Today’s Reading: Exodus 25
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The High Priest performing his duties in the replica of the Tabernacle of Moses at the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario during the summer of 2012. Pictured are the Table of Showbread, the Golden Lampstand, and the Ark of the Covenant.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photos, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 25:8
And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.
This chapter starts with an offering. The word “willingly” reminds us of 2 Corinthians 9:7, “God loves a cheerful giver.” The gifts to God were gold, silver, bronze, etc. Out of these offerings to the Lord, the artisans were to make the Ark of the Covenant, the Table of Showbread, the Golden Lampstand and the rest of the furnishings of the Tabernacle. The imagination of the people was fired by the stories told by the craftsmen and the priests. The lid of the Ark was known as the “Mercy Seat.” God was “mercy seated” toward His people as a result of the blood of the sacrifice which was sprinkled on the golden overlay of the Ark. For a commentary on these powerful symbols, let’s find the time to read, if possible before we sleep tonight, Hebrews chapters 8, 9, & 10, the faith chapter 11, and then 12 & 13 (click here to read). This will be most worthwhile in understanding what all this means for us.
Dear Lord, thank You for being mercy seated for me. I pray with the publican in the Temple, “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:13). According to Your Word, I am forgiven and my sin is gone. Amen! (1 John 1:9)
The pictures today are not taken in Israel but in the back parking lot of the Crossroads Centre, in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. During the summer of 2012, thousands of people visited this amazing replica. It was created by Teen Missions International of Florida and transported to us here in Canada in a huge tractor trailer truck. When visitors entered the full-sized replica, the Outer Court, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies, there was silence, except for the High Priest who says appropriate prayers in Hebrew. Crossroads erected a “Tent of Meeting” where a pastor/teacher shared how Jesus of Nazareth took the symbols and made them reality in His life and in His sacrificial death on the Cross. Many made decisions to become believers in Jesus, receiving Him as Saviour and Lord.
Yours to help us all assimilate (make part of ourselves) God’s revelation to the human family,
P.S. The Tabernacle project has been at the Crossroads Centre in 1997, as well as in 2012. Crossroads continually seeks to initiate creative ways to bring thousands of precious people to Jesus. The prayers and support of every blog reader are so very important moving forward (for giving info, click here).
I was a tour guide for the 1997 Tabernacle. What a wonderful experience that was for those touring & for the tour guides. The Presence of God was evident & many people groups enjoyed the teaching. A remember a Mennonite group singing acupella in the Holy Place so beautifully in 3 part harmony. A cherished memory for me.
G’day.It’s the first time I never noticed Rev.Rick Hebert’s name as portraying the priest in this picture so I am mentioning it.That is a great project for anyone to see.I have to be satisfied with pictures and I am.Thank you again to all in the Crossroads team,especially Ron and Ann for continuing David’s legacy.God bless
Back To The Garden
I want to go back to the garden,
Back to before sin knew it’s name;
Before hearts of stone would harden,
For then,Lord,our hearts were the same.
Father take me back,if only in dreams,
To Your world where love was to blossom,
Where birds sang beside mountain streams,
And the beauty that grew was so awesome.
Show me this secret garden of yours,
Where I can be free from my sin,
Where the angels keep open doors
And time was not free to begin.
Show me the way to the garden path,
For too long my garden sprouts sin,
So let Your fire burn free your wrath
To build a new heart from within.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 21 Feb, 2014
Thank you Dioreen for your input this morning and Bill for your lovely poem. Blessings to all as we worship our Lord on His Day.
Thank You Lord for the New and Better Covenant!
At our Assembly, the message was on “entering into the Secret Place of the Most High God”