Today’s Reading: Mark 13
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Nazareth Village is a unique place where visitors experience life in the first century. Pictured above is a synagogue as it may have looked at the time when Jesus read prophetic words about Himself from the prophet Isaiah (Luke 4:16-20).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, Click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 13:35-37
Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming — in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning — lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!
The destruction of the Temple happened in 70 A.D. We are still living in the times predicted by the Son of God who was also the greatest Prophet. The fig tree, the symbol of Israel as a nation, has been given new life. Never before in human history has an ancient nation been reborn with their own territory, and never before has a dead language been fully restored (Hebrew). What is the core message of today’s reading? JESUS IS COMING AGAIN SOON! Most people live their lives oblivious to this fact. Over 500 references to His coming in power and glory are in the Bible. If we lived in the continuous awareness of His coming, how different our lives would be!
Lord Jesus, I praise You for the truth of Your soon return. Please give me the alertness to be constantly watching for Your coming. May my life, my witness for You, my finances, and my deeds be pleasing in Your sight, so that I will not be ashamed at the moment of Your return. I pray this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!
I heard a preacher say, “Who will be taken up with Jesus when He comes? Answer: Those who are taken up with Him now!” My wife, Norma-Jean, tries to make sure that I don’t get distracted by the daily pressures of life, forgetting that Jesus could return at any second. I think she averages at least once a day saying, “David, Jesus is coming soon.” It’s her way of keeping me on the “straight and narrow,” I think. In turn, I remind her of the same. I’m looking out the window to the east as I type this. The stars that I saw earlier have disappeared, and our star, the sun, has cast a pre-dawn light across the sky. I’m deeply moved to think that Jesus could come today. One of my main intentions in doing this blog is to help keep all who join me from sleeping spiritually. It’s time to “rise and shine!”
Yours in keen anticipation of His soon return,
Yes, Jesus is coming very soon.
I will be heading out to our little cabin shortly, it is at the back of our farm. The cabin is a quiet place where I can spend time with my Lord. The cabin faces the east, we see many sunrises, and the moon rising up over the bush in the evenings. God is with us. I look forward to his return. Blessings to all .
enjoy your time at the cabin!
watching the sun set/rise/moon phases is truly awesome to behold! I always say “Just imagine, God created all of those wonderful planets and stars, He created day and night AND He did all those things for us! very humbling, I pray everyone has a good weekend!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow to David Mainse!
please pray that a friend will take my dishcloths and sell them for me, he is a great communicator, I enjoy making them and the idea was to sell them to pay down my loan….so prayers needed for my friend`s good intentions to help me! Blessings to all
I will pray that you will be able to sell lots of dishcloths Sah.
Yes I wait patiently for the return of Our Savior The Lord Jesus Christ and to bring many souls with me be a harvester of souls today and everyday
Praying for you, this morning, David. It seems that Mark 13 is the book of the Bible with the most words spoken by Jesus–such important instruction by Him. Yes, He is our countenance. He is our saving grace. The alpha and the omega; the beginning and the end. We are nothing without Him, but everything with Him. We give Him all the praise and the glory! In Jesus’ Name. Amen, amen, and amen! Blessings fellow saints in the Lord.
“Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” Psalm 42:11 (KJV)
This has been playing through my head all morning. So beautiful:
Jesus We Love You – Paul McClure, Bethel Church (with lyrics)
Thank you Beverlee for the song!
Thank you Pastor David . This song or hymn came to mind . What a glorious day that will be when my Jesus I will see. Praise His Holy Name.
Update on Lena:: she is doing very well and will be moved to the ward later today, thank you for your prayers God is so Good.
Amen, God IS Good!!
Yes, the Lord is coming soon and there is nothing more important. Helps keeps us on track in serving Him. God bless you everyone!
Thank you, David…..thank you, thank you, for this wonderful message, and I thank God for you and your continued health and strength to lead us . This is my second round with 100 Words and I hope and pray God calls me home before you,,, i am86 years of age… And may Norma Jean keep you on track,!!! Blessings
Yes, come Lord Jesus , Come!!!
Thanks Rev. David Mainse. I do pray for Christians not to sleep spiritually but watch and pray. Jesus, our Lord is coming back very soon to receive us as His followers. What a blessing to be called “His beloved”. Pray for strength upon you and your family.
Congratulations on a great grandson Declan David!
Happy birthday to you on Aug 12th, your 80th birthday! May the Lord shine on you, keep you, preserve you and bless you!
Happy birthday Brother