Today’s Reading: 1 Corinthians 12-13
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In the Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth many artifacts are on display. This is the Marble head of Dionysos, 2nd century A.D.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 12:31
But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.
The “MORE EXCELLENT WAY” is LOVE! From 13:1 to 14:1 “LOVE” is found 10 times. It is appropriate that both chapters, 12 & 13, are included in today’s reading, for they are usually read in exclusion, one from the other, and sadly also in opposition, one to the other. We should make sure that we do not stress the gifts of chapter 12 while failing to emphasize the love of chapter 13, or stressing the love of chapter 13 and ignoring the gifts of chapter 12. God has given the gifts of the Spirit to His people, and He expects them to be used to show love to one another. God’s love manifested through us is also only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit. A gift is not an indication of spiritual maturity, but love; a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) is an indication of the growth in Christ of the believer. We give gifts to our children, not because of their conduct, but because we love them. If we based our gifts on good behaviour, our children would earn them and, therefore, they would not be gifts. The Corinthians did not exhibit the best behaviour, but God still gave them gifts. Let us “desire spiritual gifts” (14:1), and use these gifts in “A MORE EXCELLENT WAY,” exhibiting the LOVE described in chapter 13!
Lord Jesus, I recognize that Your character is described in chapter 13. Live and love through me, Lord Jesus, I pray. Thank You for the gifts You give to build up Your Church, to exhort me to seek the good of others, and to comfort others. I gladly receive and desire to exercise all these gifts. In Your Name, Amen!
Before I became an ordained minister, I taught public school. I was so impressed with 1 Corinthians 13 that I required my students to memorize all 13 verses. I had read that many scholars considered the King James translation of these words to be the most beautiful in the entire English language. Of course they were written originally in Greek and translated by those assigned the task by King James during the first years of the 1600’s. I see chapters 12 to 14 as a sandwich in which 13 is the meat and 12 & 14 are two slices of bread above and below the meat. To be well-nourished spiritually, we need to eat the whole sandwich. As a child during our meal, I remember leaving the table, riding my little scooter into the living room and depositing my crusts behind the couch. That practise ended abruptly when the remnants of the bread were discovered. I must confess that I went through a period in my Christian life when I did not want to partake of what may have seemed like the bread crusts of the gifts of the Spirit, particularly the speaking gifts of tongues and interpretation of tongues. One of my theological professors gave the interpretation to a message in tongues, and the thoughts that came immediately to me were the same as his words. After the church service concluded, the teacher, Rev. Gordon Atter, came to me and reprimanded me. He said, “David, God gave you that interpretation and you disobeyed God in not giving it. Because you failed, I had to give it for the proper exercise of this gift in a public meeting.” As far as I know, I’ve not made that mistake since.
Yours for yielding to the love of Father God, shown in the life of Jesus Christ, and implemented by the Holy Spirit,

Statue of the god Serapis found in ancient Corinth. There were two precincts dedicated to this god on the Akrokorinth (the Acropolis) of the city. Serapis was worshiped throughout the Mediterranean basin; his worship seemed to transcend ethnic boundaries and earned him reverence in the Egyptian, Greek and Roman cultures.
Repeating David’s words: Yours for yielding to the love of Father God, shown in the life of Jesus Christ, and implemented by the Holy Spirit. There could be no sweeter words, this morning. The devil was out to seek and destroy me yesterday, saints. But I rebuke him and trust in prayer to my Heavenly Father, that He has me in His Hands and my life is under His control. I am stronger today than I was yesterday because of my faith in Him. I give Him all the glory and praise that is rightly due. Ever so grateful I am His Child of God. May your day be as blessed and beautiful as you, fellow saints in the Lord. Oh, how He loves you, so!
And Jesus answered them, “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen. Mt 21:21 ESV
God Will Make A Way – Don Moen
This song came to mind after reading your comments,
Satan is out to destroy God’s seed and he does that by attacking us, the seed of Christ. David was distressed as the people considered stoning him after the attack on Ziklag but ” David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” 1 Samuel 3:6, Spiritual warfare. I am lifting you in prayer for God’s comfort. Psalm 46 : 1
Beautiful song and inspiring story.The song/video after it is another heart warming story.Thank you,Charlene
Awesome Charlene!! Raising a Hallelujah with you, dear sister-in-Christ!!
‘For our fight is not against flesh and blood but against…..’
Amen,Beverlee.You can’t loose ‘with Him’.Stand firm.The Lord always provides a way out.(I bet Satan hates that?)We always carry a get(stay)-out-of-hell-free-card…via His grace.God bless
Your Rock
He can pick those who will obey,
For some may ignore His voice,
But He will give them words to say
If they will simply make that choice.
None are worthy,it’s only through grace,
And when found a heart that’s right,
Will be found His holy place;
A vessel to carry His light.
We become vessels of His pure love
When we surrender to Him,
For sent from the throne up above
Is the Spirit of holy whim.
It may take you by complete surprise
And you think your mind has gone,
But this is how He will give rise,
A rock to plant your faith upon.
The sands may shift in tempestuous water
But your Rock will still stand firm
And evil can never slaughter
That which God will ever confirm.
GW (Bill) Marshall/07 July, 2017
Love it Bill! Yes, we carry get-out-of-hell-free cards, indeed! 🙂 We are heaven bound! Amen!
Read the other comments,Beverlee.They say what I can only imply….oh,heck;we look up to you.I know you inspire me.Thank you and God bless
Child Of God
May his smile shine on you from above,
May blue skies bless your day,
And may your heart know His love
That shines His light before your way,
For you are a true child of God
When you choose to walk His path,
And the load you carry as you trod
Will keep you safe from Satan’s wrath.
GW(Bill) Marshall / 08-Sep-2015
Amen! You all inspire me, Bill. Fellow children of God!! 🙂
God bless you Beverlee Kay for posting your comments! I am thankful that the Lord helped you overcome the battle with the devil! Yes I rebuke the devil! and Yes it happens nearly every day! So thankful for your comments;
I am very thankful for wonderful neighbours; they bought an old place and ripped it apart and rebult! I was concerned about the noise due to my sleep disorder but I never heard a thing and I told my neighbour so and he was very happy! He mentioned that he did talk about it with his wife and his workers and prayed about it also!WOW! i AM VERY THANKFUL…IN JESUS AMEN
Praising the Lord with you, Beverlee, for your victory in Him! He is ever our Refuge in times of trouble and attacks from the enemy, who is defeated. Much love to you dear sister, and to all of you saints who are part of this blog. Praying that we all continue to receive ever deeper revelation of His amazing love for each one of us.
Amen Deanna!
Amen Deanna and Joy! Our God is moving mountains for us all!!
Dear Beverlee;
I have no doubt that the enemy hates you because:
a). You are God’s child
b). You are an inspiration to all of us on this blog and that really does not “set well” with him
I am so thankful that God is the one in control of our lives. He may allow some testing but He has the last say! At the proper time He will say: “ this far and no further “. As you say, you are stronger today. The testings God allows in our lives are to strengthen us.
He is our defender, protector, deliverer! Amen! Amen!
It’s snowing again today here in Southern Ontario. Please be safe out there, everyone and I pray for safety also for all who must be on the road, eg. first responders, etc
Blessings to all of you!
Amen Luisa! God bless you, dear sister-in-Christ!
God bless you Luisa
So thankful for your comments; all the comments; gives me great hope and inspiration; Yes I thank the Lord for fighting our battles;
Please pray the Lord will heal Susan from cancer; Jim over comes his knee surgery; for our leaders; our children; those who take the Gospel around the world;
Prayers for a gal and her husband going to India to give them the gift of ukuleles; this is the second trip; pray all goes well.
Blessings to all
Praying for less cold and snow. I can’t visit my sister (helpless in a nursing home) when the weather is bad. Live close to Lake Ontario so we get a lot of lake effect snow. Hopefully, the staff is able to get in to work in the LTC as many folk there are very dependent. I put Donna Lea in God’s hands and the residents and the staff (and family members too, as it is hard on them). There is a shortage of LTC beds and many wives/husbands are also needy as they remain alone at home.
Praying God will take good care of your sister Doreen. It has been such an unusual winter. Blessings on all dear Christians and those who will one day come to our Lord and Saviour.
Praying in unison with Lynda, that you can get to visit your dear sister, Doreen. Praise God she is safe and warm and well taken care of. May you get to see her, soon. Please be careful when you are out on the roads.
Amen, Beverlee, glad your faith brought you through the test and you overcame the evil one in the Name of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord keep His loving arms of protection around you and all my fellow bloggers. He is our strong tower. As I look up the road and down the road with my binoculars I see this country road blocked with snow. The blowing snow last night and even today got too much for the government ploughs and tractors with snowblowers and the banks too high. Never saw anything like this since early school days when our schoolbus got stuck and blown in with snow for a week. I am completely blocked in here and can’t see out some windows. God is giving me peace in the midst of the storm. Keep safe saints. You probably have your own story to tell.
Dear Ger,
May you feel safe in His loving arms and care.
I hope that you have supplies ( food, etc) to carry you through until you’re able to get around.
It has been quite a winter. We look forward to Spring!
Stay safe and be blessed!
Amen, Luisa, in prayer for Ger’s protection safety and well being. 🙂 We raise a Hallelujah!!
praying for you Ger! God is right beside you and He knows the whole situation; I pray He gives you His peace; I enjoy hearing from you; God bless you;
Paul explains his and our purpose in God so very well to the Corinthians.
Blessings on all dear saints on this and every day till Jesus’ return and beyond.
(Romans 12:2 NLT)
I had a bad day on Monday. I thought I was losing my mind , but like you Beverlee I cried out to the Lord. He calmed my spirit and I denounced the devill in the name and blood of Jesus. My life verse came to mind Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
You are an inspiration to all of us Beverllee, so caring and loving.
Schools closed for the 4th time In February here in Halton Hills, Ontario. Thinking of you Ger and others who are unable to get around because of the weather. Blessings to everyone I look forward to reading all comments. Eleanor M.
So sorry to hear you had such a bad day, Eleanor.
So thankful that we’re never alone, no matter what we face.
We know it’s spiritual warfare but thanks be to God who has provided us with His armor with which to figh5 the enemy.
God bless you, dear sister in the Lord!
Amen Luisa, in agreement with you for Eleanor. We rise up with the love of our Saviour and gift of the Holy Spirit. May you sleep with angels, Eleanor, whispering gently in your ear, this evening.
So thankful Eleanor that you cried out to the Lord and He hears us!
So thankful for your posting; you give encouragement to others; as well as people realize they are not alone; Thank you Again, I pray God will grant you a wonderful day filled with His Love…amen
I’m new to the command page. God Bless You All.
Welcome, Teresa! Glad to have you with us!
Agreeing with Deanna. Welcome Teresa and God bless you!
Thank you for your love, beautiful saints in the Lord. So grateful for all of you!!
Praise God for giving us the Holy Spirit and for the gift of the Spirit, Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour. Thank you Lord God Almighty!
A great Testimony by David; also thanks for posting the pictures
Thank you Lord
all across our country there is a shortage of beds for the elderly; this is in a crisis;we pray the Lord will enter people`s hearts and they will begin to make plans to house those who need care; for those who do not wish to live alone; Lord we really need You to make way for us in this world; we pray You would speak to the leaders and that they might make this a priority in our country; so many people need help Lord; forgive our sinful ways; we are sorry and we ask for Your continued blessing in our lives and in the lives of our loved ones and our neighbours Thank you Lord IN Jesus Name I Pray amen