Today’s Reading: Proverbs 7-8
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Jewish men and women pray at the Western Wall, the retaining wall of the Temple platform from Jesus’ time in the Old City of Jerusalem. In yesterday’s and today’s reading, we find the words, “Bind them on your heart and your fingers,” referring to your father’s words and God’s commands. This Orthodox Jew in the photo takes this literally and wraps a binding around his arm and fingers to emphasize his commitment. Notice the paper under the man’s hand. He has a written prayer that he will leave in the cracks between the stones. I have placed written prayers given to me by blog readers there. This is not a shortcut to God, but it does emphasize the fervency of the prayers offered.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 7:1-3
My son, keep my words,
And treasure my commands within you.
Keep my commands and live,
And my law as the apple of your eye.
Bind them on your fingers;
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
Think of just how we would react if we were about to get hit in the eye. Immediately, we must learn to put up our protective guard! The foolish young man described in our reading did not protect himself and the result is that he goes, “as an ox to the slaughter” (7:22a). What a graphic description of the end result of sin. A New Testament reading is James 1:14-16.
Proverbs 8 speaks to us of wisdom personified. The lens through which we see with insight is the Person of Jesus! Jesus referred to Himself as, “the Wisdom of God” (Luke 11:49). The Apostle Paul also refers to Jesus as “the Wisdom of God” (1 Corinthians 1:24). Unlike the seductive voice in the darkness, Wisdom’s voice speaks out in the daylight in public places (for Crossroads it’s through various media outlets), because God does not want any to perish. God has given us the job of proclaiming Wisdom. He longs to fill our “treasuries.” The Word says that “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also!” (Luke 12:34 – Jesus, our Treasure).
Lord God, I pray for the Crossroads Family of Ministries and all who take their stand on the top of the high hill (TV transmitters, satellite uplinks, and the worldwide web). Lord Jesus, they are representing You at the place where the paths meet, the “crossroads” (Proverbs 8:2). Help me to support them with my prayers, with my finances, and by my words of encouragement! In the Name of the One who is front and centre at “Crossroads,” the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!!!
It was the Summer I turned 18. I was employed in the research lab at the Magnesium mine located at Haley’s Station, Ontario. A part of my job was to dispose of a red-hot core of thorium metal into the barrel marked for that purpose. As I did so the barrel exploded into my face. Someone had put titanium primary powder in the wrong barrel and it ignited. Parts of my face were burned to the extent that I had to spend several days in hospital having burned skin peeled off. Miraculously, my eyes were not damaged. The doctor said that my split second reaction to bring my gloved hands in front of my eyes saved them. To me it was obvious that God had a plan for my life and my time was not up yet! This experience comes to mind every time I read Proverbs 7:2. I also pray often to the Lord to “Keep me as the apple of Your eye” (Psalm 17:8a).
Yours for being as quick and careful to obey God’s Word as we are to protect the apple of our eyes,
Here are some of my friends at the ruins of Bet She’an (or Beth Shan), the city where King Saul’s body was hung on the wall by the Philistines after Israel’s defeat (1 Samuel 31:10). Saul was not careful to keep God’s commands and he brought disaster upon himself and his sons.
Peace be with thee, fellow saints in the Lord. May God’s blessings be bestowed upon thee, today, in the greatest of measure.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 NKJV
Keith and Kristyn Getty – Perfect Wisdom of Our God
Amen, Beverlee! and Peace be with you:)
Thank you Beverlee, Irene and Sah for yours prayers for little Judah, from yesterday.
Sah I am praying that The Lord will touch you in an amazing way. He knows your every thought and how must you love and desire to serve Him. May He calm your spirit and give you His peace. Keep strong in the faith.
Love in Christ to all blog friends. Eleanor M.
PS Ron and Ann thank you once again for continuing this blog.
Join your prayers for little Judah today as well. Lord keep us all as the apple of your eye, Amen.
Ps 17.8a
Prov 7.2
Prov 25.11
History 70 yrs anniversary
Queen Prince Philiph
Yes, Lord, keep us all as “the apple of Your eye!!
God bless all you saints and the Mainse family, both now always, Amen!!