Today’s Reading: Daniel 9-10
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

On display in the Pella Archaeological Museum in Central Greece is a sleeping baby angel. The imagination of the sculptor here is a long way from Daniel’s description of the Angel who came to him. Read Daniel 10:5-7.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Daniel 9:2-3
In the first year of his [Cyrus’] reign I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of years specified by the word of the Lord, given through Jeremiah, the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolation of Jerusalem. Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes.
Daniel’s prayers were not just the “Now I lay me down to sleep” variety. The content of his prayer was directly from his reading of his Bible. When we understand God’s will “by the Book” and pray God’s Word, we can expect God’s action. Even so, here in this blog, we read from “The Book” and then we pray accordingly. We may be sure that two of the “Books” which Daniel read and understood were Jeremiah and 2 Chronicles (read Jeremiah 25:11-12 and 2 Chronicles 36:18-23). Now we can understand why Daniel prayed as he did. Let us pray the prayer of Daniel as if we were reading from a prayer book. Scripture has one true interpretation but many applications. Let’s apply this prayer to the nations where we live, in my case Canada, and part-time in the United States.
In the space allotted to this blog, we cannot possibly comment thoroughly on the amazing prophecy of the 70 weeks (literally “heptads” or weeks of years – 490 years). Again, as suggested yesterday, check this out with the writings or teachings of Bible prophecy scholars, such as Dr. Mark Hitchcock (click here for another one of Mark’s books). The accuracy of these prophecies is amazing.
Lord God, today I pray with fervency the prayer of Daniel. Thank You for the Son of man, the Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah), Who touches me and strengthens me as the one “having the likeness of a man” did for Daniel. (Daniel 10:19) In His Name I pray, Amen!!!
Two stories – the first I know personally. Dr. John Wesley White, associate evangelist with Billy Graham, on the live 100 Huntley Street telecast, held up a copy of the Toronto star and pointed out “prophecies” for the new year by psychic Jean Dixon. John said, “If even one of these comes true, I’ll shred this paper one year from now, put it in a bowl, put some milk and sugar on it, and eat it right here on live TV.” One year later I prepared that shredded paper, poured milk on it and added sugar, but when reviewing the year’s events, not one of Ms. Dixon’s predictions had come to pass. John did not have to eat even one spoonful! We had a great laugh, but the deceit practiced by psychics is not funny. God’s true prophets are 100% accurate, no fuzzy generalizations in order to weasel out when it does not happen, as is the case particularly of the practise of astrology.
Tomorrow, God willing, I’ll tell the second story of a prayer meeting where a menacing person who introduced himself as “The Prince of Los Angeles” showed up. Today’s reading tells us of several princes who serve the evil one (remember Ephesians 6:12-13).
Yours for “understanding” and “praying” accordingly,
P.S. It’s my understanding that many of those who pray at the retaining wall of the original Temple platform in Jerusalem (known as the Western Wall or Wailing Wall) often pray the prayer of Daniel 9. Below is a recent photo taken at that wall.

The Western Wall or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Men pray on the left and women in the crowded area on the right. The land behind the wall, the area where the Temple once stood, is under the control of the Muslims. On the horizon is the Mount of Olives. The steeple seen about 3/4 of the way across the top of the picture is the place where tradition says that Jesus ascended into Heaven.
Thank you for the prayer, David. The strong words in Daniel 9:18, remind us: “We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act!” Our God is merciful, to we, the sinners. Let us pray for what we need for others and ourselves, and be assured that, through Him, we can do anything. Amen. Blessings of love healing and light to all saints, in the Lord.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Prov. 27:17, NIV
I Can Only Imagine, Mercy Me
Great music with the words, Beverlee. I left a comment last night on yesterday’s blog. Thanks again for the info. May God bless you greatly today!
Amen, Doreen. May God bless you, today, dear sister-in-Christ!
Amen Beverlee…worshipful song!
yes we must pray
we can only imagine thanks for uploading the song it is beautiful Beerlee
Predictions are merely educated guesses based on what has happened in the past, but prophecy has purpose. God never reveals anything about the future without a reason and never reveals anything just to satisfy human curiosity.
Yes, Amen!
Oh God, our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, we call on you in prayer, for our brothers and sisters in the Belgian capital who have been directly affected by explosions which targeted the Brussels airport and subway system. Oh dear Lord, bring the medical assistance necessary to those who are injured and comfort to the families of the 34 people who have been killed. Lord God, help the authorities apprehend the perpetrators of this attack and bring justice as needed. We pray that the fear and terror individuals have experienced comes to an end and there is protection and comfort for everyone there. We pray for Your almighty grace and calm to come upon the land, dear Jesus.
I say AMEN to your prayer Beverlee
I join with you in prayer for Belgium for all those killed and wounded – and prayer for all Europe. Many who are coming in are not integrating but increasing there are MANY “NO GO” cities – operating independently and under their own law. We have good reason to be praying for what is happening under ISIS – the whole area and surrounding countries being affected – getting every so closer to Israel – and, on the other hand, praying for Europe and all Western Nations who are turning their backs on the Living God and leaving a spiritual vacuum for others to promote their ideologies – we need to pray intercessory prayers that our nations will turn back to the Living God and redeeming work of Christ.
Yes, Amen!
Prayed Daniel’s prayer for Israel, Canada and US, David and the prayer you posted, Beverlee. Love the verse that says of Daniel, you are greatly beloved. He was such a man of faithful prayer as you are David. Have written a message to you yesterday, Sah. Please pray for me today, God bless you saints!
Amen, Beverlee to your prayer for Belgium! Have not seen that yet!
Thank you David for encouraging us to pray the Words of God! It has been a practice of mine to do so, as it His Word!! But have been slack in that area in recently.
I like the John Wesley’s story!!
“Be strengthened in the Lord” all you saints!
Praise the Lord Ger! Thankful that your parents are with the Lord! Thankful to the Lord that you had time with your dad!
Praise and thank God He never closes the door on unless that is what we want! We have the choice to walk away or to come to Him and repent and ask for His complete forgiveness which is already available, but we need to ask! Close calls do drain a person! Praying for God to build up your strength Ger!
I also pray for energy! Full moon, season changing, time change!!!!!! Drains me also! So THANKFUL for this prayer blog!
I am dancing with JOY, my Pastor has changed the night for our Bible Study so that I can attend and still swim my 2x a week! I was so humbled by that move! SO very thankful!
Once again I ask for prayers, I have misplaced some papers again! I saw them must last week, pray the Lord will show me where did I put them! Yes, I did put them in a place where I would not forget where I put them!!!!!