Today’s Reading: Leviticus 20-21
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These are the remains of the Temple of Pan in Caesarea Philippi. This shrine was likely in full view when Jesus asked his disciples, “Whom do men say that I am?” and “Who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ the Son of the living God!”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 20:8
And you shall keep My statutes, and perform them: I am the Lord who sanctifies you.
The god Pan, half goat and half man, was worshipped at the place pictured above. There is no record of a people group that did not worship someone or something. To worship is a basic human characteristic. We will worship! Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, invites us to worship Him, and so does the fallen angel, Lucifer, who declared war in Heaven so that he would be worshipped instead of his Creator. Our reading today begins with Molech, the horrible manifestation of Satan who demanded children as a sacrifice; worshippers would throw their babies into the fire. We understand that The Great “I am” sought the deliverance of His people from these things. The animal sacrifices were the picture of the final sacrifice when God would give His One and only Son as the ultimate Sacrifice. He sanctified (separated, made holy) a people who would begin the process of bringing people back to the true God.
Lord Jesus, I choose to serve You and not things made with men’s hands. Please grant me the grace to hold firmly to You and You alone. I worship You, Lord Jesus. Amen!
The penalties described in our reading were seldom carried out, according to the Jewish Rabbis. Forgiveness was offered and received. I can remember making threats of punishment for wrong doing to my children. Reynold, our photographer, was the target of these declarations of justice several times. I would send him to his room and inevitably this 5, 6, or 7-year-old would be on his knees when I arrived. “O God, dear Jesus,” he would cry out, “forgive me and make me a good boy.” What could I do? Of course, I forgave him, and I also knelt beside him, prayed for him, hugged him, and rarely would he be punished further. However, I could not help but notice the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He’d figured out how to lessen the punishment. As he matured, he became a boy who loved to pray, even when not under judgment from his Dad. Then he was filled with the Holy Spirit, but that’s another story, which I may tell when we get to the Book of Acts.
Yours to emphasize the worship of the One and only true God,
Thank you for your blog this day awaken inside of me more Holy Spirit come fill me. Worship so good to praise our Creator.Thank you 100 Huntley for this blog.
So tender, David kneeling beside Reynold. Made me think of a time when David visited my apt in Wpg. When I said I wanted to pray for him , he leapt up from tbe couch and knelt at my footstool ! 🙂
I can’t imagine what kind of a parent would sacrifice his children, particularly to an inanimate figure!!
Yes I too pray, Lord help me to “firmly to You and You alone”!!!
beautiful day here in Alberta today…thank you Jesus!!
TY Lord for this blog! I still am in all sorts of ups & downs in my life! Lord You removed smokes/booze from me 23 years ago & gave me swimming! I still swim! So thankful to You dear Lord for this wonderful gift!
Lord I ask for financial breakthrough to clear debts,help family,get upgrades done! TY Lord for my car which You gave me last year! A beautiful 2005 Toyota Coralla! TY Lord Bless parents Lord and bless the children and the leaders of our country; keep us safe and we pray the Holy Spirit will enter peoples hearts and bring them to church to worship and share the Gospel with all people, our neighbours, our families, TY Lord for all the blessings of this day in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Noticing that I am not getting blog for Friday, Oct. 12.
Me too…did not get blog for Oct. 12, 2018
Unable to get blog for Oct 12/18 Miss it !
Me too!
Same for me.
same here!