Today’s Reading: Romans 8
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Trevi Fountain is in Rome, Italy. Standing 26.3 metres high and 49.15 metres wide, it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most famous fountains in the world. The song, “Three Coins In The Fountain,” comes from here. Prayer is effective reality, not superstition, like the wishes made here.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord…
All the verses in Romans 8 are keys which unlock the amazing provisions God has for us. Therefore, we may want to read this chapter over and over again until we are absolutely sure that we have made every word an integral part of our being.
Here are some random thoughts… (1) “The law of the Spirit of life.” This is like the law of aerodynamics. When the power is applied to the aircraft engines, the law of gravity is overcome, and we rise to new heights. Today, apply the power of the Holy Spirit and rise above sin and death. Amen! (2) Just imagine; no don’t just imagine, actually do it. Call the God of the universe “Abba,” or in our language, “Daddy.” (3) Our key verses, like dozens of other promises of God, offer the perfect antidote to worry, fear, and uncertainty. So lift up your head. Go into the world with total confidence. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from the Lord Jesus and His love!
Lord God, You cannot lie. You’ve promised me Your constant presence, and I believe You 100%. Please grant me a new consistency in faith in You, so that I won’t worry, fret, or have any fear. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!
These new technologies (such as the Internet) are a complete mystery to me. I understand almost nothing. I do understand, however, that NOTHING can separate me from God’s love. That’s the most important understanding in the universe. This amazing ability that God has to be able to give individual attention to billions of us is mind boggling. He’s far more sophisticated than the Internet, and He never goes down. God placed the physical laws in His creation concerning the Internet (millions of messages simultaneously). Man did not really invent the Internet; man simply thought God’s thoughts after Him and discovered it. Like North America, it was there all the time. The Native people knew that, and Columbus discovered it for the rest of the world.
Yours for communicating God’s love in person and through every available technology,
P.S. The great cathedrals of Europe contained magnificent sculptures. Most of them represented Bible people.They were created to communicate visually to a largely illiterate people. In my childhood we had something called “flannel graph.” Remember that? We are in a visual age. Have you checked out 100 Huntley Street’s video website lately? Why don’t you do a little exploring there today? Visit
If Christ is for us, who shall be against us? Amen! It does not always seem that easy, when we are in the woes of struggle, but resting in the Word shall give us strength. Let us soak in HIs Holy Presence for His love is so great that it can heal the world in one single breath. He loves each of us the same–with that much love. He sees and holds each of us in that same Holy breath. When we soak in His Holy Presence, we feel rekindled by His love and face a better day. Christ lives in us, saints. May each step of our walk, today, be blessed, the same.
“Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them.” Isaiah 42:9 ESV
Just As I Am (for BIll)
Just as I Am
Travis Cottrell
Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee
O Lamb of God, I come, I come
Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot
O Lamb of God, I come, I come
I come broken to be mended
I come wounded to be healed
I come desperate to be rescued
I come empty to be filled
I come guilty to be pardoned
By the blood of Christ the Lamb
And I’m welcomed with open arms
Praise God, just as I am
Just as I am, I would be lost
But mercy and grace my freedom bought
And now to glory in Your cross
Oh Lamb of God I come, I come
I come broken to be mended
I come wounded to be healed
I come desperate to be rescued
I come empty to be filled
I come guilty to be pardoned
By the blood of Christ the Lamb
And I’m welcomed with open arms
Praise God, just as I am
I come broken to be mended
I come wounded to be healed
I come desperate to be rescued
I come empty to be filled
I come guilty to be pardoned
By the blood of Christ the Lamb
And I’m welcomed with open arms
Praise God, just as I am
Praise God, just as I am
Just as I am
Songwriters: Sue C. Smith / Travis Cottrell / David E. Moffitt
Just as I Am lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Capitol Christian Music Group
Thank you,Beverlee.A beautiful song that stirs the heart and soul.God bless
Thank you Beverlee , such wonderful and encouraging words. Love ‘Just as I am ‘ it always brings tears to my eyes.
I prayed David”s prayer this morning, I don’t hav to worry or fret, praise God. Blessings to all blog friends.
Yes dear Beverlee, thank you for this beautiful song.
Like Eleanor, it brings tears to my eyes Every. Single. Time!
I did not know the words to the bridge…what a beautiful prayer.
I ask that God will bless you, dear Beverlee just as you bless us so faithfully with your encouraging, uplifting words and the links to the songs. You are a blessing to all of us!
I am asking Our ABBA Father to be near to each and everyone of you and answer when you call! Amen!
Thank you Luisa, you are so sweet! He sure spoke to my heart his morning, how much we are loved. God bless you, and you, as well, Bill. Thank you for your lovely poems!!
Glad to hear that Edward is doing ok.
I apologize for mixing up your’s and Irene’s name.
Thanks Beverley Kay and Sah for continuing to pray Kelly.
Sah I pray that your neighbor will either be considerate or hurry up and complete the renovation.
Have a wonderful day everyone. God bless you all.
thanks Thelma, I pray the Holy Spirit to enter his heart and he will think about his actions, perhaps, one day and I hope not for a long time, maybe he may need peace and quiet,
Hello this is this is Marilyn I understand that you have a sleeping disorder are you under the care of a psychiatrist and are you on on meds and does he or she recommend that you go to bed at 4 in the morning and get up at noon just want to know
Holding you and your husband Edward in prayer, Eleanor. Strength and healing to come.
Amen, Beverlee! the song “Just as I am” is the song that confirmed my commitment to His love for me just as I was!
Amen Beverlee! Also thank you for song, It was the song that affirmed my salvation as I went forward for prayer.
Yes, Rom. 8:37 says that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us. So many encouraging verses in this chapter which we have no doubt quoted many times, like Romans 8:28. love that song too Beverlee and thank you for being a blessing. Snowed here for 3 days now. Thank God the Lord has provided help for me. Have a great day saints.
I’ve often used the idea of a mainframe computer as representing God and the internet,the Holy Spirit and a PC as Jesus (or us).The mainframe has all the information but the PC can’t hold that much.However,the PC (Perfect Christ?) has access to any of that information through the internet (the Holy Spirit) at the speed of light.
In reality,God is infinitely larger and faster that anything man made.
We are His and nothing can change that.He is working within us even when we don’t know it to gradually pull out the roots of sin SLOWLY so as not to damage us further.In a nut shell:”Don’t worry,be happy.”Thank You,Jesus.
Praise God today’s scripture tell us that He will never leave and that He intercedes for us in prayer, we do not know what to pray for but The Spirit does.
We can be secure in Him, in His word. and encouraged. His promises are “Yes” and “Amen”!!
Appreciate David’s comments as he expounds on the scriptures. Manna fresh every day. The photos and exposition of them.
This is the Day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! And His promise that He never leaves us or forsakes us!!!
I so appreciate the last line in your blog! God bless you….
Hello this is Marilyn Bussey again I left you a comment the other day where I asked you guys you have a sleeping disorder and I asked you if you were under the care of a psychiatrist and if you are on meds and if he or she recommends you going to bed at 4 in the morning and getting up at noon is that okay with your doctor or what has he or she advised you in terms of treatment just want to know again please reply
oops that should read “He will never leave us or forsake us”
Hi Beverlee Kay
in 2000 I got my computer given to me and I had to choose an e mail address, so I chose ASIM, BUT someone had that already so I simply added 1 to the end!
I love the song!