Suggested Reading: Joshua 2
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St. Stephen’s Gate is located in the northeast walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, leading to the Via Dolorosa. It is so named because of the tradition that the first follower of Jesus to be killed for his faith, Stephen, was stoned outside this gate. Like the walls of Jericho, the thickness of the walls are such that people’s homes were often located right inside or on top of them, as was the home of Rahab in Jericho.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 2:21
Then she [Rahab] said, “According to your words, so be it.” And she sent them away, and they departed. And she bound the scarlet cord in the window.
Scarlet wool is mentioned in Hebrews 9:19 (read Hebrews 9:19-22). Rahab’s scarlet cord is mentioned twice in our reading, and it pictures safety through the blood of a sacrificial lamb. Rahab’s name is found in the genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:5). This Gentile woman becomes the mother of Boaz, who is the great-grandfather of King David. God’s long-term plans are amazing.
Rahab’s house was, according to verse 15, “on the wall.” This explains how the men escaped through the window, and how, as the Israelites marched around Jericho, they would see the scarlet cord over and over. German archaeologists excavated Jericho from 1907 to 1909 and confirmed the historical record by finding a section of the wall with houses still intact where the outside walls of several houses were formed by the wall itself. Again and again the archaeological digs confirm the historical reliability of the Bible record.
Lord God, Your amazing grace is, well, amazing. To think You cared so much for the prostitute Rahab. Lord Jesus, You also cared so much for the woman taken in adultery (John 8:1-11). Thank You, Great Creator, that You care for me too. I pray that I will appreciate Your care more and more every day. “God be merciful to me a sinner” is a prayer You guarantee will make me right before You (Luke 18:9-14). As Rahab said, “So be it.” Amen!
Our daughter Ellen, now Ellen Shaheen, mother of six wonderful children and grandmother of three, studied in Israel before her marriage to Rev. Nizar Shaheen. Norma-Jean and I had not seen her for seven months when, right there in Jericho, she came running to meet us as we emerged from our tour bus. It was a joyous reunion. I’ll never forget the excitement I felt. It was in Jericho that on one occasion Jesus healed a blind man, and on another, two blind men. I can only imagine the excitement in Jericho then. I feel sad when I pass by Jericho these days on our tours because it is in the Palestinian Territory now and the walls (figuratively and in some places literally) are up again. I pray fervently for lasting peace in that region.
Yours for the “scarlet cord” of redemption through the Blood of Christ, which is wrapped around the world. The saving blood of Jesus reaches everywhere!!! Two years ago, my friend, Andre Crouch, went to be with the Lord. As I meditated on the symbolism of the scarlet cord, I’ve been singing Andre’s song, “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power” (click here for this blessed song!).
I wanted to share with you this song It is called Scarlet Chord by the group Southern Raised. It blesses me each time and takes me to that redeeming example. What a rescue plan!
Took my time and read Joshua 1 and 2 again and your blogs David. Love all the music and am familiar with Andre Crouch’s. Pray the Lord will touch you again today David and Beverlee. God bless you.
Joined in your powerful prayer…Yes, “Amazing Grace…that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I’m found was blind but now I see”. His Precious Blood, that flows to the highest mountain and reaches to the lowest valley, and it will never loses Its Power!!”.
Praise God, He is no respecter of person…Jew or Gentile…all who come to Him..are.saved by Grace through faith in Him!!! To Him be the Glory, Great things He has done!!!
Thank you for the link by Andre Crouch “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power”…I also clicked on “Through it All”. and was blessed by both.
Trusting that the Lord Jesus Christ is strengthening you with His Healing Power as He brings you through each day. Praise His Holy Name!!!
Thank you Ron for the vlog…Bless you and Ann as you come alongside your Dad in presenting this daily blog!!!
Always blessed by the pictures you post on this blog. Thank you Reynold for your faithfulness and creativity!!
My heart leaped when I recognized the gate that we entered Old Jerusalem this past fall on our tour led by Ron and Ann Mainse. The photos are so wonderful. Thank you Mainse family!
Prayers needed! Landlord si trying to raise the rent again, just after one month ago raising rent! We come to the Lord for His help; that He would STOP these people from doing this rent increase, leave it until next year! Many will be homeless! Our God is an Awesome God, He reigns from Heaven to earth, With wisdom, power and love, Our God is an Awesome God! AMEN
Praying for you and all your neighbours who would be affected by another rent increase! May our Heavenly Father be your protector!!
God Bless you SAH and your finances as well!!
Agreeing in prayer!
Also will keep you in my prayers.