Today’s Reading: Joshua 24
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Ad Deir (Arabic for “The Monastery”) is a monumental building carved out of rock in the ancient city of Petra. Built by the Nabataeans in the 1st century, it measures 50 metres wide by approximately 45 metres high.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 24:15
And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve….But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Three points we might consider – First, human free will. There’s an old spiritual song taken from verse 12 – “God did not force them to go ‘gainst their will.’ He just made them willing to go.” The hornets caused them of their own free will to change their minds.
Second, the choice, again by free will, to serve the Lord. Surely the threat of judgment should’ve been as effective as the hornets. Joshua led by example in choosing to serve the Lord.
Third, the visual message of the stone of witness and the bones of Joseph which were brought from Egypt (Genesis 50:24-26). We may decide to have our own visual aids for our children and grandchildren. Our witness could be our personal testimony of faith written by the lawyer in the document known as our Last Will and Testament. It may be a beautiful wall hanging which they will treasure. There is great potential in using our imaginations here.
[Personalize this prayer for your own family, as I have]
Lord God, grant that I may be very deliberate in planning my spiritual legacy for my 4 children, my 16 grandchildren and my 13 great-grandchildren. I ask for a gift of creativity so that I will communicate effectively for time and eternity. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!
I was just 12 when my mother died of cancer. She was only 50 years old. I have powerful memories of her. She cared for me and my two sisters, Willa Hodgins and Elaine Boudinot, while my Dad was away during the Second World War. She was loving and strict, a good combination. The last time I heard her speak out at a prayer meeting she quoted Joshua saying, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” That statement was true for our family. When she was about to take her last breath, I thought I heard her say my name. I went to her bedside, kissed her and said, “Mother, I’ll meet you in Heaven.” My Dad claimed I added the words, “I will, I will!” Perhaps it was my imagination but I thought I saw a smile beginning on her lips as she gave a last sigh and was gone to be in the immediate Presence of Jesus in Heaven. I have an unmovable stone of witness from my mother. In case you read my blog up there, Mother, I’ll see you soon!
Yours for an unmistakable witness to our faith,
“But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Amen! I feel a sense of sadness in finishing the book of Joshua. Thinking of my dad, today–he would have been 90! I have been reading “My Glimpse of Eternity” by Betty Malz–a tiny book; her story of dying and coming back to life 25 minutes later. Has anyone else read this? Holding you in prayer, this morning, dear David, and wishing all saints a blessed day in the Lord.
“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.”
Ps 1:3, NIV
Amazing Grace: 40 Treasured Hymns – Tennessee Ernie Ford
Wow beverlee thank you for mentioning the book you are reading! I looked it up online and found a youtube video of Betty Malz describing her experience, and the video afterwards where she is talking about angels. It is blessing me!
I have so many questions about heaven, more so now that my dad and several family and friends have gone there…I love watching accounts of people who have seen heaven. It helps prepare us for our eventual journey there.
oops i forgot to leave the link for the youtube video:
Enjoyed watching the link May, thank you.
me too, thank you May!!
Wonderful!! Thanks for sharing the link, May!!
May, thanks for sharing the video about Betty Malz.
It is an amazing story!
God Bless everyone with this heavenly assurance!
Yes Beverlee.. I also read that little book, years ago…found it to be comforting, and very interesting!!!!
Also wanted to say, I always look for and enjoy your comments and everything else that you post!
God Bless!
Love hearing the message about your dear Mother David and about your legacy. I have a nice photo of my Mother with a Bible in her hands. Think I will put it on fb today to my family and friends as a reminder of her legacy. Trust you are improving well Pastor David. Missed your request for prayer for you and your husband sister Mary but am joining with others for you. I know the Lord will be gracious unto you both and you will see His goodness. God bless you both. Spent more time yesterday searching out up to date photos of the great grandchildren in this family on fb; I’ve lost count but there is well over a hundred of all the grandchildren together. God bless all.
Yes May, I have read Betty Malz’s book .My friend loned
it to me, increased my faith when I read it….R…
Always find your stories about your family enjoyable and interesting. Thank you for sharing.
Prayed for my family…as you prayed for yours! Each day I lift each one of them up in prayer.
My father died when I was four, I do not remember much about him, only what other members of the family have shared. I was 2nd youngest of a blended family of 24 sibling…as both my father and mother were widowed when they married to each other, and I was born of them.
After my Dad died Mother remained a widow until her death at 82. She was a woman of faith, and was a great example for us in all her ways.
And I pray Joshua’s prayer “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord”.
Wow Rev. Reynold, you did it again, what spectacular photos!!! and thank you also for your explanations of them!!!
I should have mention that father had 15 children from his first marriage and mother had six children from her first marriage, when they married each other: then three from their marriage to each other…of which I was one.
Wow Irene what a large family. My mom was widowed with six kids, she remarried my dad and then had my brother and I . She was a wonderful Christian and a great influence on my life. Although she died in 1960 in my mind I can still hear her singing The Holy City. She had a very sweet voice and was such a gentle spirit.
Thank you Pastor David I prayed the prayer this morning, enjoyed the chapter, your words and Reynolds amazing pictures.
Went for therapy and I am coming along, I am allowed to try Church on Sunday, but must leave before everyone else. Just so the crowds won’t bother me,I a so thankful for all the prayers.
Blessings to all Eleanor M.
Prayers for Mary Stewart and her husband. May God hold you both so very close to Himself during this time and, may He give Wisdom to the surgeons and all health care personal attending to you both. It is kind of hard to say that “for me and my house” as I am alone but I do follow the Lord as closely as I can and I pray for family, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Thanks for the ideas for remembrance. God bless all.
Lord thank you for the snow!
Thank you Lord for David Mainse and his family who serve the Lord!
Lord thank you for this blog!
Lord thank you for all the prayers uplifting each one of us!
Thank you for healing Mary and her husband and her family!
Lord thank you that You hear all our prayers even though You know know what we need before we even ask!
Lord thank you for the freedom of worship in our country Canada!
Lord thank you for the medical system we have in Canada!
Lord thank you for all the efficient medical equipment and all the efficient medical staff who are highly trained to care for each person who has medical needs!
Lord thank you for Your Inspired Word, the Bible!
Lord we thank you that sometimes it takes a mountain, a sea or a desert to get a hold of us, to get our attention!
Thank you for Gospel music, for all who sing praises unto the Lord!
Thank you Lord for loving us unconditionally!
Thank you Lord, thank you………
Thank you Lord that You forgive our spelling errors!