Today’s Reading: John 4
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This photo was taken in Caesarea Philippi, also known as Banias. The water originates from Mount Herman then flows into underground springs. It then makes its way down to the Galilee, into the Jordan River, and eventually to the Dead Sea. The water provided life to ancient Israel and still does today for modern Israel.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: John 4:14
…but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.
In the last nine verses, Jesus is back in Cana. Jesus said, “Go your way; your son lives,” and a fountain of healing water burst forth on the north shore of Galilee, about 18 miles away. The man’s son was healed. The woman Jesus met at the well in Samaria had been doing her best to quench her spiritual thirst for love and purpose in life. She’d had five husbands and currently was living with a man who was not her husband. When she believed in Jesus, an artesian well bubbled up with such satisfaction and joy that she left her water pot and rushed to tell others about Jesus, bringing many to Him. What began here in Samaria was continued later by Philip. Philip had four daughters who were prophetesses. Revelation 19:10 tells us that “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Philip and his girls were exercising New Testament prophecy, telling everyone about Jesus. Fountains of living water were springing up all over the place! Please read the sequel to Jesus’ visit to Samaria in Acts 8:5-17. Everywhere Philip and his girls testified for Jesus, there was new life. This is the primary ongoing sign of keeping filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter quoted the prophet Joel about this kind of prophecy. It was the birthday of the Church (Acts 2:16-18). Let the living waters erupt. Drink deeply and bring others to the fountain.
Lord Jesus, I drink of You. My thirst is quenched. May I not keep this living water to myself. That would be so selfish. May I offer a drink to everyone I meet. Jesus, You are the “Fountain opened in the house of David for sin and uncleanness.” Amen! Thank You, Jesus, for fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 13:1.
I was 18 years old when I rented a hall for Sundays and began a Sunday School. I realized that I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t do everything I could to give, as I mentioned above, “the testimony of Jesus.” I would deceive myself if I claimed to be filled with God’s Spirit, even though other gifts of the Spirit were evident, if I were not a personal soul winner. That Sunday School has grown to become a fine congregation in the area today. I’ve learned that when the fountain flows in and through me, I have unbounded energy for service. Jesus had been hungry and sent His disciples to buy food. When they returned, He was no longer hungry. The flow of the fountain of God’s Spirit is physically strengthening. As the woman we read about was bringing the people of her community back to the well to see Jesus, He said words I am taking to heart every day. I believe Jesus pointed to those streaming toward Him, and that’s when He said to His disciples, “Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest” (John 4:35). I make a new commitment to Jesus now…as long as I live, I will offer the living water to thirsty souls and work to bring lost souls, the harvest, to Jesus.
Yours for the full, free flow of the Living Water,
P.S. Norma-Jean, as a little girl, lived in the village of St. George for a time. She would tell me about the artesian well in the village to which people would come from as far away as Toronto to fill up their containers. When we moved to the area as a family, we often did the same. One day, I came to the well and found it was covered with concrete. Some government official declared it a health hazard. For 150 years people drank from it and no one ever reported illness. Throughout the centuries, religious bureaucrats have shut down the free flow of Jesus’ Fountain. For me, I’m going to keep digging new wells. How about you?
Digging the wells for You, Jesus, and spreading the good news about Your living water and eternal life. Oh, how blessed are we. Last night I slept with the Bible open on me to give me healing and strength. The Word of God flows through as the living Spirit breathes into our bodies. Thank You Lord for sustaining me. Praying for your strength and healing, David. Blessings fellow saints in the Lord.
As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.
Psalm 55:16-17 KJV
Who Am I – Casting Crowns (w/lyrics)
Thank you Beverlee for posting the song…powerful words!!
Beautiful Words, Wonderful Words of Life. Thank you and God bless you. Yes, you.–AlfkH4
Those are Wonderful Words of Life, indeed. Very beautiful–thank you for sharing that link with us, Rob! God’s continued blessings to you!
When I remember times I was so spiritually hungry only to find no one in the realm of authority in faith matters wishy-washy or academically unable to I’m-part a morsel for spiritual growth and hope to get unstuck. Lately the word…for lack of knowledge my people perish..I felt I was beginning to perish..because of choices I made a long time ago and at that time yours1977-78. David, along came a card from a great aunt about a word fittly spoken is as threads of silver and apples of gold,….and 100 Huntley Street then in Toronto, on., never did I hear a negative word only compassion, a patient listening heart, a fountain of encouragement and best of all JOY! …now you all had my attention, it was like oxygen to air starved lungs.I began to remember more tender times, Sunday school,Mum singing about In The Garden and simple bedtime prayers. So wells capped only covers up the source for awhile but the water of The Lord Jesus is once. tasted only takes a wee sip to prime the pump of the dry and thirsty spirit. Yours for the years of encouragement and the Light of Christ, be in abundance for your healing and work you so tirelessly share, never holding back. P.S. I thank you and all shared music, “Who Am I” .. Oh the tears. Amen. B.M. Jackson,Sudbury.
Good advice Pastor David. May I keep allowing the free flow of His Spirit to flow through me. Your story reminds me of the DVBS that I held in the local community hall for 10 years. The last two Sundays the Holy Spirit has been flowing in our Sunday House church. Praise you Jesus. We have closed down our church building temporarily to save on the heat. Blessings saints!
You are always giving so much back to the church and community, Ger–such a loving sister in Christ–God bless you!!
Heartfelt prayer David…I prayed with you…God Bless you for your open heart of love.
Thank you for the many scripture links you include in this blog; a great complement to the scripture of the day!!!
So sad to hear about the artesian well:)
In yesterday’s blog you mentioned your daughter Ellen’s and Nazar’s wedding that took place in Cana; I recall seeing it on TV…what a special event and blessing to you and Norma-Jean!!
I’d like to mention that I am enjoying the way in which Joe Ameral and the rest of the staff are presenting 100Huntley Street. I look forward to watching it’ and try to do so daily!!
Me too, Irene!
Yes I feel the same. Thank you for mentioning this Irene. I also watch Huntley St. Every day and have done so for many years. We are so blessed !
Beverlee Who Am I was sung at our church last week I love it listening to it
, and singing it thanks for posting it.
Lianne Hogg
Amen, Lianne!
Amen and Amen to the Living Water.
There is a beautiful song that was written by Beverly Lowry
(Mark Lowry’s mother ) it is called THIRST and she sing about the Living Water, I know your followers will love this song David.
Joshua 24:15. As for new and my house we will serve the Lord.
Yes, Amen! Carole and Wayne