Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 6-7
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Herod’s Gate (named after Herod the Great), also known as Gate of the Flowers, is a gate in the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. It adjoins the Muslim Quarter and is a short distance east of the Damascus Gate. The city gate that is mentioned in 2 Kings 7:1 may have looked like this.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Kings 6:17
And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
Lord Jesus, as Your disciples asked You, “Teach us to pray!” Even so, I ask You this blessing, not just what to say when I pray, Lord, but to actually do it with fervency. I believe You now for Your Spirit to come upon me, giving me a spirit of intercession. Amen!
As I read today’s Scriptures, I thought how that during the years 1938 to 1945, when my Dad was separated from us by WW2, my mother carried the family devotions responsiibility. Thank you, Norma Hazel Pritchard Mainse, for being a great MOTHER!!! (see photo below).
The well-known London, England, pastor, Charles Spurgeon, preached on “Man’s Extremity, God’s Opportunity.” I think of his message as I meditate on the circumstances of Israel in today’s reading. If you can find the time, click here to read Spurgeon’s sermon (PDF file).
Here’s a little insight about the four lepers mentioned in 2 Kings 7:3. There is a tradition, not in the Bible, that these were the former servants of Elisha, Gehazi and his three sons. Review from yesterday 2 Kings 5:27.
Yours for fervently inviting God’s intervention in our lives and circumstances,
P.S. Happy Mother’s Day!
This will be the first Mother’s Day without my mother- she passed away last summer at the age of 92. But I will still bringing her flowers, except this year it will be to her grave site instead of her home. To all those out there like me whose mothers are gone, either by death or other, I pray the Lord will comfort you today, bless you happy memories and assure you with hope. To all those of you whose mothers are still with you, I pray the Lord will help heal any conflicts or hurt between you or remind you not to take this relationship for granted because none of us know how long we are here for– and to all those of you who are mothers may the Lord bless you and guide in your task — through the mundane times as well as the rewarding ones—- Amen
Bless you Donna M, for your kind words of blessing. Bless you on this Mother’s Day as you spend this first Mother’s Day without her presence and as you recall the times you had with your Mother, both good and not-so-good, the laughter and the tears. That you be comforted.
My mother went to be with the Lord 43 years ago, and my siblings and I…when we meet, share our memories of her…less and less of the not-so-good ones.
Thank for the kind words it was a very difficult day, but having reminders of God’s love and attention to our sorrow through caring Christians as yourself is always a welcome encouragement. Grief is a journey we all share at some point, and your insights are very helpful– God bless you for taking the time to share them with me.
God bless you Donna! pray for mom & daughter who are in conflict; mentioned that daughter should write things out over & over on any kind of paper, write until the anger is all gone, then pray for the words to forgive mom! It takes time, but God says we are to forgive as He has forgiven us, but I do believe that it takes time to completely forget! Time will heal that aspect! I wish to encourage those whose moms are gone: if you didn’t get the issues cleared up before mom left; keep working at it with God’s help! A person can forgive anytime, God knows exactly what is in your heart; don’t give up! and never let anyone put you down if your still in the forgiving stage! Trust me! Forgiveness will come! And remember God knows! He loves you and everyone equally! WHAT AN AWESOME GOD!
Happy mother’s day to all moms! God bless you.
Mothers are tangible expressions of God’s love for us. Thank You, Lord God, for our mums. And please help all our children to know You, Father, and be thankful for all You daily provide. In Jesus’s loving name, amen
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms but especially my mom who is special and precious and my gift from God and also for my sisters and sister-in-law who are all great mounts I pray for moms everywhere today we bless and we honor you for your love care nurturing the children and we as children God bless you all
Sorry that was a typo I meant to say Mom of my sister and sister-in-law
Sorry again for another typo I meant to say for my sisters and sister-in-law as mom’s sorry about that God bless all
thanks Marilyn; made us smile! I’ve done the same thing…..Have a blessed day!
What a beautiful woman your Mother is; it seems, not only on the outward appearance, but also her inner being. You are blessed to have received such great love.!
My mother went to be with the Lord 43 years ago, and I too was blessed to have a Mother who loved me unconditionally; and I know my 8 siblings would speak highly of her unconditional love for each of us.
I’ve read this scripture so many times, but never gave thought to the possibility that these lepers might be Elisha’s former servant Gehazi and his three sons.
Always appreciate you comments as well as your personal words!
I post very late or early (depending on where you live)
I hope people read the comments….
Our Choir is finished for now! We had a good time and really enjoyed everyone and singing praises to God our King!
I now need something to do that would give me prosperity! Lord God please hear my prayer, and provide me with something that would be enjoyable and prosperous In Jesus Name I Pray amen