Sunday, July 8, 2018


Today’s Reading: Genesis 24

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Camels are mentioned 17 times in Genesis chapter 24. In some parts of the world these unusual creatures are still very important in travel and commerce.

Key Verse: Genesis 24:58

Then they called Rebekah and said to her, “Will you go with this man?” And she said, “I will go.”

Sarah, Isaac’s mother, had passed away three years earlier. No doubt Isaac was lonely. In fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham, it was necessary that Abraham become a grandfather to Isaac’s children. God’s purposes in the human family are developed by human co-operation. So Abraham’s right-hand man travelled from present-day Israel, through Jordan and Iraq to Kuwait (Mesopotamia) to find family and a bride for Isaac. What a beautiful story of God’s choice…a faithful servant, an amazing young woman (watering those camels was not an easy task), and willing parents. The words, “The camels are coming” (verse 63), speak to the fact that people, even animals, may do God’s will if they make the right choice.


Father God, just as the faithful servant worshipped You every time another step was taken in fulfilling Your plan, so I worship You for Your will being done in and through me. Amen!

May I suggest that we all pray the “Our Father,” or as it is known, “The Lord’s prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13)?


There are sermons that I’ve heard which I’ve never forgotten. One was by Rev. Anders Nisbel, assistant to Lutheran Bishop, Martin Lonebo of Linshepping, Sweden. Anders was a student at our Crossroads School of Broadcasting and Communications in Toronto. I team-preached with Bishop Lonebo in Sweden and he spoke of the absolute necessity of using TV for Jesus’ message. In his message to our staff, Anders said, “Have you ever met a camel? They smell bad. They have a bad temper. They can be unpredictable, and they never forget. They are like television; it may be a big challenge, but we must ride the camels. The reason Christian North Africa became Islamic was that the Muslim missionaries were on camels winning the desert tribes to Mohammed, and the Christians were comfortable in their coastal cities, unconcerned about those in the interior who did not know Christ.” I say, “Let’s get on those camels and ride.” (Our School of Broadcasting has graduates in over 80 countries).

Yours for all our grads and those who have gone through our Intern program at Crossroads,


17 thoughts on “Sunday, July 8, 2018

    • Eleanor C.I love The Heart to Heart program, even though I am 78 and my husband is 82, I am learning new things about marriage. I thank you Ron and Ann for this programme.:

  1. What a Wonderful story of God’s direction. He still directs today (not with camels so much, I would think)! Beautiful promises from our Lord. His care for us is unfathnable.

  2. Wonderful scripture, this morning–could feel the heart of Rebekah. Basking in the glory of this day and praising God for His many blessings. May all saints shine in the light of our Heavenly Saviour!!

    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
    Psalm 19:14 ESV

    Eagle’s Wings – Hillsong

  3. We have a wonderful Creator…and He has shown us, once again, by bringing four boys out of the cave in Taiwan. May we all pray He will bring the other twelve , their coach and rescuers out successfully as well. Faith is all we need!!!

    Thank you Lord and Saviour for all Your Mercies.

  4. My previous blog said “other twelve”. And should have read “other eight”

    Sorry for this inconvenience


  5. Camels seem to be ‘reluctant learners’,as are too many unbelievers.We have to show them the error of their unbelief by showing them the truth so that they can ‘unlearn’ what ‘they think’ is truth….but doing so gently.
    Yesterday I provided 2 links to “In The Beginning” that made me feel much like I was there ‘in the beginning’,in our current studies.I hope you decide to watch this movie,in 2 parts.My only motive is to share a blessing.
    I was curious about the “Lord’s Prayer” version that I most commonly hear and pray so I googled some of it’s words and was surprised to see this result:
    ” NMB And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.” Here’s the link:

    The World Forgot (To teach a camel.)

    The world forgot what is right
    For we were supposed to teach them,
    By sharing with them the light
    But we could not reach them.

    Not long ago we ‘were’ them
    Until we found the light He gives;
    The One the world would condemn,
    Then died to show He lives.

    They don’t want to know our ways
    For they think their ways suit them best,
    But we know how it dismays
    When one begins the quest.

    We must begin to reach out
    Or we may loose them all to sin,
    So we must defeat the doubt,
    To plant the seed within.

    Using words at their command
    Will allow His word to imbed,
    Thus they can then understand
    How He rose from the dead.
    GW(Bill) Marshall/26 July, 2015

  6. God is so faithful; He leads us on the right path for His Name’s Sake! He led Abraham’s servant on the right path; for His purposes to be accomplished! The servant was wise; he did not succumbed to Laban’s suggestion for Rebecca to remain with them for a week?

    The Laban who deceived Jacob!

    Be blessed all you saints!!

  7. So glad to hear that all the soccer team and their coach have been rescued!
    Also the rescue team of divers were successful with their efforts, except for
    one diver who lost his life in order to save the whole team.

    Things could have been much worse. Our prayers were answered!
    Thank you Lord Jesus for saving their lives, praise Your Holy Name, Amen!

  8. There are courses for better marriages,for better all kinds of things, I am asking the Lord to bring together in my town people who care about the young people and how uneducated the young men and women are when dealing with each other……I know that some parents have taught their children how to behave with each other and the opposite sex BUT all that goes out the window when you meet someone who gets your heart fluttering……..
    I overheard a conversation between 3 very young people, l1 (F) 12 (F) and 14 (M) years of age….they were discussing what does the 12 year old do because a guy was hitting on her at school, he likes her very much and made no bones about what he wanted to do with this young girl and she was wondering what to do….
    I got up to leave and told them to talk with their parents about this situation, I mentioned this could be a good thing or a very bad thing and I also mentioned that I felt these young people were very smart and knew the right thing to do…..they did not say a word, they were not rude, and as I left the building I turned around and said again, I know what it is like to make the wrong choice, I know that feeling of loving someone or thinking that they love me….for me, I told them, it turned out to be a horrible decision that affected me for the rest of my life, I mentioned that if they go to church to maybe consider talking with their Youth Pastor if they have one or talk with a Pastor of their church…..
    again they were very respectful……..I don’t know what happened BUT I have asked the Lord to bring someone to my town who is an expert on teens and maybe have some workshops for teens and how to deal with the opposite sex and how to handle their coming into puberty….
    I ask for prayers for our young people throughout the country…..

  9. Bless you Sah in this prayer request. Our young people need guidance, understanding, truth and especially to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will definitely add this to my prayers. Have a blessed day Saints.

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