Today’s Reading: Matthew 24
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A watchman stands on the wall in “Nazareth Village” …a special attraction in modern-day Nazareth that re-enacts life from first-century Nazareth.
Key Verse: Matthew 24:42
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour our Lord is coming.
This chapter contains one of the most detailed descriptions of events that lead up to the second coming of Jesus. Jesus even gives us a copy of His statement to the world immediately after His return. World leaders and reporters are anticipating those first Words. They are, “I was hungry and you gave me food,” and so on. They ask, “When?” He answers, “Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it unto Me.” How important is this, visiting the sick and the prisoners? You decide! Obedience to Christ is “watching.” What will you do today to “watch?” Reading the Word is watching. Daily prayer is watching. Be ready!
Lord Jesus, please grant me Your amazing grace to live constantly expecting Your return. May I show my expectation by my service to You and by serving others. Amen!
My wife, Norma-Jean, reminds me every day, “Jesus may come today!” Throughout the years in the leadership of an international ministry, when it came to establishing the budget, I would ask the team for their spending estimates. I required them to categorize all their needs under three categories – “Absolutely essential” (without these needs the ministry would die), “Essential” and “Necessary.” If funds were not there we would cut the “Necessary.” If still the money was not there we would cut the “Essential.” Please join me now in deciding what is “Absolutely essential” in that most practical matter of “Watching” for His return. Don’t be deceived by date setters. Jesus said, “Only the Father knows.” For what and for whom should we watch? Thoughtful Biblical answers to that question can be found in a series of teachings from the 100 Huntley Street telecast when the guest was Dr. Mark Hitchcock, a pastor who was a practicing attorney before entering the ministry. He is also an adjunct faculty member at the Dallas Theological Seminary. I would encourage you to watch some of his short teachings on Bible prophecy by clicking HERE.
Yours for watching and serving Christ today,
P.S. Can I ask a favour? If you think that my daily blog would be a blessing to a friend or family member, please email to them the link or perhaps post it on your Facebook wall. Thanks for helping to spread the Word!
Good morning Sisters and Brothers in Christ, just wondering if any. Of you are thinking about going on the trip to Israel in March 2019? Wonderful daily devotional, ministry, thank you to Ron, Ann and all who help make it possible and contribute with your replies. Blessings to all dear saints, I echo your prayers and pray for His will.
Would like to go Sandra but can’t leave my house in winter. Also Living Truth are going in November probably because it will be cooler. Am watching and waiting, praying for the unsaved and reading his Word. Points out here that we also need to be serving when the Lord returns. Blessings to all. Has anyone heard from Beverlee?
Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul!
Thank You, Lord, for making me whole!
Thank You, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free!
Remember the 10 lepers who were healed, and only one came back to praise Jesus?
He is worthy of all our gratitude, the Lover of our souls. Thank You, Lord God. Please help us live in ways that honour You, today and every day. In Jesus’s wonderful name, amen
Amen Rob!
We are to “Watch and pray” for we do not know when the end will come!
Lord help us to be alert and in tune with You! Amen!