Today’s Reading: Exodus 13
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Looking at the sunrise over the Judean desert, we can see the Dead Sea in the distance beyond the mountain of Masada, which was Herod’s fortress and the place where the Jewish freedom fighters made their last stand in 72 A.D.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 13:14
So it shall be, when your son asks you in time to come, saying, “What is this” that you shall say to him, “By strength of hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage…”
Four times in today’s reading God’s “Strong Hand” is emphasized. Repetition in Scripture indicates the importance of, in this case, the word picture presented to us. Throughout the millennia, the Children of Israel, known today as Jews, have continued to repeat over and over those words in their annual family ritual known as the “Passover.” In every observant household a child will ask, “What is this?” Again in the Scriptures we read the word, “ordinance.” Simply put, it’s an order from God. Of course the Jews who were the first followers of Jesus continued this “remembrance” every year. It was at “Passover” that Jesus said, as He gave His disciples the bread and wine, “This do in remembrance of Me.” When must obedient Christians partake? There is no set time as is the case of “Passover.” The word “often” is important. It can be daily; it can be weekly; it can be monthly or even annually. But time must be set aside regularly to obey the orders of Jesus to partake in the “Lord’s Supper.” For supplementary reading, go to Matt. 26:26-29, Luke 22:14-20, 1 Cor. 11:23-31.
Lord Jesus, You established what we refer to as “Communion.” Please grant me the grace of consistently obeying Your standing orders to repeat often the observance You established. May I partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine with a deep discernment of Your sacrifice. With Your “Strong Hand” You reached out to the whole human family, and we nailed Your Hands to the Cross. Thank You for the Gift of Your Body and Blood. Amen!
I want to introduce you to Sam Moore, former owner and operator of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the company which financed the new translation of the King James Version of the Bible. Approximately every 100 years another translation of the classic version, KJV, is presented to the world. I was raised on an older translation. For example, the words “thee” and “thou” are no longer in use in everyday conversation. It would be next to impossible for anyone today to read with understanding the actual translation from 1611. A spoken language is constantly changing. Sam’s vision to bring together the finest scholars during the 1970’s caught my attention. He came several times as a guest on TV with me. Some of his scholars were also my guests. The entire Bible translation was completed and published in 1982. Sam was an immigrant from Lebanon to the USA who began selling Bibles from door to door as a university student to pay for his board, room and education, and he was so successful that I have beside me as I type, the New King James Version, my favourite modern translation of God’s Word. Thank You Sam! Click here to find his biography book.
Yours for a greater understanding of God’s revelation of His thoughts printed in the language I know best, English,
Oh what an event! The reading this morning tells me God is in control and HE can be trusted to take care of us and our loved ones!
( I read ahead to chapt 14) Our Father is our maker and defender!
Amen Anne!
would you all please pray for me, I am asking the Lord to bring me a good room mate; someone that He would hand pick for me
I think it would be good for me to have someone else living here, I have a room in the back that is clean and very nice;has own bath,own entrance,
BUT God has to pick the right person,
so please pray that the Lord will do just that, pick the right person for me
what do I do Lord!
thank you and God`s blessing to all
I wonder if they have had communion in heaven with Jesus??We all surely must thank Him when we meet.I was a brand new baby Christian and,as stated before,shortly after I surrendered to the Lord on my knees poems began to come to me instantly about as fast as I could type.(It turned into a ministry.)I have no musical ability to record notes,etc but here is one with attached notes.It speaks for itself.The actual writing only took about 1- to 15 min,like taking dictation.God bless
The melody started in my head,over and over, followed by the first line of the chorus,then I had to get up and this is the result.I corrected two typos but this is as it was written.I firmly believe it was an inspired writing but at the time I felt too unworthy to believe this:
G W (Bill) Marshall
Sweet Jesus I owe everything to you and to you alone,
You have shown me my home,you are my anchorstone,
You have saved me always when stormy winds have blown,
You have always been my rock,the truest friend I’ve known,
So why do you think me worthy as a seed you have sown
What can I ever do to earn all the love you’ve shown .
Let me know sweet Jesus, let me know beyond my days
Let me know my savior,when I bow down to you in praise,
When my time here is drawing short and coming to a close,
As they carry me away after leading the life I chose,
I pray that I will leave not sorrow for those that I love,
But instead to know the joy that waits for us above.
I am not a wealthy man but I am very rich by far,
When I walk my journey you’re my guiding star
And you know that I am honest in all the things I do,
I have never born false witness,I only say what’s true,
You have strengthened my soul before I even knew
Of life’s losses with your love to see me through.
You have always had your hand placed within my soul,
You have shown me your light that has made me whole,
I have never known this love that comes from your grace,
Nor have I known compassion that shines from your face,
For I am still a sinner and you are the son of God
I can only meet you at the end of the road I’ve trod.
G W(Bill) Marshall (No copyright intended)
PS: Those who who think the King James version came directly from God will be disappointed to know Jesus never read it.
And I am sure Jesus has never read any of your poems, yet you believe they are inspired by the Holy Spirit — so what’s your point?
I believe that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God!
I believe that the Word of God has some very good words for all of God`s children.
I believe in the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!
we continue to pray for rain; we pray for all who are in need of healing; we pray for our leaders to lead with wisdom,
Blessings to all
Amen SAH!!!
Amen! Thank you friends for all the prayers prayed for me yesterday. God will reward you I’m sure. In answer to your prayers, our faithful Lord solved some things for me this morning and now I am at peace. God bless you truly. Lots of good poems and song William. It surely is a gift. Good remembrance of Communion from the faithful pen of David.
Ger your words warmed my heart! Ain`t hat just like the Lord! So thankful that you are now at peace.
God Bless you Ger…..
Yes, its important to understand what we are reading. Thank you Sam Moore for the English translation!
The Life is in the Blood!! Thank You Jesus for that Precious Blood!!!