Today’s Reading: Acts 22-23
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).
![December 9, 2014](https://100words.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/20120318-IMG_0118.jpg)
The shoreline of Caesarea in Israel. Paul was taken to Caesarea to appear before Felix the Governor (Acts 23:33).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Acts 23:11
But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for Me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome.”
Paul, formerly a persecutor of believers in Jesus, now is persecuted for his faith in Jesus. God delights to turn enmity into friendship, hostility into love. Jesus changes everything for all who give Him their lives. It would appear that Paul’s nephew had come to faith in Christ, as evidenced by his warning of the plot to kill Paul, or it could’ve been family loyalty that God used to save Paul’s life. Either way, God was not finished with Paul yet. Our key verse is the final statement by Paul in his first appearance before the Rome-appointed Jewish leadership. The party of the Sadducees believed that God does not do the miraculous, as do some liberal Protestants or reformed Judaism today. The Pharisees believed, but as Jesus said in Mark 7:13, “Making the Word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down.” The result is the same for those who deny the daily activity of God in human lives, or for those who put the intervention of God into the past only. As Paul experienced the “be of good cheer” Words of Jesus, so we should expect Jesus to communicate with us. Are we listening carefully?
Lord Jesus, I’m one of Your sheep. Therefore, as You said, I will know Your voice. I’m listening, Lord Jesus. Thank You for that “still small voice” I’m hearing just now. You are telling me that You love me. I love You also! Amen! (John 10:4 & 1 Kings 19:12)
I am so very blessed by Norma-Jean, my wife, my children and their spouses, Elaine and Bruce, Ellen and Nizar, Reynold and Kathy, and Ron and Ann. I think the most often repeated words to each other are, “I love you.” I tell my 16 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren the same. I cannot begin to tell how these simple, yet most profound words warm my heart. I encourage you to read 1 John 4:7-21, if you have time. “Love” is the very essence of God’s Being. Just as I am telling my daughters and sons that I love them, and they tell me that they love me, so my Father God tells me, and I tell Him. It’s not trite. It never becomes stale. The great theologian Karl Barth was asked for his most profound thought ever. He answered, “Jesus loves me. This I know.”
Yours for love of God and for love of each other,
P.S. In a previous blog comment, one of our readers blessed me with a link to a wonderful music video. Here’s what was written, along with the link…
“My wife blessed me with this song written by Brenton Brown & Paul Baloche. I am sharing my blessing with you. When we stand on the solid Rock of Jesus Christ and let Him lead us, as Paul did, we can weather the storms and adversities in our path. Praise God!” (Click HERE for the song).
Jesús loves me this I know for the bible tells me so….he also says suffer the lil children to come unto me. David your blog and prayers are powerful glory be to God
God bless you Joel! You are SO RIGHT!
This entire blog and all the bloggers make it a VERY POWERFUL site! PRAISE GOD!
Beautiful photo, message, scripture and song–thanks David et al. The video that goes with it is the perfect vision. This was the reminder I needed, today, after having a bad experience with something hurtful someone said and lack of compassion, after sharing my mother’s grief. I know not to place my expectations in others, that God is my rock, amen; and all will go well this week-end with the funeral. Our future is bright because of Your love, Jesus–thank You! Blessings dearest saints in the Lord.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Psalm 73:26 NLT
When The Music Fades (Heart of Worship) Matt Redman
“We cannot know the grief
That men may borrow;
We cannot see the souls
Storm-swept by sorrow;
But love can shine upon the way
Today, tomorrow;
Let us be kind.
Upon the wheel of pain so many weary lives are broken,
We live in vain who give no tender token.
Let us be kind.”
John Green
Amen! let us be kind!
Grief is our internal thoughts and feelings about the death of someone we loved or cared about, mourning is the outward expression of that grief. The funeral is a safe and socially acceptable place to mourn, but often when we try to mourn in front of others, express our grief to them outside the places society says is the place such things,their own doubts, fears and anxiety about death causes them to say things to shut us down— I understand completely because I am mourning the loss of my mother too and find most people want to change the topic quickly.
I found a compassionate grief support group with others who too want to mourn in a world so busy it tells us to get over it, and move on– so many bury their grief, never mourn and that is so sad. But the support group is a safe and accepting place to express my grief fully
I found my group through VON– I don’t know if there is one in your city, and many churches have them too now— and in the end, as you stated our biggest resource with dealing with our grief is our Lord– who understands and knows exactly how we feel and will always bring into our lives what we need so we can mourn as much and as we need — you are in my prayers
Thanks, Donna. I pray for your healing as well. Bless you!
Amen! to both of you in time of your grief!!!
I pray the Lord Jesus comfort you and hold you in the palm of His hand at this time of sorrow at your loss!!!
Thanks sister Irene!
God bless you Donna and thank you for sharing, we grieve with you, a support group is very helpful also!
I am trying to get one formed for those of us who have a mental illness! I would like to get together once or twice a month just to have a cup of coffee/tea and talk about anything that is on our minds, please pray that this group can be formed!
I also wish to keep encouraging you Donna to talk to people about the loss of your mom, you never know when your words might just be what someone else needs to hear! Don’t fret about people changing the subject, when THEY have an issue they know they can talk to you! God bless you and keep talking!
Thank you David for the powerful message and song. Blessings to all, saints.
David I make it a point to say I Love You to my mom after each phone call and before Dad passed on. Beverlee thank you for mentioning the scripture Psalm 76: 26 . I need it today, and the song . I am concern my mom cannot do what she wants to anymore.
please pray
Lord God, our Jehovah Jireh, we pray for Your blessing upon Lianne’s mom. You know what all her needs are and will supply everything accordingly. We ask for protection around her and Lianne, Lord, and that Your healing touch comes upon them. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen, amen, and amen.
Yes, Amen!
Beautiful inspirational song David. Thanks for sharing.
Yes, the importance of the words “I love you” both to our loved ones as well as our Lord Jesus Christ!!
Beverly and Donna my prayers and thoughts are with you at this time and to all bloggers bless you amen
I’m just not getting your Blogs anymore David. I don’t understand why.
Why did the daily 100words quit coming?