Today’s Reading: Joshua 15
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Here is David Reynold examining the Bell Cave at Beit Guvrin with its beige-coloured limestone walls. There are about 800 bell-shaped caves located in the area. Many of these caves are linked via an underground network of passageways that connect groups of 40-50 caves. The town of Beit Guvrin replaced the city of Maresha, one of the Judean cities mentioned in the Bible as a city fortified by Rehoboam (Joshua 15:44 and 2 Chronicles 11:5-8).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 15:19
She answered, “Give me a blessing; since you have given me land in the South, give me also springs of water.” So he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs.
Joshua 15:16-19 is repeated in Judges 1:12-15. This is evidence of good history. Othniel and Achsah, husband and wife, were first cousins. This arrangement is not uncommon in modern times amongst the indigenous people of the middle east. What was uncommon in ancient times is that a woman would own property. Men of God, such as Caleb, have always recognized women’s rights. In Jesus’ time, women were not allowed to be witnesses in court. Yet, the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus was Mary Magdalene, God’s choice as a witness in the court of human history.
There is an archaeological excavation 13 km southwest of Hebron. There they found two spring-fed chambers, upper and lower, each chamber tapped by a well. The experts believe this is Debir, mentioned in our reading. This is desert land and Achsah needed the blessing of these springs. God has promised to supply our needs. Ask! (Philippians 4:19). Jesus cried out, “If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink” (John 7:37-39).
Lord God, I’m asking You for a blessing. Caleb was an example of Your generous heart. I praise You for Your gift of the wells of Salvation. Please give me grace to drink deeply of the Springs You provide. In Jesus’ Name, Amen! (for worship today, we may want to read several times Isaiah 12).
Today’s reading and our key verse cause me to think of the woman at the well. Jesus gave her “living water” (full story in John 4:1-42). I’m expecting the blessing of Isaiah 55 (for the entire chapter click here). I want the blessing of God’s thoughts. How can this be? Want to get wet? Isaiah says to go out in the rain. He’s giving a picture of soaking in God’s thoughts, which are expressed in God’s Words. Because I’m soaking every day in God’s Words as I do this blog, I’m confident that I’m thinking God’s thoughts after Him. The result is that God’s purposes are being accomplished and as Isaiah 55:12 tells me, I “shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing.” This is a great blessing!
Yours for being greatly blessed,
How amazing thanks for sharing these beautiful photos in your blog
Interesting archeological information. The Bell cave is amazing. I wonder what the caves were like that King David hid in.
Soaking in the Presence of the Lord with you, David. Singing with the peace of the snowfall that is coming down in the trees–how beautiful! Stunning photos, today–amazing caves. Thank you Reynold! Blessings dearest saints in the Lord!
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Col 3:15 NIV
This is the Air I Breathe, Darlene Sczech
Thank you Beverlee!!
Saints, please pray for my best friend Beth’s spouse Marc, who is in desperate need of a new liver. He is gravely ill and needs medical intervention to put him on the list for a liver transplant, then to find the right match for one, then to have the surgery. Lord, you know what their situation is. Please step into their lives and take over for You are sovereign, Lord. In Jesus’ precious Name, amen.
Agreeing with you in prayer for Marc, Beverlee.
Amen! Beverlee. Praying for Marc.
Agreeing in prayer for Beth’s spouse Marc in Jesus Name, Amen!!
Thank you David. Love Isaiah 55 and the blessing described there. Remember the song that goes, “I want, I want that kind of blessing that saves and keeps and satisfies the soul.” Was on my knees early this morning and got a vision for my church. Thanks for your prayers saints. Be brave, be strong for the Lord thy God is with you.
Here it is, Ger:
Amazing caves! I happened to hear/see on CNN this morning that some very wealthy people have built (and live in) condos that were erected to protect the inhabitants from nuclear (or any kind of) attack. They have 24 hour armed guards, etc., etc. But, “my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” And, He is our “Shield”. Praying for Marc, Beverlee.
David, your blog is such a blessing! And so are you! And your family — thank God for all of you in your various ministries. Reynold’s photography is outstanding — such an enrichment to each day’s message. And Ron: I wish he were on 100 Huntley a lot more. Yesterday’s link from your blog to his precious message to seniors was a blessing beyond words! I forwarded it to several friends, and will keep it on file. He has such a tender, caring heart! May the dear Lord who created all of you bless you all in overflowing abundance!
Rae Churchill
I totally agree! So good to hear Ron! Yes, it would be good if he were on the program more would be a very great benefit to all
Yes agreeing with Sah and Rae Churchill. I used to really enjoy these segments of Ron. I am so thankful for 100 Huntley Street and also really love the music of Kevin, Joel and Group. God bless everyone !
I love the pictures you take David Renold Beverlee Marc is in my prayers there
is someone I know who is also in the same situation. I love Darlene Zschech songs
Lianne Hogg
I know you are pro-life. Remember Jesus birth in the stable. My prayer is you will help out this spiritual movement. If you can’t give time give money. Amen.
David,thank Ron for his encouraging word for Seniors
A couple of years ago on my birthday, my son in law said,How old are you,Betty
Before I could answer,my 12year old grandson, came and stood close to me and said,Gramma is mature and has wisdom.
David I like that
As we listen to the Lord, He can use us to bless others.
Oh,today Jan.28 is my 84th birthday
God richly bless you
A very happy 84th birthday to you, dear Betty! May God’s continued blessings be rich in your life and may His hands continually cover you!
The prolife spiritual movement will be a success if there is measurable change and that means written laws to guide people’s behaviour.
God Bless David Mainse, you are helping me through the bible in an awesome and ENJOYABLE WAY.
Praying fervently for your health. May you be BLESSED with GOOD HEALTH.
This is my 3rd time through the bible with you and I am still ENJOYING THE JOURNEY with you and LEARNING MORE every time.
Thank you, Thank you. Thank you.
in my opinion:
the abortion issue will only reduce when men and women take courses on how to live within your own bodies! It just seems to me that the very important things in life, such relationships, alcohol, drug use, how to act appropriately need to be taught! I didn’t get any teaching from my parents; and I didn’t do so good with my children;
I pray that people will come forward and put on courses all over town, courses guided by the Bible on how to act in a responsible manner towards our bodies!
I also believe that these courses need to be directed towards our young people. for instance, many do not understand how AIDS gets transferred! Many young people do not understand the changes that happen to their bodies!
It is odd that we need to take training to learn to drive a car and get a driver’s license? Why not put the same urgency on how to handle our bodies!
I would greatly encourage EVERYONE to pray for our young people, I noticed that some bathrooms have condoms on the shelf! Great! But the young people don’t understand that they should think about the consequences before having sex!
Yes, we need to pray also that the technology of today be restricted in regards to what people can watch!
I think it is very important to support the young people, if you know of a young person who needs help with finances to attend courses, consider helping them………
well that’s my speech from the soap box today…….blessings to all……..please prya for financial breakthrough for me…..In Jesus Name We Pray AMEN
Rev. Reynold, all I can say about that photo of the Bell Cave is WOW!! Amazing!!!
What a time I had reading all those name of the cities(even though I read them at other times)…wears one out…but of great importance…as they are included …and every dot and tittle is there for us to know what took place…and how!!! Praise God!! He created it all!!
Praying for your friend’s husband in need of a liver transplant Beverlee.