Today’s Reading: Exodus 13
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Looking at the sunrise over the Judean desert, we can see the Dead Sea in the distance beyond the mountain of Masada, which was Herod’s fortress and the place where the Jewish freedom fighters made their last stand in 72 A.D.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 13:14
So it shall be, when your son asks you in time to come, saying, “What is this” that you shall say to him, “By strength of hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage…”
Four times in today’s reading God’s “Strong Hand” is emphasized. Repetition in Scripture indicates the importance of, in this case, the word picture presented to us. Throughout the millennia, the Children of Israel, known today as Jews, have continued to repeat over and over those words in their annual family ritual known as the “Passover.” In every observant household a child will ask, “What is this?” Again in the Scriptures we read the word, “ordinance.” Simply put, it’s an order from God. Of course the Jews who were the first followers of Jesus continued this “remembrance” every year. It was at “Passover” that Jesus said, as He gave His disciples the bread and wine, “This do in remembrance of Me.” When must obedient Christians partake? There is no set time as is the case of “Passover.” The word “often” is important. It can be daily; it can be weekly; it can be monthly or even annually. But time must be set aside regularly to obey the orders of Jesus to partake in the “Lord’s Supper.” For supplementary reading, go to Matt. 26:26-29, Luke 22:14-20, 1 Cor. 11:23-31.
Lord Jesus, You established what we refer to as “Communion.” Please grant me the grace of consistently obeying Your standing orders to repeat often the observance You established. May I partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine with a deep discernment of Your sacrifice. With Your “Strong Hand” You reached out to the whole human family, and we nailed Your Hands to the Cross. Thank You for the Gift of Your Body and Blood. Amen!
I want to introduce you to Sam Moore, former owner and operator of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the company which financed the new translation of the King James Version of the Bible. Approximately every 100 years another translation of the classic version, KJV, is presented to the world. I was raised on an older translation. For example, the words “thee” and “thou” are no longer in use in everyday conversation. It would be next to impossible for anyone today to read with understanding the actual translation from 1611. A spoken language is constantly changing. Sam’s vision to bring together the finest scholars during the 1970’s caught my attention. He came several times as a guest on TV with me. Some of his scholars were also my guests. Sam was an imigrant from Lebanon to the USA who began selling Bibles from door to door as a university student to pay for his board, room and education, and was so successful that I have beside me as I type, the New King James Version, my favourite modern translation of God’s Word. Thank You Sam! Click here for more about Sam or here to find his biography book.
Yours for a greater understanding of God’s revelation of His thoughts printed in the language I know best, English,
P.S. Since Sunday, Norma-Jean and I have been reading carefully and with great joy the birthday cards sent to us. Norma-Jean turned 77 on Sunday and I turned 80 on Saturday. Here’s a picture of some of the beautiful cards. Also you who are regular blog readers have sent lots of birthday greetings online. THANK YOU!!!
So happy to see you David and Norma Jean opening those birthday cards which each of you deserve so well. The tune that came to me as I viewed this wonderful picture is (an oldie) JOY IN THE MORNING, BRIGHT AND SHINY MORNING, JOY IN THE MORNING OVER THERE; SORROWS WIL BE ENDED, WHEN WE HAVE ASCENDED, JOY IN THE MORNING OVER THERE. ( Ain’t it the truth )
Rev. Terrence (Terry ) and Rev. Marianna FELVUS – led to accept CHRIST in 1975 by Pastor Sam Learning at Grassie Gospel church in GRASSIE. Pastor Sam Learning from NFLD, served CHRIST along with his lovely wife -VIVIAN and daughters -Sandra and Sharon for over 60 years bringing countless thousands to a saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST as SAVIOUR and LORD. Pastor SAM went home to be with his BLESSED LORD and SAVIOUR approx. 3 weeks ago. My wife and I and family will soon follow (but not too soon). Have a blessed day everyone.
Blessings to you Norma Jean snd Pastor David
I love the picture of you David , and Norma Jean God bless you today.
I have a question what or where are you going to put your cards ?
God Bless you again , this Day and always.
Thank you David and Norma Jean for blessing other to such an extent that you will never know till you get to the other side.
I, for one have been blessed by your faithful perseverance to God’s call down though the years along with millions of others around the world.
May God strengthen you for your new position of service with Crossroads. I believe God will use you mightly to encourage others.
Enjoy that new little great grandson, what a blessing he is.
Lovely photo with all your birthday cards. You can write your name on my card too Norma Jean from me as I didn’t realize when I sent it that yours was the day following. Yes the Lord delivers with a strong hand even today. Unique shot Reynold, love it. Blessings!
What a marvelous photo of you both with those amazing cards, each one carrying a great big kiss and hug! Mine was on that table too!…..Blessings….
I love studying the Bible. Thank you Rev. Mainse for your daily stories.
I have always been curious about what happens to us when we die as a Christian. Do we stay in limbo until Jesus returns or do we go straight to heaven? I Googled the question and came up with these lovely answers:
God bless us.
I watched with great JOY as you and Norma Jean’s very special birthdays were celebrated…would have been so nice to be there!!!…and continuing with your blog is a commitment I have so cherished daily and continue to be thankful for what The Lord is doing in our lives…I want to share that I do have it on my heart to give that $80. above my regular giving to Huntley Street Ministries…I actually gave extra last week but now will add to that to add up to that amount…Thank-you so much for your steadfast commitment To HIM!!!
Beautiful landscape Reynold, thank you for posting!
Thank you Lord God that you brought me out of Egypt also…because of your Great Sacrifice…I’m no longer a slave, but I’m a Child of God…I have been “SET FREE, PRAISE GOD, I”M FREE” …Free to “Come boldly to the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Thank You, thank You, thank You, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, by Your Grace, I’m free!!! PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME, JESUS!!!
what a blessing…all those Birthday Cards…extending love to you with words of love and appreciation; for your expression of love to so many!!!
Those cards are the love and wishes of everyone (including blog wishes) who are sending Birthday Wishes to both of you and for all the Love you both have given to others in spreading The Salvation Message of Jesus and His sacrifice for the world.
I pray Our Lord and Saviour will grant you many more years of good health and strength to continue to bless the world with The True Gospel.
Blessings to you David on your new post at Crossroads.
Love in Jesus
I just love the photo of you and Norma-Jean, dear David, with all your cards. It was so very wonderful to wish you a Happy Birthday in person. God’s continued blessings of love healing health and happiness in the Presence of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Blessings dearest saints!
I have followed the blog for over a year! Thank you! Belated Happy birthday to both you and Norma Jean. Blessings of health wisdom and all good things.
Dear Norma Jean. Blessings and prayers and love to you in this belated greeting. I sent to David already. I have watched you since the beginning of Huntley street. I so enjoyed and appreciated what you have contributed. I have many of your musical tapes. All the best to you and David. Love Colleen