Today’s Reading: Acts 19-20
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This theatre, first constructed in the 3rd century BC, was the most magnificent structure in the ancient city of Ephesus. During the Roman period, it was expanded to seat 25,000 people. It is referenced in today’s reading (Acts 19:29).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Acts 20:24
But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
“I fought with beasts at Ephesus!” (1 Corinthians 15:32a – it could’ve been in the theatre pictured above). That, plus other events in today’s reading, over a period of three years, resulted in Paul successfully planting a strong Church in a city given to the worship of the goddess Diana. When we arrive in our daily blog at Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we’ll experience the depth of their understanding of Christ. Even this Church, as strong as they were, could drift away from their first love (Revelation 2:1-7). In Ephesus, Paul found Jewish men who believed in Jesus through a disciple of John the Baptist. Obviously the one who shared the story of Jesus had left Jerusalem before the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 in the upper room (Acts 2:4). Here is another outpouring of God’s Spirit which was manifested outwardly in the same way. We should experience the Holy Spirit in our lives too. Let’s not stop short of all God has for us. Amen!
Lord Jesus, re-kindle in me the fire of my first love. Blow with the mighty rushing Wind of Your Spirit upon the embers of my life which sometimes just smolder. By faith I welcome You, Holy Spirit, as I spend further time in prayer. Amen! Amen!
I have prayed with the Spirit and with the understanding also (1 Corinthians 14:15). As prophecy is for the edification of others, I’ll continue with my blog. A few days ago I referred to Revelation 19:10. I need reminders…”For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” The most thorough, yet concise, testimony of Jesus is an evidence of the spirit of prophecy. Paul wrote this powerful statement: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3b-4). This may be the first such confession in writing in the Greek Scriptures. The Scriptures to which Paul refers are those written in Hebrew, which he spent a lifetime studying. This was how Paul was able to speak so convincingly, for three whole months, in the synagogue of Ephesus (19:8). Today, the area of Turkey that was ancient Ephesus has a majority Muslim population. O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, help me never to lose my first love for You! Muslims believe that God is not a “Father” and that He has no Son. I exalt You, Jesus, Son of the living God! You are risen from the dead and You are forever alive. Amen! Amen!!!!!!! That’s New Testament prophecy. It flows out of us in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Yours for God’s Spirit to flow through us all,
So enjoyed the readings David’s comments and his prayer, which I prayed for me as well.
Have a Blessed day everyone. ❤️ Eleanor M.
Enjoyed watching you, Deanna on yesterday’s 100 Huntley’s program.
Wonderful testimony of God’s power at work in restoring lives. You did a great job! Thank you for sharing to encourage others.
I remember Rev. Gordon Williams and his contagious smile.
God bless everyone today and come to the aid of those in need ( that’s all of us)
Thank you so much
, Luisa, for your kind, encouraging words. There is certainly no greater joy than declaring what Jesus has done in my life, and I was truly blessed to be able to do so on 100 Huntley Street.
Gordon Williams prayed for one of my sons who did not seem to be growing physically. I took him to a paediatrician who had X-rays done of his bones. The X-rays, he said, revealed that they indicated they were finished growing. When Gorden prayed, Mark grew 7 inches in 6 months! We asked Gordon to “stop praying “ now!
Too funny Doreen and praise the Lord for Gordon Williams! You’ve been highly favored as well as your dear son.
LOL, that is wonderful Doreen! Thank you for sharing that!
Deanna iI also enjoyed seeing you on Huntley St. It is so amazing and encouraging to hear what the Lord has done in your life. God Bless you and your dear husband and family. Eleanor M.
Thank you Eleanor! I counted it a great privilege indeed, to testify to what the Lord has done in my life. Bless you and Merry Christmas to you and your family 🙂
“I once heard eternity described this way: Imagine that a hummingbird transports a tiny speck of dirt from earth to the moon once every thousand years. By the time it has moved our entire planet, eternity will have only begun.
We have only this moment to prepare for eternity. If you’re not sure Jesus is your Lord, trust in him as your Savior today. If you’re not sure you’re ready to meet God, get ready.
And help everyone you know be prepared as well. Your vocation is God’s calling. Where you work and live is your mission field. Make Jesus the King of your time, resources, and influence. Live every day as if it were your last day. One day, you’ll be right.”
Lynda,That is very good advice but I think we (myself at least) need the Holy Spirit to show me how to do this.Many times He seems to lead me on FB to ‘speak out’ but I am sheltered there.I would like to have the ability to turn a conversation toward talking about Jesus but I don’t so,obviously,that is not what He wills for me to do…at least,not yet.Thanks you for yesterday’s comments.God bless
A poem where time meets eternity:
Time is a dream where everyone partakes,
Like a bubble on the circle of eternity,
Where God can reach out as He makes
Each one ready to find infinity.
Time is made with a start and a finish,
Where eternity had never known such,
So He could measure without anguish
Every deed we do and each heart we touch.
Time is a miracle that hides our lives
Where darkness is a future yet unknown,
For this darkness has treasure that gives
Light unto the many who’s truth he’s shown.
Time is a gift that will show The Master,
That we freely choose to love fellow man,
Or we fall in selfish disaster,
Where some choose to reject His holy plan.
Time will end at Heaven’s gates where His love
Will welcome His holy Lamb and His sheep,
With new work in His Kingdom above
To find the reward that each one shall reap.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 06 July, 2013
Very beautiful thoughts and words Bill. I know what u mean about being sheltered. It’s almost an art to know when someone will be receptive of hearing about our Lord and Saviour; otherwise I’m fearful of turning anyone away from Him so you’re not the only one who hasn’t been hit with His Spirit to that extent yet either. He loves us to no end though so rejoice!! faults and all:-)! I usually only go onto FB to do research for my stories I have to report for the newspaper. Wonderful place though to spread the Word. My dad used to quote Abou Ben Adem to us 14 kids all the time and it used to drive me crazy but now I love poetry…..just saying:-).
Meditating on the key verse. The Apostle Paul did not consider his life dear unto himself. Was a very good testimony Deanna and I know the area you came from. Remember Gordon Williams praying for me in F’ton in 1982 and I was slain out as well. Felt the presense of the Lord when he laid his hands on me. God bless all his servants and 100Huntley St. who helped nurture them and send them out. Am glad the Lord blessed you in the end Deanna. Have a good day saints! Ger
Thank you Ger! We have some common spiritual ground – the Lord is so good 🙂
Amen Ger!
Deanna,I just watched you online from yesterday.You were blessed to ask Jesus to turn your life around.I am glad you found happiness.I experienced that ‘warmth’ you spoke of when a neighbour invited me to his church.After about the 3rd Sunday,as I sat down,a feeling of extreme warmth/love/comfort came over me along with ‘the knowledge’ that that is where God wanted me to be…where I belonged.I accepted a second offer to be a deacon there barely over a year ago.That little church is like a family.God bless
Strange u should mention the ‘warmth’ sensation Bill as I too felt that when God seemed to let me know that his Spirit was now upon me…. long story.
Deanna was such an inspiration and so happy her life has turned out so blessedly.
Thank you Lynda, I will never forget or stop being thankful to the Lord for opening the door to share what He’s done for me, to so many precious souls at once. Blessings on you!
Thank you William. I am glad you got to watch my story. I have experienced it on more than one occasion and it is so difficult sometimes to find the words to describe it, but yes the warmth/comfort/love all together. Bless you
Re today’s prayer.This was written about 6 months before I began to read the bible via 100 Words:
The King’s Task
Set fire to my soul,oh Lord,
Make me burn with truth and love,
So our honour can be restored,
With wisdom from Your throne above .
Oh Master,you lifted me up high
From the depths of hell’s pit,
To complete me and quell my cry,
But there’s no debt I can remit.
You have shared with me your strength
And buoyed my heart from grief,
So I can go with you to any length
To give your words of truth’s relief.
Sorrow has no power over your word,
But when Satan’s lies are believed,
Faith is robbed by what’s inferred,
So your light now must be retrieved.
Because of shadows over this land,
I ask you now to let me speak,
In words you place in my hand,
That shows your might beside the meek.
I seek humility to keep me strong,
So give me that is all I can ask,
Then I will seek within the throng,
With this beggar doing the King’s task.
G W (Bill) Marshall /January 08, 2013
I too prayed David’s prayer. Holy Spirit fill me afresh, Lord keep me close to that my daily walk be for Your Glory; Jesus, I pray in Your Mighty Holy Name.
What tenacity and determination Paul had in his desire to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit for the Glory of God. Lord God let that be so in the life of Your Church, these days. Awaken us to Your life and Love for us.
Be a peace this day all you saints. How blessed we are to have this daily manna given to us. Thank you Ron, Ann and Reynold.
Wonderful testimony to the Lord’s intervention and restoration in your life Deanna, thank you for sharing it on 100 Huntley Street; giving hope and encouragement to many.
Thank you Irene! I pray He uses it in any way He pleases. Blessings on you 🙂
Oh Deanna!! What a joy to just watch/hear you/your testimony on 100 Huntley Street! So nice to put your face and voice to your comments. Thank you for opening your heart and soul. Praise God for your life and family. Wow!! God bless you, dear sister-in-Christ!!
Thank you Beverlee – I am glad you enjoyed it. Even though I was quaking inside, I trusted He would help me and give me the words – I give Him all the praise and glory. Bless you also!
Oh Deanna!! What a joy to just watch/hear you/your testimony on 100 Huntley Street! So nice to put your face and voice to your comments. Thank you for opening your heart and soul. Praise God for your life and family. Wow!! God bless you, dear sister-in-Christ!
TY Lord for this prayer site;bless all who contribute,heal those who are ill;send people to talk with for those who are lonely;
Lord I ask You to hand pick me a good room mate;you know the kind of person I am looking for;I had very nice; very enjoyable people,who all worked hard,
help me to forgive those who have hurt me,
bless DR with his music ministry;
Bless my children & grand-children
TY for all the blessings, for my car, the hubcap, the odometer;Bless Rick;
Lord help me to be a good listener for those who suffer with a chemical imbalance or a mental illness; help to be humble, and again, help me to forgive those who do not understand this illness, in Jesus Name I Pray amen