Saturday, November 10, 2018


Today’s Reading: Numbers 10-11

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


A replica of the Ark of the Covenant located at Timna National Park in Israel’s Jordan Valley.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Numbers 11:14

I am not able to bear all these people alone, because the burden is too heavy for me. If You treat me like this, please kill me here and now — if I have found favor in Your sight — and do not let me see my wretchedness!


Imagine how excited all the people were as…”They started out for the first time” (10:13). It is plain to see that the emotions they felt were not grounded in faith. Almost immediately they began to complain about the food. They remembered the menu back in Egypt, and they were not happy campers. Complaining always has a ripple effect. Now Moses is complaining to God. God has a solution as He always does. We need to read twice Numbers 11:16-30. Moses’ response was prophetic, “O that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them.” Joel’s prophecy (Joel 2:28) predicted this. Peter quoted Joel (Acts 2:14-21) to explain that God was now doing what Moses longed for. God put His Spirit upon the Lord’s people and they prophesied. What is New Testament prophecy? “The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy” (Revelation 19:10b).


Lord Jesus, John the Baptist said of You, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” I ask for today, and every day, that You will immerse me in Your Holy Spirit, and keep me submerged in the Spirit always so that I will constantly speak, “the testimony of Jesus.” Amen!


When I first became a Dad, I remember reading Numbers 11. There were two “dads” (I’m stretching it a bit here)…Eldad and Medad, who were home, and while they had responsibilities as elders, they had not made it to Moses’ meeting. Nevertheless, God put His Spirit upon them at home, just as He did on those who were in the tent of meeting. They prophesied (11:26) right where they were. I expect God’s Spirit to come upon me when I’m at a meeting, but also when I’m not. Moses was so depressed over the complaints of the people that he asked God to kill him. Then, he and Elijah (who also asked God to take him out of this life) showed up on the Mount of Transfiguration to strengthen Jesus who, in His humanity, needed the ministry of these men. If Jesus needed their company, so do I. I don’t actually expect Moses to show up. However, Moses’ words are showing up before me, and his words encourage me to press on.

Yours for uplifting messages from Moses, Peter, Elijah, and most of all from Jesus!


9 thoughts on “Saturday, November 10, 2018

  1. Moses did not ‘pull his punches’ with the Father.He spoke bluntly and truthfully with Him and I think the Lord respects that.He knows our thoughts anyway,but ‘consciously’ speaking our mind is an act of free will and honesty we should all adopt.Moses had a tremendous load to carry with little human help and,as pointed out today,the holy Spirit was on few men to help.I am in a ‘mini Moses position’ as a new deacon (and also by far the youngest of the 3) to take action against the complainers in our congregation who are listening to Satan’s urgings to jump to unreasonable conclusions.(We have lost a few good members because of this.)I must plant a bug in the ear of one of these complainers and PRAY!Please pray for our tiny congregation;God knows where we are.Yall have a great day and may God bless

  2. Sah,I had to go back a few days for this:
    “sah on November 8, 2018 at 5:23 am said:
    To William Marshall
    there is a book Joining Jesus on His Mission by Greg Finke; it is very helpful, if you can get a copy I think you would enjoy the reading…..”

    I did not have time to finish my search when I read this. Huntley’s estore does not have it but Amazon does.Thank you,Sah.God bless
    Reply ↓

    • God bless you William Marshall, yes, the book is on Amazon…Pastor is doing a Bible Study on this book for about 8 weeks, I find it very enjoyable; it starts at 3 p.m. which is so good for me….I found many other ways to approach sharing the Gospel with others; there is no one for way for all….I found it very helpful to read that sometimes it could take years to “listen” to others before a child of the Most High God would ask Jesus into their hearts,
      I also wish to thank you William Marshall for your input on this prayer blog! I always appreciate your thoughts and I must say, I enjoy this prayer site immensely…it gives me a “lift” in my spirit..
      Blessings to everyone,

  3. Yes William, those who are never satisfied with anything, constantly complaining can truly disrupt the peace within a congregation, or anywhere.

    God does not tolerate complainers!

    Prayed David’s prayer “Lord immerse me with Your Holy Spirit” daily.

    “Fill me now, fill me now, Jesus come and fill me now, fill me with Your Holy Presence, come O come and fill me now” Lord God we need your presence daily!!
    Thank you Reynold for that photo of the “Ark of the Covenant”.
    Thank you Ron and Ann for this daily manna. May our Lord continue to bless and strengthen you in all you do!

  4. My sister-in-love sent me this so wanted to share:
    Wycliffe Bible Translator / JAARS friends
    GOD is at work using HIS word.

    “The son of an imam and a former Muslim himself, Sani (pseudonym) has assisted with some translation workshops over the past year in West Africa. A few weeks ago, Sani received a phone call from an unknown number. The caller said that he and his four friends were aware of Sani’s work among the people group they belonged to and that they all shared the same heart language. They wanted Sani to come and meet with them and tell them about Jesus. It soon became apparent that these five belonged to a militant group. Sani began to wonder whether this was a trap and declined the meeting.

    The caller phoned again the next day, begging Sani to meet with them. The five admitted they were leaders of a militant group. In fact, they had been leading their group of 2,500 through the bush to a neighboring state to launch an attack when they were blocked by a vision of a man in brilliant white whose feet were on the ground with his head in the sky. All five leaders and many of the larger group saw this vision and retreated. They wondered whether they had stumbled upon a holy trail and decided to proceed by a different route the next day. Again, they were confronted by the same vision. This happened five separate times.

    Upon returning to camp, the five leaders took their prayer rugs and separated themselves from the camp and each other to pray and reflect. While sitting alone, a man in white approached the caller, greeted him and sat down next to him. The visitor told the caller all that had recently happened, what was going on in the caller’s head and shared from the Scriptures.

    This baffled the caller. “Who are you and how do you know these things?” � he asked.

    The visitor had been sitting with his hands tucked under his arms. He pulled out his hands, showing the holes in each, and proclaimed, “I am Jesus. I have come that you might have salvation and bring salvation to others.”� The militant leader fell to his knees and surrendered to Jesus, his Lord. The visitor walked away and disappeared into the bush.

    The newly converted leader got up and ran to the closest of the other four leaders to tell him what had happened but discovered that the other leader had just experienced the same thing! Soon they discovered that all five had the same visit at the same time. They quickly discussed what they should do next and remembered hearing about Sani, a man who talked about Jesus in their own language.

    After praying and talking with his wife, Sani accepted the risky invitation. He drove out of town and met the caller, who took him by motorbike to their camp, where Sani retired to a restless sleep.

    At daybreak, Sani entered the camp to find 2,500 militants assembled and waiting to hear him speak. Even though he is a preacher, something prompted Sani to simply read the Scripture. Fortunately, the New Testament had been completed and dedicated just six years earlier, which meant that Sani could read God’s Word to the crowd in their heart language. He read from the book of James. After reading four chapters, he gave an invitation to accept Jesus and all 2,500 responded!

    • WOW! Lynda! this story gives me goose bumps! PRAISE THE LORD! PRAISE THE LORD! Thank you Lord, thank you, Rejoicing in Jesus amen amen amen!!!!

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