Today’s Reading: Mark 9
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This photo of Mount Hermon was taken from about 45 kilometres south of the mountain and nine kilometres north of the Sea of Galilee. I (Reynold Mainse) was standing at an elevated point in Meshushim Stream Nature Reserve. A peak in this area rises to 2,236 m (7,336 ft) and is the highest elevation in Israeli-controlled territory. The Hermon range covers an area of about 1,000 square km, of which about 70 are under Israeli control. This mountain range is shared by Lebanon, Syria, and Israel. The Jordan River’s main source of water comes from the melted snow off of Mount Hermon. Mt. Hermon may have been the “High Mountain” referred to in today’s reading.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 9:7
And a cloud came and overshadowed them; and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!”
Why Peter, James and John? Did Jesus show favouritism? God always responds according to our level of commitment. Do we want to see Jesus in new ways? Then ask God for a greater desire for Him. Why Moses and Elijah? Jesus had tried again and again to share His coming death with His disciples, but they didn’t get it. Moses and Elijah were two servants of the Lord who, at one point in their lives, had become so discouraged that they asked God that they would die (Numbers 11:15 and 1 Kings 19:4). Perhaps they were the only human beings who could begin to understand Jesus’ feelings as He faced death. Yes, Jesus was 100% Human, and this record establishes that Jesus is also 100% God. The voice of God the Father burned its way into the memories of the three disciples. Later in the chapter we learn that “fasting and prayer” is another evidence of our level of fervency. Why be fervent? One reason is because of the reality of “hell fire” (9:43,47). There’s a lost world that needs Jesus before it’s too late.
Lord Jesus, like Peter, James and John, I’m sticking close to You. May I, too, hear the voice of the Father, and may I fast and pray so that I may see Your mighty works. Amen and Amen!
It was at the altar during August I952 at a Camp Meeting. I had just turned 16 when God made it crystal clear to me that I was called by Him into the full-time ministry of His Church. I had been praying for some time that God would do me the great honour of giving me such a call. I wanted with all my heart to spend my life working as an ordained minister of Christ. That summer I had spent weekends helping Bob Johnson plant a new congregation in the village of Madoc, Ontario. Bob’s picture was on our High School wall as having qualified for several scholarships, yet here he was, sleeping on the floor of a little apartment, because he did not have the money to buy a bed. That example of sacrifice increased my desire to make the same commitment as Bob. If I had been offered a comfortable salary, a nice house and an established pulpit for some future time, I don’t think that I would’ve been interested.
Yours for a high level of fervency in hearing from God and in serving Him,
From Echoes of Eternity, Listening to the Father, Volume 1, Hal M. Helms
“Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone,
Can turn our hearts from sin;
His power alone can sanctify
And keep us pure within.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone
Can deeper love inspire;
His power alone within our souls
Can light the sacred fire.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can bring
The gifts we seek in prayer;
His voice can words of comfort speak,
And still each wave of care.
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can give
The grace we need this hour;
And while we wait, O Spirit, come
In sanctifying power.”
Fanny Crosby, 1820-1915
Thank you, David–you look fantastic! Mark 9 is one of my favourite scriptures, with the pure holy and dazzling transfiguration of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. What could be more divine? Blessings fellow saints in the Lord.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
Psalm 51:10 KJV
Create in me a Clean Heart, Keith Green
I have always been intrigued about salt in Mark 49-50. Actually, I have your book: “Salt, Flavouring the Moral and Spiritual Climate of our World”, David. Here is Matthew Henry’s explanation about salt, which is important, to grasp a deeper understanding of its meaning in Mark 9. The first part concerns salting food and sacrifices occurring during the time period of the OT but latter explanations, below, relate to spiritual components. It is not a matter of debating interpretations but understanding what Jesus was trying to teach us.
“[3.] Our chief concern is, to present ourselves living sacrifices to the grace of God (Rom. 12:1), and, in order to our acceptableness, we must be salted with salt, our corrupt affections must be subdued and mortified, and we must have in our souls a savour of grace. Thus the offering up or sacrificing of the Gentiles is said to be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost, as the sacrifices were salted, Rom. 15:16. [4.] Those that have the salt of grace, must make it appear that they have it; that they have salt in themselves, a living principle of grace in their hearts, which works out all corrupt dispositions, and every thing in the soul that tends to putrefaction, and would offend our God, or our own consciences, as unsavoury meat doth. Our speech must be always with grace seasoned with this salt, that no corrupt communication may proceed out of our mouth, but we may loathe it as much as we would to put putrid meat into our mouths. [5.] As this gracious salt will keep our own consciences void of offence, so it will keep our conversation with others so, that we may not offend any of Christ’s little ones, but may be at peace one with another. [6.] We must not only have this salt of grace, but we must always retain the relish and savour of it; for if this salt lose its saltiness, if a Christian revolt from his Christianity, if he loses the savour of it, and be no longer under the power and influence of it, what can recover him, or wherewith will ye season him? This was said Matt. 5:13. [7.] Those that present not themselves living sacrifices to God’s grace, shall be made for ever dying sacrifices to his justice, and since they would not give honour to him, he will get him honour upon them; they would not be salted with the salt of divine grace, would not admit that to subdue their corrupt affections, no, they would not submit to the operation, could not bear the corrosives that were necessary to eat out the proud flesh, it was to them like cutting off a hand, or plucking out an eye; and therefore in hell they shall be salted with fire; coals of fire shall be scattered upon them (Ezek. 10:2), as salt upon the meat, and brimstone (Job 18:15), as fire and brimstone were rained on Sodom; the pleasures they have lived in, shall eat their flesh, as it were with fire, Jas. 5:3. The pain of mortifying the flesh now is no more to be compared with the punishment for not mortifying it, than salting with burning. And since he had said, that the fire of hell shall not be quenched, but it might be objected, that the fuel will not last always, he here intimates, that by the power of God it shall be made to last always; for those that are cast into hell, will find the fire to have not only the corroding quality of salt, but its preserving quality; whence it is used to signify that which is lasting: a covenant of salt is a perpetual covenant, and Lot’s wife being turned into a pillar of salt, made her a remaining monument of divine vengeance. Now since this will certainly be the doom of those that do not crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts, let us, knowing this terror of the Lord, be persuaded to do it.”
Your comments and prayer are “right on” for me today Pastor David. Thank you for the confirmation of what the Lord spoke to my heart yesterday. We had a family reunion in the afternoon and one of my sisters who has MS fell when she got up at the end and got a cut over her right eye. I felt so burdened for her as I made my way to the Campmeeting where Rev. Jim Cernero was preaching on the Blood of Jesus and praying for people in a prayer line afterwards. I went forward also for myself as my heart specialist told me about a month ago that I have a small leak in my heart although I had open heart surgery three years ago. Tears are coming as I write this and realize how desperately we need the Lord to work miracles on our behalf as other members of the family and church are suffering. Thank you again David for encouraging my heart today, and also fellow bloggers for your comments and prayers.
Dearest Geraldine, I thank the Lord for your sweet spirit and will pray for you and your sister. Our God is so amazing He can do anything.
Blessings to all this day, let us raise our voices to God for this dear sister-in-Christ. Eleanor M.
Nice to see Sah back.
Hi,David,we may have mutual friends?Ret.Pst.Gerry Morgan lives in Madoc but,back in the 60,Pst John Fortier’s wife,Shirley, and your wife had a mutual Anglican friend in Brighton,I believe.I believe you mentioned this same Anglican Priest has retired there.John and Shirley are probably my closest friends/family and my mentors.Their son,Andrew still lives there.Enough name dropping.Thank you for all you do.God bless
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be my most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
Thank you for today’s comments. I have often wonder why only the three apostles saw the transfiguration. I love your comments on this topic.
Also, your last comment about a comfortable pulpit etc. is the reason why I enjoy supporting you. Your humbleness and sacrifice are always evident. People notice.
I happened to notice the name Madoc today. That’s where my grandmother was born; 1800’s
No big deal, just thought I’d note the connection.
By the way, have a happy birthday coming up and many more to come. I hit that mark just over a year ago. Great to get bonus years eh? Even if they are more painful, at least the grandkids compensate for that.
God bless
Right on Pastor David…the need to stick close to Jesus!!!
I prayed and agreed in prayer with you!!
Without the Lord we can do nothing!!! Holy Spirit come fill my heart with your Love…guide me through this day. It is the Day You have made and I will rejoice and be glad in You:)
How special to receive this fresh daily bread…thank you Pastor David, Ron and Ann, and Reynold Mainse; I pray a special refreshing and blessing on you this day and always!!!
Blessing to all bloggers…have a wonderful day!
Madoc ontario was also an important starting point for me around 1967 when I was 17 years old my mother died of cancer then three christain sources showed interest in me a Baptist youth leader who drove me home Friday evening to a Catholic family who gave me a place to stay and also an Anglican minister who came up to millbridge where I was staying to open up a small church there for just three young people on Sunday afternoon after he had done his own main service in Madoc ont during that year the Baptist youth leader encouraged me to pray what I can. I prayed what I could that God would show him self to me a few years later now living in Toronto ont i walked into an Anglican church that the Anglican minister from madoc recommended and asked the Anglican minister how to be saved when I received Christ as may savoir it was reviled to me how God had been answering that simple prayer i had prayed back in madoc later I was walking down young street there were open air campaigners preaching on the street I took the steps of assurance course which lead me to dovercourt baptist church i met who would be my wife at that Church where I have served in many capacities and this year my wife and i will be married for 36 years we have 5 children 5 grand children a 6th grandchild on the way and one great grand child a few month old . I have served on the prayer lines for one year and my wife and I did the November Israel trip with you. all because some Christians in Madoc showed me christian love at a very critical time in my life
Thanks for sharing your story , God is so good to us .
Blessings to our Lord God
The Holy Spirit calls, gathers and enlightens us in the One True Spirit, the Triune God, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
I have found that God uses very simple things to get out attention! For me I need to remind myself to be open to His Word and to listen….
Please continue to pray for all people in Canada, our leaders, our youth, the elderly, families, the Word of God to continue to flow out to the people everywhere, pray for wisdom, guidance, pray for the Lord to speak to those who have the finances to help youth programs in their communities…
In Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
Please pray for the Holy Spirit to enter the hearts of our young families that they may have the desire to go to a Christian church and become involved in the various activities….
Please pray that seniors will pray and give words of encouragement to our young families
In Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
In Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
Dear Eleanor M. Thank you for those loving and kind words. I am sorry I didn’t respond yesterday and I need to check this site twice a day. The Lord is so good and I give Him my highest praise. God bless you dear sister and meet all your need. Ger