Today’s Reading: Philippians 1
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Key Verses: Philippians 1:3-4
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy…
In Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome, he was under house arrest. The Romans had a practical financial plan. Prisoners who had resources paid for their own imprisonment costs. The initial purpose of this letter is to thank the congregation in Philippi for their financial support.
This was the first church Paul planted in Europe. Philippi was a Roman military city where Paul had experienced a severe beating and imprisonment. The warden of the prison and his family would’ve been there at church when this letter was read. The members no doubt expected “JOY.” After all, Paul, and his co-worker, Silas, had been singing praises to God (probably a Psalm of David) at midnight, their feet and hands securely fastened, when an earthquake hit the city and the shaking set them free. Read Acts 16:9-40.
Lord God, grant me the grace to exude joy in the midst of circumstances that would not naturally produce joy. Thank You for those You have allowed to bless my life. I pray that I will consistently pass on the blessing! Amen!!!
When I opened my Bible to read Philippians, I found my notes from the message I brought at the home-going celebration of Leah Johnson. This special person in my life showed joy in very difficult circumstances. A mother of five, she still had time for me. I was 16 years old and still needed a mother figure. Her third son, Wallace, a classmate of mine, brought me home with him again and again. Leah, a single mom, welcomed me with love and joy. My own mother had died when I was 12, and my father had returned to Egypt where his services were required as a missionary. I can see in my mind’s eye her loving face, complete with the warmest smile I could imagine. I do thank God upon every remembrance of Leah and her family.
I’m taking the liberty of more than 100 personal words today. When the television opportunity presented itself in 1962, I had no idea how I would pay the bills. While I had the blessing of the congregation of which I was Pastor, there was no way that a television ministry could be funded out of the general fund of the church. I believe God speaks to me from the pages of Holy Scripture. Here in Philippians chapter one I found what I believe was, and still is, God’s answer to my prayer for the money to fulfill my vision to use television to communicate the Good News of Jesus. The Amplified Bible, which brings out all the shades of meaning present in the original text, is the translation that particularly spoke to me. Here are the words in which I found the answer of God to the challenge: Philippians 1:3-5 in the Amplified Bible says…
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you. In every prayer of mine I always make my entreaty and petition for you all with joy (delight). [I thank my God] for your fellowship (your sympathetic cooperation and contributions and partnership) in advancing the good news (the Gospel) from the first day [you heard it] until now.
This is exactly what has been happening. I resonate with the same joy expressed by Paul throughout his letter to the people of Philippi. Check out the Crossroads Ministry at
Yours for a joy-filled life based on the love and provision of God!
![The so-called Prison of St. Paul.](
A modern gate prohibits visitors from walking into an ancient prison in Philippi, likely where Paul and Silas were held and miraculously delivered.
Amen! To the scripture, photos and message, amen! With joy and love and peace, we serve You, Lord, our God, King above all Kings! Blessings fellow saints in the Lord!
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness. Ps 48, KJV
Chris Tomlin – Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. Phil 1:9-10 NIV
Oh, amen, Paul! How God used you, mightily, and your words continue to lift and strengthen us, today!
Amen Beverlee. Loved the music today – just let it continue into the following pieces as well.
Amen Beverlee …thank you for the song!
Oh what joy to be in Philippians today; just what I needed. Yes amen to the scripture, message and photos. Rejoices my heart that the Lord has allowed me the privilege to be in those very places; great memories.
“And this I pray that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and in all discernment…”(1:9).
God bless you Apostle Paul for blessing us still today and along with the Lord Jesus Christ suffering for us leaving us an example. That is for you also Pastor David. God bless all the saints!
Amen, Ger!
Yes, Amen Ger!
Lord God, please bless and strengthen all your people, especially those going out as labourers in the harvest. In Jesus’s great and gracious name, amen
again you say “in your mind’s eye” I like that expression very much, I so enjoy these blogs David Mainse,
I have in my mind’s eye that the Lord would hand pick me the right room mate…maybe someone who also has a sleep disorder….would help with finances and some company;
please pray for healing for Daren waiting for kidney transplant, healing for Eva; for Monica waiting for a surgery date, pray for a young 17 years old with mental illness, God keep him safe
p.s.Beverlee Kay thank you for the songs you pick……so much appreciated by myself and many more…..blessings to you dear child of God….
safe travels Ger!
You are very welcome, Sah, dear Child of God!
Sah, I have been there in years past.
How refreshing to be blessed by today’s scripture…Yes, thank you Paul for giving it to us.
And thank you Pastor David for posting it in this daily blog.
Blessing to all who participated!