Today’s Reading: Isaiah 45-46
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

God’s handiwork is beautifully on display in Meteora, Greece. The fall colours and the cliffs make for a spectacular view. You can also see some of man’s achievements as you look high atop the cliffs at the Monasteries. Such a scene makes one wonder how some people can miss doing as our key verse says, “LOOK”!!!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Isaiah 45:22
Look to Me, and be saved,
All you ends of the earth!
For I am God, and there is no other.
God’s credentials for making such a statement as we read in our key verse are clearly presented here. (1) God revealed the name of Cyrus, the king of Persia (Iran), before he was born, who would restore the slaves from Babylon (Iraq) to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem after he had conquered Babylon. Only God knows the future! Back up to Isaiah 44:25. God “frustrates the signs of the babblers, and drives the diviners mad!” Thus God says, “Look unto Me and be saved!” (2) He reveals His right to say those Words by His creation and maintenance of nature (Isaiah 45:8b), “I, the Lord, do all these things.” Our key verse is repeated for emphasis in 45:22, “Look to Me and be saved…” As we continue to read Isaiah, we will come across dozens of personal pronouns such as He, Him, Whom, etc. Only one Name can be exchanged for those pronouns. Read Hebrews 2:9-10!
This emphasis is continued in Isaiah 46:9-10, “Remember the former things of old, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.'”
Lord God, the message to “Look…and be saved” must be shared with the entire world. I pray for wisdom, vision, determination and opportunity to tell people everywhere how to be saved!!! In the Name of the One who lived, died, and rose from the dead to provide salvation, I pray. Amen!!!
I take personally the commission of Jesus to believers to “Go into all the world (ends of the earth) and preach the Gospel (Good News) to every creature.” There have always been missionaries willing to risk health, life, material possessions, everything! I ask myself, “Could I have done more to support these people?” I answer, “Yes!” I’m determined more than ever to pray, give, and even go! Crossroads, the sponsor of my blog, is literally reaching to the ends of the earth as I type this. Check out some of the ways Crossroads Christian Communications is making God’s message available around the world and expressing His love in very practical ways (click here). My wife and I are committed to supporting these kinds of efforts, as well as many other initiatives, for as long as we live, and if Jesus does not return before our passing, through our Last Will and Testament!
Yours for telling everyone to “Look…and be saved!!!”
God wants us to
look to Him because
he is the one along
with the Holy Spirit
who helps us.
I love your picture Raymond Fall is my favourite time of year its wonderful to see
all God has created we don’t always look at the things around us every day. I may not
be able to go out into the world , but can do what I can where I am.
Have a good day my friends
Lianne Hogg
I love Reynold’s photo, too, Lianne. It would make a great painting. Have a great day, dear sister-in-Christ!
Amen, Beverlee and Lianne!
your right Lianne
by posting comments and prayers on this blog it is a witness to Jesus Christ! I also can only do what I can from where I am! again I am so thankful for this blog, so thankful for the support we give each other, this is sharing the Love of God with each other and around the world! This blog is seen everywhere in the world! PRAISE AND THANK THE LORD.
Today’s scripture is mind boggling. As I searched for a scripture to include with a song, I matched it with today’s message of Creator. The ending of Neh 9:6 reads differently in various versions of the Bible (biblehub.com). Hebrews 2:9-10 (Jesus, made a little lower than the Angels) is in accord with Nehemiah 9:6. How do fellow saints of the blog interpret and reflect on this?
Nehemiah 9:6
You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you. NIV
…and the angels of heaven worship you. NLT
…and the host of heaven worships you. ESV
Jars of Clay – Shelter – w/Lyrics
Nice song- uplifting for all.
Was thinking of Song …” God of Wonder beyond this galaxy, You are Holy; the universe declares Your Magesty….)
Love that song, Laurie:
God of Wonders – Third Day
While He was upon the earth (as a man) He was made ‘a little lower than the angels’ because scripture says mankind is ‘a little lower than the angels’.God bless
That was perhaps,His first sacrifice…leaving heaven as God and becoming human as a man.(Humility beyond compare.)
Thanks for sharing that, Bill.
Amazing photo Reynold and subject. Love this portion of scripture as the Lord gave me some verses from here before set out abroad so always very special. God bless all you bloggers. Have another day ahead of me removing snow so must get started as another storm is coming.
Amen to our scripture!
In this movie,Daniel,he reveals to Cyrus that he was foretold by God in scripture to be His instrument to restore Jerusalem.Gotta run.Blessings
Mighty Tower
You created all,thus,all is yours,
And only You have supreme power,
For You alone open our doors,
And you are the mighty Tower.
You judge most fairly in truth and love,
For Your goal is for all to receive
Their mansions in Your home above,
Abundant to those who believe.
We see the stars,as yet unnumbered
And You know what each is called by name,
When You placed them unencumbered
And gave them light with holy flame.
Your creation is more than we see,
For we are Your children in school
Who will pass to eternity
Guided by Your holy Jewel.
(G W) Bill Marshall/20-Jan-16
If only we could see
What our idols truly be,
For blind are the eyes ne’er free
Until they have called out to thee.
GW(Bill) Marshall (2015)
The Kingdom Is Ours
Oh,Lord,though we have sinned against You
And have done evil in your sight,
You still love us the ages through,
Withholding from us Your just might.
To each of us You have been a Friend,
Your guidance led those who would hear
And shown Your mercy has no end;
As we repent,you pull us near.
Lord,restore to us a right spirit,
For You have washed away our sin
And we know we’re not to fear it
When evil seeks to come within.
Oh,my Savoir,You are always true
And we want to walk in Your light
But there is one who will undo
And e’er seeks to bind us in fright.
Oh Lord,we know Your word is our shield
But relentless thoughts from the snake,
Seek to steal what we must not yield,
For the kingdom is ours to take.
G W(Bill) Marshall/13 Sept, 2015
“Look to me and be saved!” Only through Him there is salvation…for HE IS GOD AND THERE IS NO OTHER!!! AMEN and AMEN!!
Fall is also one of my favorite seasons…thanks for the glorious photo Reynold!!
We’re in a deep freeze here in Edmonton…feels warm and cozy indoors!!
The Lord be with you in all your ways!
Here is a poem from : “Streams in the Desert”
I found meaningful…and pray it ministers to you too:
“Is there some problem in your life to solve,
Some passage seeming full of mystery?
God knows, who brings the hidden things to light,
He keeps the key.
Is there some door closed by the Father’s hand
Which widely opened you had hoped to see?
Trust God and wait…for when He shuts the door
He keeps the key.
Is there some earnest prayer unanswered yet,
Or answered NOT as you had thought ‘twould be?
God will make clear His purpose by and by,
He keeps the key.
Have patience with your God, your patient God,
All wise, all knowing, no longer lingerer He,
And of the door of all your future life
He keeps the key.
Unfailing comfort, sweet and blessed rest,
To know of EVERY door He keeps the key
That He at last when just HE sees it best,
Will give it THEE.
thank you Irene, God truly spoke to you to share this poem TODAY!
it is very helpful to read these poems again! It does give an uplifting feeling to all, and it seems so special, that words in this poem are exactly what I needed to read today! AMAZING GRACE!
Simply beautiful and so meaningful. Thanks for sharing, Sister Irene!!
Thanks Irene. The poem is so true when we place our lives in His hands.