Today’s Reading: Mark 8
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This is the traditional location where Jesus fed the 4,000, on the east side of the Galilee just below the Golan Heights. This was primarily a Gentile crowd. It is thought that the large crowd may have gathered as a result of the demoniac who was delivered and likely witnessed to his entire village, returning with thousands to meet Jesus. The rock pictured on the left has an inscription, “Here Gentiles gave glory to the God of Israel.” – Matthew 15:32
GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 8:6
So He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground. And He took the seven loaves and gave thanks, broke them and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and they set them before the multitude.
Again the disciples faced circumstances over which they had no control. As Reynold pointed out in his photo caption above, the region where this miracle took place was a non-Jewish area. Jesus reached out to all people everywhere, including the mainly Gentile population. Notice that Jesus “gave thanks.” He thanked His Father even before any miracle had been performed. He knew that He could trust His Father, and His Father would never fail Him. There was no desperation with Jesus when He addressed the Father. I don’t read that He begged, cried loudly or took out the prayer book. We need not panic. Instead, in every circumstance, GIVE THANKS!
Dear Heavenly Father, please be honoured today by my trust in You. I “GIVE THANKS” now for Your grace given to me to trust You in all things. I want to live above the circumstances and not under them. I thank You that with Your presence, all things are possible. I pray this through the Person of Your Son and my Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!
My brother-in-law, Ralph Rutledge, heard me say on one occasion, “under these circumstances,” and he said, “David, what are you doing under there?” I’ve never forgotten that question. Faith and obedience lift me up, and I see the challenges from a higher place. God’s Word changes my perspective completely. In the reading for today, the story is told of the blind man that Jesus took by the hand and led out of the village where He laid hands on him twice for healing. With Jesus, once would’ve been sufficient, I’m sure. I’ve had to pray for the same person three or more times, and eventually I’ve seen miracles of healing from time to time. Over this two-year daily journey through the Bible, I may share with you stories of miracles I’ve seen. I hesitate to do this because it may point to me instead of to Jesus. I want to be very careful that He alone is seen as the Source of the miracle. On the 100 Huntley Street telecast, there is a policy that no miracles are shared without ample documentation, medical records, etc.
Yours for living above the circumstances,
Mark 8:29 “But who do you say that I am?” – This is a question for the ages. Every generation needs to look anew at this question and then seriously seek an answer. You see, God in his wisdom has offered each one of us a choice, and that is to either believe on his Son Jesus and receive the gift of eternal life or to reject Him outright and receive the due penalty for that decision. Most fail to decide at all, and as a result have inadvertently rejected Jesus. To us, it might not seem fair, but was it fair of us to place God’s beloved Son Jesus on a cross to be crucified? Our sin has created the denial and rejection of Jesus; a climate of hardened hearts, apathy and evil intent perpetuate the fanciful myth that God doesn’t exist and that we have no authority but ourselves. One day however, we will all stand in judgement and give an account of our lives, I suspect the first question to be asked will be that of Mark 8:29, how might you answer this question? It’s the most important question found in the Bible, asked by Jesus himself. I pray that all might come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; that one day as we approach the judgement seat of God, each one of us will be able to say a resounding ‘YES, Jesus alone is indeed my Lord and Saviour’. Amen.
Thankyou Pastor David for your thoughts today, you are truly a very humble man.
Amen to your words as well Scott, let us all enjoy this Day in worship of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Eleanor M.
Been away for a while, my 92 year old mother suffered a major heart attack on July 14th and it has been one stress filled day after another. She survived and is back home and I am now her primary care giver. Asking for prayer for my mother to be able to sleep at night, that her numbers for her blood thinness to stabilized and for God to give me the grace and compassion to take care of my mother properly without burning myself out in the process. So many blessing already, but still a long road ahead and without Jesus and many saints praying for me I would be vulnerable to many lies and spiritual attacks I am facing at the moment. I know there are many in my position, so I am asking for prayers for all care givers out there who need God’s strength and reassurance they are doing the best they can, and making the best choices— Thank you all
May God bless and keep you and your mum, and all the other caregivers out there, & give you the grace & wisdom & love you need to be kind always. In Jesus’ great & kind & loving & wise & gracious Name, amen
Agree with you Rob. “Wisdom” is vital and God’s blessings upon both carer and patient. Rest in Him from time to time.
Praying for you and your mom, Donna; for strength healing and peace for both of you. Call on Jesus when you feel weighed down and be assured that He will fortify you. In Jesus’ mighty Name, amen!
Yes, we are fortified in Christ–our Saviour Reedemer and Protector. By His stripes we are healed. For the Name of the Lord is a fortified tower; and the righteous run to it and are safe. We thank You Lord for our salvation. My pastor preached an awesome sermon, this morning, by which I am feeling fortified. I pray that all saints are uplifted in the same way. Put on the armor of God, saints, by His Word, faith and prayer. The devil has no power against us. We are strong in the Name of Jesus! Amen, amen, and amen!
“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12, NIV
Oh, the Blood of Jesus, Gaither Brothers
And amen again!!!
Thank you for the reminder of ‘living above our circumstances’, not ‘under them’ knowing that He is in control.
Yes, Amen!
I prayed your prayer for today Pastor Mainse.
“YES, Jesus alone is indeed, my Lord and Saviour”, Amen!
Praying for all on the blog that God would comfort & sustain them
in Jesus Precious Name, Amen!
TY and God’s richest blessings to Evanna, Nan, Ariana,Pam for thinking of me…..my chemical imbalance gets out of sorts sometimes, I thank God for all the wonderful things He has done in my life, removing smokes/alcohol/giving me swimming/a place to live/this blog/an excellent eye exam and so much more….I appreciate all prayers as I know we all do and especially when stress is higher than usual…..I am praying for Donna M and for complete restoration of her mother’s health! I am thankful that you shared Donna M…..I am also so thankful for the honest of David Mainse in his blogs….this helps tremendoulsy with forgiveness…
plese pray for a financial breakthrough for me…need to clear loan and help family/friends, again, blessings to all….let us continue to pray and bless others through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour……
Please pray for Jason as he considers another place of employment, he has an interview Tuesday morning; pray that God will speak clearly to him and give Jason clear directions;
Please pray for Jeremiah..he is needing a place to live…he needs to see a doctor and get some help for his chemical imbalance, he is still young and there is much help in the field of mental health….may God also lead and guide this young man…
Please pray for a 10 year old boy, full of violence when life steps sideways, may come from another country and may have a difficult time to adapt to life in Canada, God knows this child and please pray that this young boy will find a mentor and preferable a Christian mentor.
Thank you Heavenly Father for hearing our prayers
Agreeing in prayer with you Sah!!
Welcome back …always good to hear your compassionate heart!!
Remembering your TV series “Really Good Medicine” and that particular comment by Ralph Rutledge “What are you doing under there David?” Thank for reminding us to be “above the circumstances” not under!!!
Good to hear from you again Sah. Life sure has its ups and downs. Will keep you in my prayers.
thank you it means alot to me that others are praying! God bless you Nan