Today’s Reading: Acts 17-18
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GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Acts 17:30-31
Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.
Our key verses are taken from Paul’s message delivered while he was standing on a rise of rock just above the marketplace of Athens. Towering above him, already 500 years old, was the Parthenon. Imagine the boldness of Paul as he proclaimed Jesus and compared Him to the altar they had erected “to the unknown god.” What an example for us! We must never allow great temples of man’s creation, ridicule or persecution to intimidate us in any way. Paul spoke fearlessly and wisely. He even quoted one of the Greek poets. It has been said that “all truth is God’s truth.” Paul knew the Scripture found in Proverbs 11:30b, “He who wins souls is wise.” God promises wisdom to us when we ask Him (James 1:5). Ask! Open our hearts and mouths to those we encounter today. “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10). Just start to witness…you’ll be amazed where God takes you!
Dear Lord, grant me the grace to practice today this very message being shared with me and my blog partners. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!
When I have preached on the streets, I have had to fight and win over fear. It was the same when I went on TV for the first time almost 55 years ago. It’s really no different from the hesitation I feel in one-to-one ministry. I’ve had to just start speaking. Starting is the hard part. Once I’ve started, I know I have to keep going. Of course, I’ve had to be willing to fail and look like the biggest fool around. But God has never let me down! Also, God lets me know when to stop. The thoughts which I’m expressing cease to come to me. I’ve heard of the person who had nothing to say, but he had to have a place to say it! We, however, have the most important message in the whole world. A preacher was asked how he got his message across so clearly. He answered, “I tell them what I’m going to tell them. Then I tell them what I’m telling them. Then I tell them what I told them.” May I always remember that “Jesus” is my message.
Yours for communicating “Jesus” to the whole world and one-to-one at every opportunity,
Please Lord, help us (me) with that.
In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen Rob!
Yes, fear of the unknown can paralyze our well-meaning thoughts. Paul and his fellow believers certainly ploughed forward with God’s spirit well entrenched in them.
“Every day we spend on earth is another day we are not with our Father in heaven. Each day must therefore have a purpose so significant that our Father is willing to leave us here to fulfill it.”
May God fill us ALL with his holy spirit.
Amen Lynda!
Amen Lynda!
Moving quote Lynda. Paul was very vigorous in his witness not wasting any time, but spending a whole year and a half in Corinth. Did anyone else have no sound on their video version today?
When about to click on the sound symbol (speaker) scroll further down and the text will appear with the sound
I did not have sound, so I switched to ch.78 . Amen to Lynda and Ger’s comments.
With me it is a fear that I don’t know enough (or can’t recall it when I need it) and will make Jesus look badly….But David reminds us we have to accept that possibility.It was my prayer that,if it is His will,He will equip me.
Lynda,I strongly suspect God equips those who He chooses with His Spirit,enabling them to do ‘His will’.
Here is a link to a map of Paul’s journeys which makes the reading more interesting.I saved the map to my desktop.,paul%27s+travels&rlz=1C1NHXL_enCA728CA728&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=vbS-kZQawwBVPM%253A%252Cyoeb_b0VcpCf_M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kQowyjH_P0TO8cMGvvj2p2KEbS1ig&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWv8f3wovfAhXsYt8KHSrFBkoQ9QEwCnoECAMQGA#imgrc=vbS-kZQawwBVPM:
Amazing display of the areas Paul travelled in his time. Thanks very much for this Bill. As long as we keep God in our thoughts I believe He’ll give us the right words at the right time. Every time knowing I’m going to be around people I ask God to keep me from saying or doing anything that would turn a soul against Him. Sometimes fear can be a blessing:-)!
So delighted to be able to find good quotes from saints nearly every day and share them on this blog. Blessings on ALL who love our Lord and those who will come to know and love Him.
Like David speaks in his personal message, I too need the Lord to open mouth even though I do so with fear and trepidation.
Lord, HELP!
Blessings on your day all you saints!
I just finished watching you Deanna on Huntley Street online. What amazing testimony and you handled yourself beautifully. I was so encouraged with your message about how God can restore our lives. I am going through a season of losses, and although it has been my hope eventually God would restore what I have loss, a part of me didn’t believe it. So thank you for sharing.
Thank you Donna, for your very encouraging comments. I am so glad you were blessed. I will pray for you, to our precious Lord and Savior who delights in redeeming and restoring the lives of His children. Sometimes it can happen in ways we don’t even expect. It is so comforting to know that He always knows what each of us needs and His timing is always perfect. Much love to you.