Today’s Reading: Hebrews 12-13
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

A statue of Peter stands at the entrance of the ancient ruins of Capernaum where he once lived with his family. You can see the depiction of the Key to the church that he holds in his right hand. The fish at his feet represents that he was a fisherman…of both fish and man. Peter considered Christ Jesus and decided to follow Him. The result was that his life and the world was changed forever!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Hebrews 12:3, 13:8
Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart…Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Back in Hebrews 3:1, we are invited to “consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus.” Now we are again asked to “consider Him!” Why does He endure such opposition from sinners? Before we answer this question, let us remember that the Apostle John teaches us that “if we say we have (present tense) no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us!” (1 John 1:8). Also note, just in case our human pride or a misunderstanding of Scripture makes us want to claim to be sinless, John included himself in using the word “we!” “We,” you and I, stand in opposition to Christ! Sin is anything less than the perfection of a holy God as revealed in Jesus! To the extent that we come short of God’s glory, purity, and holiness, Jesus is enduring “opposition from sinners.” We are called, not just to a one-time action called “repentance” (a godly sorrow for sin, such as causes us to quit the sin for which we are asking forgiveness), but to live in an attitude of constant repentance. 1 John 1:7b teaches us that “the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.” The word “cleanses” indicates a constant 24/7 cleansing!!! Day by day, as we grow into the likeness of Jesus, we are less and less in “opposition” to Him and more and more living a life pleasing to Him!
Now, why “opposition?” It’s because we, the human family, are sinners. We need to acknowledge this and move on to “consider…Christ Jesus!” What will be the results of considering Him every day? (this blog should help). Instead of becoming “weary and discouraged” in our souls (the persons we really are), we will continue becoming the opposite to “weary and discouraged,” full of life and encouraged!!! To “consider” Jesus will definitely do for us as Hebrews 12:12 says, “Strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees…”
Lord Jesus, I pray that more and more I will consider You, read of You, meditate on You, dwell in the consciousness of Your presence, praying without ceasing, and in everything giving thanks! Therefore, my hands are not hanging down in discouragement, but they are raised in praise to You, and I do not have weak knees! I am strong in Christ!!! Amen!!!
I received a response to my blog from my first cousin, Rev. Roy C. Kenny. Here’s what he wrote…Your blog is so well done. Your insights helpful. You are a great student of Scripture, bringing out insights not often mentioned. I’m reminded I was named after your Dad and Rev. J. Caldwell Black. – Roy
Roy served as a missionary to Haiti and Brazil during most of his years. God gave him a great harvest of precious souls as he planted several churches. Roy’s mother, my Dad’s older sister, my aunt Myrtle, was a great woman of prayer, and in my mind she exemplified the person who “prays without ceasing,” a person who constantly considered Christ Jesus, and as a result her hands were strengthened and her knees were not feeble. If Aunt Myrtle were here on earth today she would be 125 years old, as it is she is now ageless! I called Roy yesterday to say Hello and to thank him for his kind response. He gave me a powerful insight into Jesus’ words to Peter, “Follow Me and I will make you a fisher of men.” Roy said that at 82 years old he faces big challenges as he follows Jesus, but that to “follow” means that Jesus has gone before him and his wife Doris, and therefore Jesus has worked it all out. In effect he was saying that there is no need to worry, just follow! That’s a powerful thought that has ministered to me recently.
Yours to “consider” and “follow!”
P.S. Below is a photo of me at the location of the Shepherd’s Fields in Bethlehem. Click here for #2 of those five Christmas shows I recorded in 2013. For those who received yesterday’s e-mail of the blog, you may want to click here to watch the Christmas show I intended to post as the first release of the five. Sorry and thanks.
Thank You for the wonderful message, each and every day training harder to be closer to redeemer. Not getting discouraged loving God each and every day with our heart and soul.
Yesterday you asked if readers find listening to the passage as well as reading it is helpful. I find that when I listen, my mind feels more free to just absorb what is being said. Both are good. Thanks for the comment. It has encouraged me to start listening again after first reading
Thank you Pastor David for this blog, it has truly been a blessing to me. I want to wish you, Norma Jean, all your family and every Blogger a wonderful Blessed Christmas and a New Year full of hope and joy in our Saviour. Eleanor M.
I prayed your prayer for today Pastor Mainse.
Thankyou for your dedication to this blog. Wishing everyone involved
a Very Merry & Blessed Christmas & Happy New Year, 2016!
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for His Mercy & Grace endures forever, Amen!
Your comments ministered to me today David, and the words of your cousin, “Just follow”. Am going to listen to your recording from Bethlehem later. Want to review the videos that I took there this year as well. A beautiful place to be this time of year. Wishing you and Norma Jean, Ron and Ann. Reynold and Cathy, the rest of the family and staff of 100 Huntley Street a very blessed Christmas celebration of 2015.
Hi David: So many times I’ve said it David–yours is the best blog on the internet because of its practical insights into the Scriptures and encouragement to live for Christ. In find your prayers are words that I can lift to God as if they were my own. However I must set you right on a few things: as for our ministry in Brazil, Haiti and in Canada I was nothing more than an unprofitable servant–I grieve over the fact that I should have been a better person and minister of Christ. Even though I am only days away from my 85th. birthday I try as St. Paul commanded, “…do the work of an evangelist.” In case anyone is interested my blog is Blessings, Roy
Since the beginning I am blessed daily by this blog and everyone’s comments. Wishing you Pastor David Norma-Jean your wonderful family and staff at Huntley St. A Blessed Christmas.
Please pray as my illness took a turn for the worse, spent the night in hospital and seeing a specialist tomorrow morning.
God alone is my strength and healer . Praise Jesus.
Prayed for Anna from yesterday’s blog. God bless you Anna as you heal from the infection in your leg. Rest in The Lord.
Agreed in prayer with your powerful prayer David!
Great photo of Apostle Peter thank You!!
Yes I like that saying “Just to follow Him” resting in Him!!
Always good to read your words of wisdom re each day…Hebrews is so powerful in its content…thank you for bringing out the meat of it..David!!
Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to all!
Dear Pastor David,
Just to say thank you for your daily blog. You are such a great teacher of the word. You are an inspiration and a daily encourager. You have been blessed tp be born into a family with such a rich inheritance.
Merry Christmas to you, your beautiful wife and dedicated family.
Going to my phone this morning to make a year end donation to 100 Huntley St.