Today’s Reading: Proverbs 15
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

While in the Holy Land, one can enjoy a wonderful meal in Nazareth at this first century re-enactment location called Nazareth Village.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 15:16
Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble.
Before we consider our key verse, let’s highlight three other statements from today’s reading: (1) “A soft answer turns away wrath.” Let’s try this. It works! (2) “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.” This works too! In fact this is very enjoyable for everybody! (3) “A wise son makes a father glad.” We have the help of two Mainse sons in creating this blog. Rev. David Reynold Mainse, a professional photographer as well as an ordained minister, has spent almost three months in Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Greece, Italy, and Egypt taking the photos which appear daily as our first blog item. Rev. Ronald Wesley Mainse, also an ordained minister, sets up the blog format daily, prepares the links which appear in blue for our convenience, takes pictures from time to time which appear at the end of the blog, and then posts the blog for 6 a.m. daily. “Thank You” to my wise and helpful sons!
The key verse can be illustrated by clicking on Luke 16:19-31. The world says that the more wealth we have, the happier we will be. Anyone who suggests that a poor man could be better off than a rich man is looked at as a fool. But to the rich man in Jesus’ story God says, “You fool.” “Wisdom” motivates us to lay up treasure in Heaven!
Lord God, I pray that I will use the material possessions with which You bless me in those things that please You and which have eternal consequences and rewards. You have promised to supply all my needs (Philippians 4:10-19), and over and above that, enough to bless my family, as well as others! I pray this in the Name of the One who daily gives and gives and gives, the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!!!
I was born in the minister’s house provided by a congregation at the height of the Great Depression during the 1930’s. From two to eight years old, I lived on the farm owned by my mother’s sister and her husband, Mina and Harvey Lindsay. My father was overseas for the duration of World War II. Then, upon his return, we began living in Church-owned residences. My parents never took a vow of poverty as far as I know, but by today’s Canadian standards we were poor. However, money never seemed to be a problem. We always had food to eat and a roof over our heads. We experienced our key verse: “Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure with trouble.” We did not have “great treasure” in terms of money, but then we did not have the kind of trouble referred to in our reading either. I look back on those days with a “merry heart.” I think it shows on my countenance as Proverbs 15:13 says.
Yours for “a merry heart.” Is it too early to say MERRY Christmas?
P.S. Below is a picture of me in 2013 standing at the “Wailing Wall” in Jerusalem… the prayer wall for Jews and for us too. I am placing there written prayer requests sent to me by blog partners for this purpose. The little hat is worn as a courtesy to our Jewish friends.
Thank you again Ron and Reynold for all your hard work in helping create and then in continuing this blog! I read it every day.
Today’s passage and message is jam-packed full of jewels. Thank you. I have told others of the treasures in this daily blog.
Amen, Eleanor C.
Thankful too …..Amen!!!
Prov 17. 22
connection to Prov 15.16.
Yes. Thank you family & David for His ongoing teaching for us. Blessings everyone.
I am SO thankful for this blog!! Merry Sunday and blessings to all????
Also blessed by this blog. Thank you for continuing it.
Good day & God bless you all. Thinking of the source of all goodness. Please help us, Lord God, to be more like You. In Jesus’s great name, amen
I fell Friday in a seizure no broken bones please pray
Lianne Hogg
Lord God I pray for healing for Lianne Hogg…I pray for a miraculous healing from these seizures In the Heavenly Father I pray this in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
Amen. In agreement with Irene’s prayer.
Amen, Irene !
Can identify with your childhood Pastor David. Thanking you sons Ron and Reynold for this blog. We lift Lianne up to you today Lord that you would always keep her safe and heal her of these seizures in Jesus Name. Amen.
Blessed by the blog and so glad for it’s continuance.
Lord of healing and power Lift up Lianne to you and praise you for no broken bones.
Please cover her with your wings Lord when seizures come and in your will heal her.
Blessings to all. Have been away and trying to catch up. Catherine
Thanks David for sharing your personal words re your childhood …reminds me of my childhood. Monetarily we did not have much but we never went hungry and did have clothes on our back, though in the summer shoes were only for Sunday.
Thank you Ron, Ann and Reynold for putting this blog together and continuing to bless us daily.
Lord we pray that You will walk with Lianne and help and keep her every move safe! We thank you that we can come to You and ask for Your help in every need in all our lives! Lord whatever Lianne needs please see to it that she is comfortable! Thank you Lord God, thank You in Jesus Name we pray amen