Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 1-2
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The Western Wall or “Wailing Wall” is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount. A fence separates the areas where the men pray (the larger space on the left) from where the women pray (on the right).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 1:10
Now give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people; for who can judge this great people of Yours?
Putting God first, the people second, and himself last was an excellent beginning for young King Solomon. God responded to Solomon’s prayer and gave him such wisdom and favour that Israel rose to even greater prominence and prosperity than ever before. Trade, imports and exports flourished with surrounding nations. When Solomon was blessed by God, so were all the people of Israel, and so were millions of others.
By this time the tent Tabernacle of Moses was at least 500 years old. Building the Temple to permanently house the Ark of the Covenant was essential. The wealth of Israel enabled them to build such impressive structures that people, such as the Queen of Sheba, came to marvel at the wonder of it all.
Had this initial recognition of Solomon’s need for divine guidance continued, the future would have been very different for Solomon’s descendants. But forsaking spiritual purity for business expediency led to spiritual poverty; compromise with the evil practices of surrounding nations eventually led to national disintegration.
Lord God, there’s a very serious lesson here for me to learn. Please grant me not only wisdom, I pray, but also a consistency of purpose to be spiritually pure, to live a life of holiness, every day, in every way. I ask these mercies in the Name of the One who always did that, Jesus, Himself. Amen!!!!
Notice the papers in the cracks in the picture below. This act of placing prayer requests in the Wall does not necessarily make prayers more effective, but, like fasting, it underlines the fervency with which we desire God’s will in our individual lives and in the lives of those for whom we pray. I encourage written prayers. The act focuses our attention. I’ve often written my most urgent prayer request, put it on the wall where I pray and also place the request in the centre drawer of my work desk where I cannot miss praying about it several times a day. Often, if the request is not too personal, I’ll drop it in the offering receptacle at church along with my tithe and offering envelope. In addition to expressing the need in writing, I also write a statement of my confidence in God’s promise of His provision.
Yours because I believe, like Solomon, that there is a personal God who hears and answers prayer,
The numbering of articles, offerings, and people always seem to be “mind boggling” to me. Even in this day such quantities would be very daunting. I can’t imagine such a large workforce. It really is amazing. I believe that writing out a prayer request is a more focused way to pray. I found one in my husband’s Bible (that I had written years ago – my husband passed 2 years ago) and I believe it was answered over the years. I will pay attention more to written prayer again. I’m glad you mentioned that today, David.
(Your request from last night Sah)..I am praying for you, that the lord in His mercy would heal you of this terrible depression that you are suffering. May you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit guiding you as you cry out to the Lord. May you know that you are chosen of God for a purpose and He sees you as a person of great worth. Although I don’t know you personally I truly care for you and will continue to pray for your healing. Love in Christ Eleanor M.
Amen, Eleanor M…I agree in prayer for Sah
Father God I ask you to remove the depression that Sah is experiencing. Surround her with your presence and give her release from what can be very debilitating.
Sah know you are loved by The Most High God and Lord please bring a breakthrough in finances.
Wonderful blog g today and a thanks for sharing your family Pastor David.
I covet your prayers when I see the radiologist for a consultation tomorrow about the findings on my neck scan. Our God is able.
Prayers and blessings to all.
Father God I ask you to remove the depression that Sah is experiencing. Surround her with your presence and give her release from what can be very debilitating.
Sah know you are loved by The Most High God and Lord please bring a breakthrough in finances.
Wonderful blog today and a thanks for sharing your family Pastor David.
I covet your prayers when I see the radiologist for a consultation tomorrow about the findings on my neck scan. Our God is able.
Prayers and blessings to all.
Dear Jesus I pray for your perfect Will concerning the results of Catherine’s neck scan, for a clean bill of health to be exposed in the neck area! I pray for peace of mind for you Catherine as you place your confidence in the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ and His healing power. Amen, thank you Jesus!
Yes Carherine, I am agreeing in prayer with Irene, for you. Amen and Amen
Having had the privilege to pray at the Wailing Wall (the women’s side), I thank you for the photo’s of the Wailing Wall you have posted, it brings back memories of being there and placing my prayer within it.
Today’s scripture is a great reminder and lesson of the importance of keeping our eyes on Jesus; of staying in the Word; of how quickly we can be distracted if we are not alert; Jesus told us to “Watch and Pray”.
Thank you and God bless all who have prayed for me regarding mental illness and for praying for each other!
For me I deal with a mental illness, bi polar; also deal with seasonal affected disorder or known as SAD;
also deal with being nocturnal; 3 years ago sleep pattern changed; go to bed at 4 a.m. (about) sleep until noonish; get up real slow; eat breakfast and just spend 2 hours or so waking up! I am thankful because God knows what is going on but I need to plan a very different day of doing things and I do enjoy doing little things such as weeding etc etc;
I did talk with mental health but they can’t really help me because I have a plan in place; when I am suicidal which is almost every day; I get out of the house! I praise the Lord that He gave me swimming; removed smokes/booze from me; He recently gave me a car; I am so thankful
I now focus on prayers for the Lord to provide me with a financial breakthrough; I am in deep debt and I desire to clear up my loan and help my family and invest some for a better income; and I also desire to help a few missions in my area; so; please continue to pray for me; celebrate and dance with joy to the goodness of our Lord God and Saviour!
Praise and thanks be to God for this blog that enables so many to post words of concern; encouragement; just praising and thanking the Lord for David Mainse and his family and for being able to have the freedom of praying for each other! PRAISE THE LORD AMEN AMEN AMEN
Yes.. Praise The Lord!!!..SAH our God is greater than any “feelings of depression”.. Romans 15:!3..May The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace!
praying for you!
Yes, Amen and Amen!