Today’s Reading: Judges 10-11
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

St. George Orthodox Monastery, or Monastery of St. George of Koziba, is located in Wadi Qelt, in the eastern West Bank. The sixth-century cliff-hanging complex, with its ancient chapel and gardens, is active and inhabited by Greek Orthodox monks. It is reached by a pedestrian bridge across the Wadi Qelt, which many imagine to be Psalm 23’s “valley of the shadow of death.” The valley parallels the old Roman road from Jerusalem to Jericho, the backdrop for the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Judges 11:1
Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valour, but he was the son of a harlot; and Gilead begot Jephthah.
Why would the writer of Scripture record our key verse? Perhaps the point he is making is that God uses all who are willing, regardless of pedigree. Our background matters little; it’s what is in our hearts that counts. The Apostle Paul urges us to consider our calling. Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-31. “Not many wise, not many mighty, and not many noble are called.” We have good news. God will use us as we are! He wants a surrendered, obedient heart. That’s all! Let us give Him our hearts anew now!
The last part of our reading is a difficult story (Judges 11:29-40). Notice that it does not say that Jephthah actually burnt his daughter as an offering. God would not allow Abraham to offer Isaac (Genesis 22:1-14). The Jewish Rabbis teach that Jephthah sent his daughter permanently into a wilderness retreat where she remained a virgin for the rest of her life. For this reason I asked David Reynold for a photograph of the magnificent monastery in the wadi Qelt where vows are maintained as a sacrifice to God.
Lord God, once again You’ve shown me that no ordinary human being is perfect. I can never claim to be sinless (1 John 1:8-10). Therefore, I confess my sin and trust Your promise that You forgive me and cleanse me. Here’s my heart once again. Live in and through me in the Person of Your Son and my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
I’m glad that Peter wrote, “No Scripture is of any private interpretation” (2 Peter 1:19-21). This is why I appealed to the Jewish Rabbis concerning Jephthah’s daughter. I deeply value the huge body of the historical understanding of the meaning of Scripture. Some react to Scriptures that are difficult to process in an hysterical way rather than in an historical way. I try to guard against jumping to conclusions until I have read the whole of Scripture on a given matter, as well as the comments of Rabbis and of Christian teachers whose work has stood the test of centuries.
In today’s reading we learn about the people of Amman. This is modern day Amman, the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This is a majority Muslim country. However, King Abdullah, whom I had the privilege of meeting, told me that he watches my Arab preacher son-in-law “all the time.” I checked on his knowledge by asking the king what TV signal he watched. He answered correctly. I’m going to Google to check once again on the ministry called, “Light for All Nations.” It’s in the Arabic language, so I won’t understand much. However, if I can find Nizar, father of six of my grandchildren, and grandfather of three of my great-grandchildren, speaking with English subtitles, I’ll attach a video link (found it…click here).
Yours for understanding the daily readings of Scripture,
Good Morning David
Hope this finds you feeling a little stronger and the pain is subsiding. Elaine has kept us updated on your health so that we can pray with understanding. We trust that at this time you really feel the healing arms of our amazing Lord and Saviour and sense his peace all around you. We continue to pray every day for you and give God thanks for the incredible influence you have been in this country we live in. We also pray for the ministry you started that it would contnue to be a voice for truth across the airwaves in this very dark time when truth is becoming clouded ! We love you and appreciate all of your encouragement to us through the years. Eldon and Janet
Amen !
Checking google maps for location of today’s photo, I was directed to Rome.
Picture sure is amazing.
Thank you. The map has been fixed.
Amen! Amen!
Thank you Ron for narrating during this time for your father. Moreover, thank you Rev. David Mainse for all you have been and done for us, and the incredible impact you have made in our World ????????????✝
My husband has been moved back into I.c.u. because he is bleeding. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, they are doing X-rays now, as he has been bringing up blood. Thank you for your prayers. Mary
Dear May: I am praying that the Doctors will have wisdom as to what to do for your dear husband. Most of all I am praying that our dear Lord will heal him in the name of Jesus. May He give you comfort and strength during during this time of waiting. May you feel His presence surrounding you. I wish I was there to give you a comforting hug.
No Church for me today, hoping for next week. I haven’t been able to get there since Christmas Day, I miss it so much. Lots and lots of snow here.
Blessings my blog friends, Eleanor M.
My husband is now having a scope of his G.I. tract, he is on a ventilator also, as he has aspirated some emesis into his lungs.
The bleeding seems to have stopped, as his haemoglobin has stabilized, although it is quite low. Thank you for your prayers.
We continue to pray for your husband’s complete healing. GOD bless you both.
Praying for you, this morning, dear David. Such pain is not a pleasant experience and we bring it before our Heavenly Father and Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that you be healed strengthened and renewed. Oh, the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, breathe in on and through David Mainse and release his pain in the Mighty Name of Jehovah-Rapha, our Healer. We love you, David and are so thankful for all you have done to bring people to know and claim Jesus Christ as their Saviour and bring glory to our Redeemers Name. Blessings dearest saints in the Lord.
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NKJV)
Daystar (Shine Down On Me), GatherVEVO
Amen Beverleee.
Amen Beverlee and Eleanor. May God extend His healing Hand in our dear Pastor David and Mary’s husband’s life today and bless all these friends. Like that song Beverlee.
May our Lord and Saviour continue to strengthen and encourage you Pastor David; also your wonderful family. I pray that the “Joy of the Lord be your strength”. Amen!
Thank you Reynold for those wonderful photos; they bring enlightenment to today’s story. Thank you Pastor David for being so thorough in providing explanation to the scripture and its meaning.