Today’s Reading: 1 Corinthians 1-2
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Here is the view of Athens from the Acropolis down towards the ruins of the Temple of Olympian Zeus.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 2:1, 4
And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God…And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
Athens, where Paul preached his famous sermon on Mars Hill, was very different from Corinth. In Athens, he did use “excellence of speech” as he debated the philosophers (Acts 17:16-34). In today’s reading Paul has moved about 40 miles south to the largest city of Greece, Corinth. Athens was the intellectual centre. Corinth was the commercial centre. Because of its location on a very narrow strip of land between the Adriatic and Aegean Seas, almost all shipping to the eastern regions of the Roman Empire passed through Corinth in order to avoid the dangerous trip around the southern peninsula. A canal was dug in 1893 for the ships, but back in the first century A.D. it took at least a week to haul the ships on rails or great wagons up and over to the opposite Sea. Meanwhile thousands of sailors, government officials, military personnel, businessmen, etc. would have a week of leisure. Paul, who financed his mission here by making tents, would’ve had no trouble selling everything he made to accommodate the travelers. It has been estimated that there were at least 5,000 prostitutes in Corinth.
I wrote the above in order to set the stage for Paul’s ministry, which will unfold for us as we continue over the next few days to read and consider these two letters from Paul to Corinth. The intellectual discourse of Athens would not get a hearing there. Demonstration of the Spirit and of power was absolutely essential in order to get anyone’s attention for the preaching of the Gospel. I’m way over 100 words….sorry.
Lord Jesus, just as Paul had to understand the cities in which he communicated Your message, help me to understand the people and places where I live and witness for You. Please show me when and how to make Your case for believing in You. In Your Name I pray. Amen!
Back in the 60’s and 70’s I read the Bible from cover to cover once a year, three chapters a day and five on Sunday. I encouraged others to do the same. Our ministry published study guides which were ordered by readers in advance. I discovered that by the time we reached Joshua, almost 80% of those who started with me had dropped out. In the 80’s and 90’s I moved our readings to two years through the Bible, moving from the Hebrew Scripture to the Greek, with alternate books for variety and balance between the Old and New Testaments. Approximately 80% of those who started with me in the new reading program ordered the materials and completed the entire Bible. These publications are out of print now, so I’ve moved into the brave new world of cyberspace just for you!!!
Yours for God’s gift of sanctified stubbornness in not giving up,
So blessed by Paul’s teaching, humility, and David’s message. May the light of our Lord and Saviour shine upon you, today, saints. Be safe in your day, ahead.
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 NKJV
The Afters – Fear No More with lyrics
Great song Beverlee:
affirms my morning’s devotional in Ph. 4:7-8, “be anxious for nothing…
Amen, sister Irene! 🙂
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All you need to do is Google and you’ve got it. Then if you click on the comment bubble you can go to previous day or next day. Archives are available as well. Hope this helps.
Let us hear the word., be guided by the word, and spread the gospel. In Jesus name amen
Amen,Dale !
yes, Amen Dale!
Yes, indeed, Amen, Dale!
Amen,Beverlee.I wonder how many His Spirit has saved through David??Perhaps David’s will be ‘the second face we see’??Humility is essential in a Christian to hear God’s voice.One of my ‘poems of comfort’ (before they changed to ‘poems of faith’ for the grieving.)I’m sneaking one in on a prayer for humility too.Yall be blessed.
“…the second face you’ll see.”
Don’t Look Back
Don’t look back,for I am not there,
Look forward and you will find me,
For I await,you will know where,
I’ll be the second face you’ll see.
Don’t look back,for it’s a trap,
Where many have been snared,
But not those who crossed that gap;
They have peace,for they have dared.
Don’t look back.for it’s full of tears,
Ahead is where your happiness lies,
For there our Savior takes our fears,
And burns them all as Satan dies.
G W (Bill) Marshall / Dec 30, 2012
True Strength
Thank you Lord for using me
To help others that can not see,
For in your words of what’s to be,
Shall be the light of eternity.
You give me the truth of your word,
That I might show others Your heart,
For it’s in the words I’ve often heard,
“Have love for each other to impart”.
I ask for humility to make me strong,
For true strength knows a humble soul,
And this strength knows right from wrong,
With the power to make one whole.
I surrender to your guidance and trust,
Since you know what’s best for me,
For it’s in your hands,before I am dust,
That you shape me for Your infinity.
G W(Bill) Marshall / June 05, 2013
Thank you William for sharing these poems with us!
Lovely poems, Bill. Thank you so much for sharing with us–truly a gift from God!
So good to be in the New Testament; and Paul’s teaching!
Thank you Ron and Ann and Reynold for this continued daily man; I pray the Lord’s continued blessing and strength to cover you and all the Mainse family with the Love, Peace and Joy of the Lord:)
The sun is shining here in the West today; I pray the Son to shine on you Saints of the Lord.
It should say “daily manna”
Good message and history of the culture of Corinth which had an influence on the church. Good message and prayer always of David’s. Am grieving today for the Syrian couple in Halifax area who lost all of their 7 children in their house fire Tuesday morning and the father is in the hospital badly burned. I’m sure you heard it on the news. Can’t imagine what they are going through and need our prayers. Blessings saints!
Thank you Ger for sharing this sad news; I didn’t have the news on today as yet.
Joining you in prayer for the heartache these parents will go througj’: Lord God hold them in the palm of your hands; and comfort them I pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!!
Joining Ger and Irene in prayer for the Syrian mother in Halifax whose husband is badly burned in hospital, and whose seven children have been taken from them. Dear God, we don’t understand such pain but trust those precious children are back home in heaven with You. Please Lord God, give this incredible Mother strength and bring healing and comfort to the Father in hospital. Ease him of his pain and suffering from the burns, Lord God. Cover them both with Your precious Blood of healing. May they feel the prayers of all Canadians who ache in their tragic loss. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, we pray. Amen, amen, and amen.
Yes, Amen Beverlee!
Amen, Beverlee !
Thank you David for setting the stage for Paul’s ministry’ also your prayer; thank you Reynold for the great photos; and the exposition of them.
Looking forward to Paul’s teaching in tomorrow’s scripture reading:
Bless you Mainse family for going on with this ministry; daily.