Today’s Reading: Isaiah 65-66
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Jordan Valley Habika War Memorial Monument is designed by the artist Yigal Turmakin and constructed from old parts of armoured vehicles, tanks and guns. It serves as a memorial to the soldiers who died in the area, particularly as a result of the period known as the Period of Pursuits. War has been a constant in these areas, but God promises that there will be a time when He “will extend peace like a river” (Isaiah 66:12a).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Isaiah 65:24
It shall come to pass
That before they call, I will answer;
And while they are still speaking, I will hear.
God says, “Here I am, Here I am!” (Isaiah 65:1b). God has not left His human family. He has not isolated Himself from us. Isaiah 65 is God’s answer to the prayer of Isaiah we read in yesterday’s reading. God says through His prophet, “I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people.” The Apostle Paul quotes Isaiah’s words in Romans 10:20-21. We may want to read all of Romans 10 as a commentary on God’s dealings with both Jews and non Jews.
In his final chapter 66, Isaiah repeats twice more words he has written over and over, “Thus says the Lord!” Back in Isaiah 55:6-11 we considered how to get God’s Word, (His thoughts and ways) into our lives and world. Soak in the Word each day! God says, “Where is the house you will build for Me?” The answer is that the Temple in Jerusalem will be destroyed and the entire sacrificial system will be abolished once the final sacrifice is completed by the One John the Baptist called, “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).
Tomorrow, the New Testament book of James!
Lord God, as I think back on the past month of readings in Isaiah, I do tremble at Your Word (66:2b). By Your grace I’ve trusted fully in the One Whom Isaiah said was yet to come. I’ve noted dozens of personal pronouns and meditated on the Person whose Name alone could replace those pronouns, the Child Who was born, the Son Who was given! Isaiah 9:6 goes on to state the fact that “His Name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” I pray that every reader of this blog, including myself, will know Him in a deeper and more intimate way than ever as a result of daily absorbing Your thoughts and ways. In His Name! Amen!
I’ve read the Jewish tradition that says that Isaiah died by being sawn in half by the last wicked King of Judah to reign during Isaiah’s time. It’s really hard for me to get my mind around the fact that such a powerful and persuasive prophet would have been rejected by the corrupt political masters and a segment of the people that agreed with them. The political masters of Jesus’ time were appointed by an exceedingly corrupt and evil Roman Emperor. The High Priest and his family members became very, very rich through their absolute control of the income from the 4,000,000 or so pilgrims who would visit Jerusalem each year for the mandatory feasts. Jesus said that the Temple had become a “Den of thieves.” The first Gospels tell of the cleansing of the Temple just before Jesus’ death and resurrection. As Bill O’Reilly points out in his book, “Killing Jesus,” it happened twice, once at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry (John 2:11-21), then later (Matthew 21:12 & 13). I found a clip from the “Gospel of John” movie that I’ve just watched (click here). I’m well aware that the average Jewish person (Jesus and all His disciples are Jewish) were not implicated in any way in either the execution of Isaiah or Jesus. The crowd in the courtyard who yelled “Crucify Him!” were all paid lackeys of the High Priest. The “Gospel of John” movie is a word-for-word depiction of his Gospel (the full movie can be viewed here).
Yours in recognition of the One Who said, “Here I am,” with prayer that all would turn to Him without delay asking for mercy and grace,
[Note: This blog posting was originally written January 20th, 2016]
P.S. As you may know, we are on the second time around for this two-year journey through the Bible with this blog. It was four years ago this morning when I awoke out of a sound sleep and the digital clock showed 4:00 a.m. Jesus said, “My sheep know My voice,” and I know I heard His voice, still and small outwardly but loud and big inside my spirit. He said, “David, shortly I will be awakening you every morning at this time. I want you to rise, read My Word, pray, and write a daily blog leading my people on a two-year journey through the Bible. Start in segments…Matthew, then move to Genesis, alternating back and forth between the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures.” I hardly knew what a “blog” was, so over the next four months I experimented, asked my son David Reynold to use his Biblical knowledge skills as a professional photographer to take photos in all the Bible lands which matched as closely as possible the reading for each day. My son, Ronald, agreed to format the blog for me each day so all I have to do is fill in the brief Bible commentary, my prayer, and my personal words. Ann, Ron’s wife, checks each blog to make sure my spelling, punctuation, etc. is right. Thanks to family members and to Crossroads for taking this on as an official outreach of the ministry. Four years ago my Florida Pastor, Rev. Wayne Blackburn, concluded two weeks of prayer and fasting on Sunday evening. I went forward to the altar for prayer after the evening service, not having any idea what would happen at 4:00 a.m. the next morning. Thanks to the Pastor and people of Victory Church, Lakeland, Florida. Check this Church out here. Thanks Victory Church of the Assemblies of God!
I have experienced
answers to prayers.
Amen, Carol!
It is very hard to watch the crucifixion. I can’t imagine His mother’s anguish. He was concerned about her care, even during such incredible torment. (& for those who did this to Him).
I find it hard to watch as well…can’t even conceive the pain he bore for us! Praise His Holy Name!!
I found watch it hard to
I will Keep Lucille, and the young man in my prayers. ( Lucille is my mothers name as well)
Yes, Amen Doreen. Took my time reading this blog as there is so much to meditate on. So glad that David obeyed the Lord in doing this blog and I remember how happy I was when it came on the screen. Also read this portion in my new Messianic Jewish Family Bible. Thinking of the passage, “who tremble at My Word.” I heard the statistics of how few read the Bible let alone tremble. Trying to get people interested as Ron, Ann and Reynold do. God bless you saints!
Amen, Ger…”So glad that David obeyed the Lord in doing this blog..”
Don’t be disappointed if we are vastly outnumbered by nonbelievers.(When they are gone,we will be all that’s left.)He knows who ‘they’ are.It took me hrs to get through today’s reading.I’m pasting one post I shared on FB today to make a point.God bless
“…..accomplish all I want it to….”
11 so also is my word………..It shall accomplish all I want it to and prosper everywhere I send it.
“…..accomplish all I want it to….” Those who desire to know God will (eventually) understand His word as they read His word and get to know Him better.Don’t think you have to make changes that are difficult.After you accept Jesus as your savoir and recognize Him as the Son of God then the Holy Spirit will make changes for you and you may not become aware of it right away but you won’t regret it.You will still be a sinner but less so throughout your life.Christians are NOT perfect or sinless but we are trying.
There will be many,perhaps most people?,who do not want to live forever.God knows who they are and He knows you too.There is only one way for salvation (eternal life in heaven) and it is through Jesus.God does not want those who want to make trouble so He sent Jesus to find us and all you need to do is invite Him ‘to find you’.No charge;He already paid the price.
I’m thankful for this blog. Thank you, Ron, Ann, Reynold, and all the others who contribute. May God bless and keep each one of you in his loving care.
Amen, Rob!!
Wonderful prayer, today, from our David. I so wonder what he is doing in heaven, right now. Looking forward to James, tomorrow. Holding all the saints in prayer!
P.S. I, too, look forward to watching the Gospel of John movie–thanks for the link! 🙂
I’ve seen it several times and it is a good teaching.Blessing
PS:You can find many more such movies on Youtube free to watch.
sah on January 20, 2018 at 12:51 am said:
please pray for Lucille, she lost her husband yesterday. I met them last fall at a study on Prayer! It was evident that they loved each other very much…..she contacted me in regards to the mental illness and offered prayer and understanding which I really appreciated….so, we ask that The Lord will now lead Lucille to make the right decisions, to take time if need be, she is with her family right now, maybe will sell her home in my town and move closer to family, I pray God will guide her to do His Will..
prayers for a young man who did not want to live any longer with a very severe medical condition, pray that God knows what is happening and will comfort the family as they gather to mourn his passing….
pray for swim exercises to be fun and that the one problem keep their mouth shut and speak only kind words, no negative talk, thankful for the instructors who teach water exercises
In Jesus Name we Pray amen
I heard some conversations in regard to young people and the Bible! Many are wanting to learn about the Bible, I pray for Bible teachers to connect to the young people! I understand they are very hungry for the Word of God!
Lord You know what young people are looking for and I do believe they are seeking for You Lord; they desire to know the truth about You, the Triune God; they are aware of death and dying; they really need to hear the story of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Young people are watching what adults do and how the adults treat others, and the compassion in their hearts!
I have seen young people with tremendous hearts of giving and sharing and loving unconditionally…..PRAISE THE LORD…..
Pray daily for our young people; serve them when and where we can; they are precious to the Lord God…..in Jesus Name we Pray amen
I did watch the clip of the movie…though it is difficult to watch. What pain his Mother must have had!
So glad David in obedience did give us this blog; thank you Ron and Ann for faithfully continuing to present it to us daily.
I also am thankful for this blog. The ftuit of David’s obedience lives on!