Today’s Reading: 2 Corinthians 8
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Pella is an ancient Greek city located in the current Pella regional unit of Central Macedonia in Greece. It was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 8:9
For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
Today’s reading is all about giving. Jesus instructed a young person who had abundance to sell what he had and give it away (Matthew 19:16-26) and (Luke 18:18-27). I know of two families who did just that. God made sure that they never lacked any necessity, and in fact they have blessed many others since that time. One of these was Charles and Esther Mully. They owned and operated a large trucking firm in Nairobi, Kenya, sold everything, gave it all to the Lord, and then opened the Mully Children’s Family, which Crossroads Missions supports. The other family is here in Canada, and they want to remain anonymous. Paul may have done this himself, as he was from a family of Jews who were also Roman citizens. For Roman citizenship they no doubt paid a large amount. Of course, he may have been disinherited when he confessed Jesus as Messiah and God. However, he does not ask the rest of us to give everything. He does, however, expect sacrificial giving of all who have received the riches of Christ.
Lord Jesus, You, most of all, gave everything to save me from sin and eternal loss. I pray for grace to give sacrificially. In Your giving Name I pray. Amen!
The 100 Huntley Street daily TV ministry had just begun when I received a letter from a lawyer telling me that a lady had left a sum of money in her will in support of the non-profit charity listed as Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. Shortly thereafter, the cheque arrived from the law firm. Then a letter from her son arrived. He was a tough union leader who objected and claimed that his mother had been manipulated in some way. I could never calculate the value of his soul in dollars, so I went to the treasurer who cut a cheque in the full amount of the bequest and sent it to the son. I started to pray fervently for him and about two years later, Crossroads received a cheque from him for double the amount of his mother’s bequest. He had started watching 100 Huntley Street, gave his life to Christ, and obviously repented of his actions towards his mom’s wishes. There are those who give in different ways. One comes to mind where a lady, who obviously wanted “treasure in heaven” (Matthew 6:19-21), made the payments on a life insurance policy for which Crossroads was the beneficiary. We heard from her lawyer after her passing into her eternal reward. I endorse fully Paul’s exhortation in 8:20-21: “Avoiding this: that anyone should blame us in this lavish gift which is administered by us – providing honourable things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.” Crossroads is audited annually by PriceWaterhouseCoopers and has an excellent report “in the sight of men.” Norma-Jean and I trust the Board of Directors and the management, led by Lorna Dueck, CEO, completely, and we are monthly givers. We support other worthy ministries as well.
Yours for giving!
Mary Stewart asked me to send the following update:
Mary had her hip replacement done and Ross had his cancerous
kidney removed . Both are still in Hospital and would really appreciate continued prayer. Thank you.
Thanks for letting us know, Will. Lord God, our Jehovah Rapha, we hold up Mary and Ross to You as they are in hospital. Wash them with Your Blood, ease their pain, and strengthen and heal them. In Your Mighty Name, we pray. Amen, amen and amen.
Agreeing with Beverlee in prayer. AMEN !
TY Lord for the highly skilled medical team who worked with Mary and her husband; we TY Lord that the hip replacement is completed and we ask that You would give Mary the peace and thankfulness that the pain is gone and all she needs to do now is begin rehab and that she will complete this rehab, feel 100% better and praising Your Name Lord God as our Great Healer!
Lord we lift up Ross and TY for again for the skilled medical team who worked to remove the cancerous kidney! We TY Lord that all the cancer has been completely removed, that healing will begin immediately and that Ross will once again be able and more than happy to dance with joy and celebrate YOUR GOODNESS AND YOUR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR ROSS AND MARY AND FOR ALL MANKIND!
We TY Lord for this tremendous gift of healing!
Lord God, please keep Mary and Ross both in Your care. Please heal them both. And guide them, the doctors, their families and friends in the decisions coming. Also, please keep us all faithful as we live the lives You’ve given us. Thank You for always being faithful, dear Father. In Jesus’ name, amen
Amen, Rob!
Praying for Mary and Ross. May their recovery be complete and quick. May they have a good support system of people who will encourage them with prayers and practical help!
Pastor David, the story of your valuing a man’s eternal soul above his mother’s gift, and returning her gift to the son and praying for him, resulting in his eventually turning to Christ really moved me. I love your heart for God and others! No wonder God has blessed you and your whole family and continues to do so.
Thank you for sharing your personal stories and life experiences with us, they are such an inspiration.
Amen, May!!
Amen! God bless you Pastor David, Norma Jean and Crossroads! Praying for you and your husband Mary Stewart that you will recover well. Trust you have peace and comfort in the hospital at this time. God bless you!
Mary and Ross are in my prayers
What a heart-warming story Pastor David! You did the right thing and brought a soul to repentance and salvation!!
May the Lord God continue to renew your physical body. Praise God for you and your family as you continue to give of yourself in ministry to the Lord!
Its good to see new life being restored in 100 Huntley Street, and Crossroads Communications, Inc. under the new leadership. I pray God’s blessings on Lorna Dueck and those ministering with her.
I have some questions if someone could help me. This does not pertain to today’s reading. It is about when the curtain was torn in two at the time of our Christ’s last breath. Why did that happen? What does it symbolize? And what does that mean to us today? In three sentences or less, ha, ha! Thanks! I feel that I am missing something important. Of course I am saying prayers for you Mary and all who request on this blog. Blessings to all! Xoxo
Go to this site, Susan, for your answers:
Beverlee Kay
You are amazing! TY so much for always finding the right songs, sites, information and sharing them on this blog!
God bless you!
Yes, you are amazing Beverlee Kay! The link is perfect!! Great information!! Thank You. Xoxo
I agree…Beverlee Kay, is always such a Blessing!
It was really nothing; just copied and pasted your questions into a google. God bless all of you!
Great story, David, of returning funds that led to the man’s change of heart, and won him to Christ and a donor to 100 Huntley Street.
2 Cor. 8 & 9, Such great chapters on “the grace of giving”. Paul is so diplomatic..building them, encouraging them while holding them to their commitment and challenging them in their giving.
I worked in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver for 15 years..with the homeless who came in daily for a hot meal. I explained that as poor as someone in Canada is, people in other countries consider us rich and how important every penny is…and how much more it is those in many countries. I put a challenge to them. Left a container on the prayer table and said, “every penny you put in, I will match it and send for blessings for our missionary appeal”. By the end of 3 months, they had put in their pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters – a total of $265.00 which I matched. The next year it was doubled again.” I was totally amazed. A forever illustration of needy people “giving out of their poverty”…truly a real blessing…and a challenge for me to come up with the matching amount. Truly an experience I will always remember.
Still lifting up Mary & Ross in prayer for peace, strength and ongoing healing. Also, praying for Sah. May God lift your spirit and grant you the prayers of your heart. It may be a fight of faith to keep positive as your struggle with depression and thoughts from the enemy..and financial dilemma..but am reminded of the words of Jesus, ‘the thief comes to steal, and to kill and to destroy: I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.’ The devil wants to keep us down..but Jesus wants to lift us up… “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered, Let God, let God..arise. My way of facing, weakness, sin, troubles or conflicts when I find it hard to do, I kneel before the Lord and say or sing, “Just AS I AM..and then admit and tell the Lord exactly what I feel, or am struggling with..situations that are troubling…or the “me” I don’t like..this, being able to express my true feelings,…then leaving it at the Mercy-Seat of prayer..and “Looking to Jesus who is the Author and Finisher” of my faith.. trusting Him to do what I cannot do.”
Finally, may God continue to bless, encourage and strengthen each blogger as we all strive to be God’s person – God helping us.
Am so touched by what you have written today,Samuel!…Thankyou!
And yes… God Bless, Mary and Ross and SAH!
Sending back the money was the best thing to do! Praying for the person was the 2nd best thing to do! Yes the Holy Spirit began working on this man’s heart! TY Lord!
Lord continue to bless this Ministry and especially the area of donations and how to account for every donation and to prepare tax receipts and the counting of every donation! May God continue to put the right people into the finance department and may God continue to watch over all the work being done in this Ministry!
This Ministry declares the Word of Jesus Christ to every person in the world! It takes a big financial budget to do so; TY for all who contribute financially! May all these monies go where You want them to go Lord, we TY again for guiding the Board of Directors as they plan budgets and always remember that You Lord are the Leader, the Savior, the All Knowing Lord God our Saviour!
well said, Sah!
What Great photos Reynold, I’m amazed at how well the mosaic is preserved! thank you and God bless you.!