OLD AND GRAY HEADED (Psalm 71:18a)
Today’s Reading: Psalms 70-71
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The fortress of Masada stands high above the Jordan Valley floor. It was here that Herod built his highly protected palace to which he could escape if necessary. Later it was used by Jewish freedom fighters who, for a time, resisted a Roman siege. I suggest that everyone should try to view the movie, “Masada.” It was in this area where David hid from those who sought to destroy him. He may have had this scene in mind as he sang, “You are my rock and my fortress” (Psalm 71:3b).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 71:18
Now also when I am old and grayheaded,
O God, do not forsake me,
Until I declare Your strength to this generation,
Your power to everyone who is to come.
The words, “Let God be magnified” (70:4b) are what this blog is all about. Our meditations are a magnifying glass which enlarges our vision of God.
God is with us at every stage of life: in mother’s womb, at birth, in our youth, and in “Old age when strength fails” (71:6-9). David even declares his confidence that he will be resurrected from the dead! “You…(God) shall revive me again and bring me up again from the depths of the earth!” (71:20b). Our key verse magnifies our vision so that we can see clearly that old age is simply a continuation of our service to God and of our relationship with Him. Would to God that none of us, when we reach old age, will fail to reach out to the next generations with the Good News of God’s provision for the human family. Who is more equipped than an older person with years of experience to relate to those who are younger the facts of God’s faithfulness and unfailing love? “No-o-o-body!” With the word “nobody,” some of us will think of a former mayor of Toronto, Mel Lastman, who puts his special spin on that word in an appliance commercial currently on television.
Lord God, I pray that my old age will be productive in blessing those who are carrying the heavy responsibilities of middle age and by inspiring children and young people with my stories of Your involvement in my life. In Jesus’ Name I ask this request, Amen!!!
I’m 79 now and that prayer and the key verse fits for me. It may not be a fit for all who read this blog, so I encourage everyone to offer a prayer to God that fits age, family responsibilities, and other considerations. Crossroads has published a book of my stories, but I find that many young people may not take the time to read it. Therefore, I take the time, whenever I know I’m not unwisely intruding, to tell my stories as briefly and effectively as possible (if I knew how to underline on this key board I would underline the word “briefly!”). I pray fervently that God’s Spirit will communicate through my words the message needed. Recently I had the opportunity to share a couple of my stories with a teenaged girl. Her mother said that when she arrived home she proceeded to straighten up her life and even her bedroom. This mother begged me to keep on communicating with young people.
Yours to urge everyone to communicate God’s love and faithfulness!
keep up inspiring all of us David, so look forward to your blog each day. I am now 72 yrs. old, and also have many stories to tell of God,s faithfulness over my Christian walk.
Thank you Pastor David your words are so encouraging. being as I am 75 and have white hair the passage speaks to my heart this morning. I am trying to speak into the hearts of my grandchildren, 6 in all. They seem to love me very much, even the 20 and 18 year old. I feel so blessed to part of their lives as my mother never got to enjoy all of her grandchildren, she went to be with the Lord at age 56. I should mention that Monica my daughter-in-law didn’t get her biopsy results on Monday.. They had messed up at the Doctors office, so I would appreciate further pray for her, I will let you all know when I hear the results. Thank you dear friend in Christ—Eleanor M. Hope are doing well!!
David, this portion of scripture and your blog is right where I am now. Facebook presents an avenue to share my faith and the Word with the younger generation in my family and some friends. I love it! You have always inspired me with your story telling and on the recent trip. If I can quote you, I overheard you saying in the dining room, “Well, what else can an old man do but tell stories?” I am praying the key verse also today. God bless you saints as you minister in your corner of the globe.
Thank you David Mainse for your constant teaching and knowledge. Loved the story of the teenager straightening out her life and even her bedroom:)
In your blog on Oct. 3rd you felt sure Jesus was returning soon. Just curious about who you think the anti-Christ is. A few come to mind at this time but God surprises us so many times.
Thanks for such a great blog.
Blessings to all.
Blessings back to you!
God bless you David for this blog. As we magnify God in praise and worship our problems become smaller in the light of His glory. Recalling His faithfulness in the past gives us confidence that He is faithful.
Thank you Pastor David for our blog and your timely stories. I am encouraged each day by the comments of others and love the pictures from Reynold.
God IS my rock and strength and His faithfulness I have experienced many times. Praise His Holy Name
To that young girl and all who hear/read your inspired words,David,you are a blessing.I’m nearing my 2 year mark in 100 Words and I thank you.May God bless you much longer.
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be My most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
Amen! Camilla.
Psalm 70:V4 (NKJV)
Sorry Camille, I mis-spelled your name.
This morning our Bible study group spent the time in prayer for the upcoming election…for God’s Will and be done in Canada as it is in Heaven!!!
So good to get together on this blog!
God bless you Irene for praying for the upcoming election in Canada!
I have appreciated David Mainse being very honest in sharing some of his stories from his younger years! Especially the one where he got put out from a game or something of that nature! That is what people need to hear, especially the younger people (50 and under) because everyone has screwed up at one or another and we are made to feel that we are not good enough, that we are failures, we are shamed of made to feel ashamed, , but when we hear true stories from people like David Mainse or other known people, then, we realize that we are not the only ones who made made mistakes, and to hear the Gospel being shared, that if we confess these sins to God we are forgiven and we can start over!
To me that is the GOOD NEWS! If God can forgive us how much more can another human being forgive us! For we all have sinned and fallen short of the GLory of God; HOWEVER through the death and resurrection of God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ, ALL OUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN, we start each new day standing in the rightousness of God, totally forgiven, loved unconditionally! AMAZING GRACE!
“In You, Oh LORD, I put my trust;” Psalm 71:1a Remembering a word from an elder, “Keep trusting.”
Lord thank you for the medical staff that did the biopsy on Monica and Lord I know that You have healed her completely. I also know that Monica will enjoy live to the fullest! She has been through alot! Lord You have walked with her every step of the way! Setbacks happen so that we turn to You for help and also to woship and adore You and to Praise Your Name above all Names THank you Lord in Jesus Name I Pray AMEN