Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 4-5
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Seen in this photo is the Jordan River as it enters the northern part of the Sea of Galilee. In our reading, General Naaman, a leper from Syria, dipped his body seven times in the Jordan and was completely healed. This part of the Jordan Valley is a tangle of dense thorn bushes and tropical vegetation. In the Hebrew Bible it is called the “jungle of the Jordan” (Jeremiah 12:5; 49:19).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Kings 4:34
And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands; and he stretched himself out on the child, and the flesh of the child became warm.
Lord God, I pray that I will learn from my daily readings. The child in today’s reading opened his eyes as another sign of life. Please open the eyes of my understanding so that I may see with insight all that You would reveal to me. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!
God, who healed Naaman, is our God! In the Fall of 1955, Doctors Gamble and Flak of Peterborough, Ontario, told the President and Dean of the Bible College where I was a student in residence that they did not expect me to survive. The students identified with me in fasting and prayer. In my perception it seemed that the school officials were swimming into my dorm room. I was delirious with a fever of 105 degrees. They identified with me in the laying on of hands. I felt immediately like I was under a cooling shower. The fever departed and I got up and dressed, got into my 1947 Plymouth car, drove to the hospital, and asked Emergency to call the doctor. I experienced a miracle! God had one or two things for me to do.
Yours for God’s miracles,
P.S. I promised the other day that I would share with you a March, 2000 newspaper article from The Ottawa Citizen about the conversion of Canada’s first Prime Minister. It’s a poor photo of part of the article, but the headline says it all (click on the photo to enlarge it)…
Wonderful scripture and prayer, this morning, and stillness of the photo. Praise God, you are a miracle, David. Our Father knew the work you would do for His Kingdom. Amen? Blessings dearest saints, in the Lord. Such a calmness, in the quiet of light rain.
Here is your song, Irene, Donald, Nan, and everyone who loves it:
Michael W Smith – Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (with lyrics)
Full version, without lyrics
Gaither Gospel, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus [Live]
Thank you Beverlee: I do love this song. Eleanor M.
Thank you Beverlee…much appreciated!
Yes, wonderful blog. Love hearing about your healing and the Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald’s conversion. Thank you for your posting too Beverlee. God bless all you saints today!
Amen! Ger.
Yes Pastor David it is a lovely blog today, the Lord certainly had lots of things for you to do for Him, over these many years. Even now you are ministering through this blog, I am praying that you will be completely healed, so you can continue to do so and anything else that The Lord may lay upon your heart to do. Bless All
blog friends and I hope all you mothers have a Happy Mothers Day tomorrow . Eleanor M.
Great scripture enhanced by your explanations and meaningful explanations; an eye opener for me. Thank you! And for your personal story of your healing miracle!
Thank you Reynold for the serene photo and the explanation of it.
I pray for a healing miracle for you at this day, in Jesus Name, Amen!!