14
And he did evil, because he did not prepare his heart to seek the Lord.
There is always a cause for any effect! King Rehoboam would listen to the voice of the Lord and Judah would prosper. But when prosperity and success were granted, he would forsake God’s laws, and very shortly afterward they were in trouble again. It’s not that God moved away; it was the king and other leaders who moved away from God.
The prophet reminded Rehoboam of his sinfulness and again the king and priests humbled themselves before God. Therefore, they escaped destruction. Like Rehoboam, we will inevitably get into trouble when we fail to seek God. When we begin to do our own thing and not God’s, trouble is not far behind! Let us return daily to the Lord, so that the enemy will not prevail.
As our key verse reminds us to prepare our hearts to seek the Lord, so does this daily blog. Let’s stick together on this journey. Please be reminded that anyone can start at any time, and in two years we’ll complete the entire Bible. Amen! Amen! Amen!
Lord, by Your Holy Spirit, who lives in every believer in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, keep me in a daily, living relationship with You. Thank You for this fresh Bread to eat every day. In Jesus’ name I praise and worship You! Amen!!!
Besides the words written in the photo above, I also found written inside the front cover of my Dad’s old Bible these words: “Sin will keep you from this Book, and this Book will keep you from sin!” The Apostle Paul wrote about the fact that the Word cleanses us and washes us with the “Water of the Word.” Why do we need this cleansing? To produce “A glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.” We are to be “Holy and without blemish.” The daily washing of the Word will accomplish this goal! (Ephesians 5:26-27).
I grasped the concept of this kind of constant cleansing in my late teens. It was from a sermon my Dad preached on 1 John 1:5-10.
Yours for consistency in being washed by the Word of God,
Yes, am consistently reading the Word and David’s blog. The Word does cleanse and keep our focus in the right direction. Have been posting the video version on fb every day. Thank you Ron, Ann and Reynold Mainse. Prayers for you Doreen. I have high blood pressure and am drinking President’s Choice Hibiscus Tea. My blood pressure stayed high before I had a heart valve replacement.
The new medication has brought my BP down today to normal. My cardiologist is on vacation but will return soon. With such a big drop in p, I’m not feeling too great. I’ll stay home today. This skyrocketing BP just came on suddenly – it was a shock. Thanks for your prayers. May God’s Greatest Blessings be yours.
“Sin will keep you from this Book, and this Book will keep you from sin!”
A prayer for cleansing:
Search Me
Search me,oh Lord,I’m yours,
Remove the cobwebs that hide,
Find out what my heart stores,
Then put the wrong far to one side.
Search again,oh Lord,for light,
Let not darkness cloud my mind,
That I may freely do what’s right,
For I want a heart clean and kind.
Search my soul,Oh Lord,for me;
Don’t let me be vain and phony,
For such get lost and can’t see,
Then become the devil’s crony.
Search my heart,oh Lord again,
Leave no trace of greed within,
Then I can show,without pain,
The love betrayed by my sin.
G W Marshall / 08-Nov-013
May God bless
Very beautiful dear William. May God bless u always and keep your heart free of all you desire.
This poem made me think of Rehoboam’s backsliding:
Beyond Mere Existence
Why does it seem so easy
To slowly grow so cold,
To lose that fire we once had known
That burned within our souls?
Have a blessed day dear saints.
We start to lose the joy
And life becomes a bore,
We just live from day to day
With no hope in the Lord
We give up on the dreams,
We once had in our hearts,
We settle down to mere existence
Alone within the dark
Oh God our spirits yearn
To know you so much more,
We don’t want to just exist
But know you as before
To feel your presence in our lives
And a new song on our lips,
To walk in victory every day,
O Lord, we long for this
Come, O God, and touch us
Ignite us once again,
So we will burn with holy zeal,
More than we had back then
Fill us with your spirit, Lord,
And we shall be renewed,
So joy can be restored to us
With brand-new hope in you.
© By M.S.Lowndes
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6–7).
The last poem expresses my desires too Lynda.
Probably for many of too dear Ger. Praise the Lord that He would remind us. Blessings.