Today’s Reading: Job 31
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Northwest hillside of the Sea of Galilee. Mount Arbel can be seen in the background. My friend, Jimmy Snow, son of Hank Snow, and Johnny Cash’s Pastor, believes Arbel is the mount where Jesus was transfigured. He is a brilliant student of the Scriptures and was often a guest on the 100 Huntley Street telecast.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Job 31:35
Oh, that I had one to hear me! Here is my mark. Oh, that the Almighty would answer me, that my Prosecutor had written a book!
Job…He does hear you! God, the One you mistakenly think is prosecuting you, has indeed written a book! We are studying it every day on this blog. Job…in today’s reading you’ve used the word “if” 18 times. That word “if” is just a little word, but it is filled with uncertainty. You can be certain and know God answers prayer!
In a handwritten book dated January 20, 1953, my father, Roy Mainse, D.Th, wrote about the conditions of prevailing prayer:
(1) Entire dependence on the merits and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ as the only way for a claim of blessing! (see John 14:13-14).
(2) Separation from all known sin. Psalm 66:18 tells us, “If we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us.”
(3) Faith in God’s promises as confirmed by His oath. Not to believe Him is to make Him out to be a liar and perjurer (see Hebrews 6:13-20).
(4) Our motives must be godly; we must not seek any gift of God to consume it on our own selfish desires (see James 4:1-10).
(5) Importunity and supplication! There must be waiting on God with consistency (see Luke 18:1-8).
Lord Jesus, through James, the man known as Your brother, You told us that, “The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16b). You are the “Righteous One,” therefore I come to You, Lord God, in and through the Person and work of Your Son and my Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ. Here are my prayer requests for today ……….. AMEN!!! (I spent considerable time in prayer before composing this blog.)
I’ve been meditating on that little but powerful word “if.” I went into Google and found the famous poem by Rudyard Kipling written in 1894 entitled “If” (click here). Job might have been helped by this poem. One of the lines says, “If you can wait, and not be tired of waiting, or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, or, being hated, don’t give way to hating…” The poem ends with these words: “If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, Yours is the earth and everything in it, And — what is more— you’ll be a man, my son!” My Dad pointed me to this poem when I was still a child. After his death in 1972, I found amongst Dad’s writings the following poem he wrote in his own handwriting. It’s also entitled “If”…
“If” is a word of great import,
But of such dwarfish dimensions
Using the future to support
It’s great and varied intentions
“If” is a fact like a barn-door hinge,
On which our movements seem to swing,
And we are no doubt hindering
Our best laid plans ere they can wing
Their way into the world of things,
Where they can claim to be a fact,
On which the future thus may act,
And discard “If” forevermore
Among the gods of old folk-lore.
Yours, for reaching out diligently for God’s perfect will,
P.S. I came across a picture (below) taken in 1924 of my Dad in front of the place where one of the prayers of Jesus was answered, the tomb of Lazarus. Jesus said on this occasion, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me” (John 11:41-42). This is the reason we pray, “In Jesus’ Name!”
Such a great poem by your father for all the ” ifs ” we say may we know that there is no if in Redemption for we know we are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ Our Savior Lord and King
there s no if ands or buts about it ♡♥♡♥♥
Lol! Amen!!
Hi David and family…your 100 personal words yesterday was about a wonderful lady that I have known most of my life…growing up just down the street from her and her family…after my own parents and my brother and I emigrated from Europe…also Amelia’s daughters became my closest friends…and have remained so all our lives…I am very grateful to Amy as I call her or Anyuka (mother) …she came to The Lord first…then Susan her daughter and next very happily on June 11/79. amidst a crisis in my life…Susan was there for me to lead me to understand that God forgives all my sins and I also became HIS child…and then her daughter Kathleen and Brian her husband…and the list goes on…to her grandchildren and great grandchildren!!!…so a very blessed and caring lady she is and continues to be…I do want to add that Huntley Street has continued to be a blessing to me also all these years…in my personal spiritual growth in HIM 🙂 and also this wonderful Blog ….so I took a copy of yesterdays blog so that Amy could read it for herself and have a copy…she was happy to receive it…and remembers those times very well…
What a wonderful thing to do for her! And amazing that she will be able to read it! That is a BLESSING FROM GOD INDEED!
That is wonderful, Janina! Praise God–Amelia sounds like an incredible saint through whom all God’s blessings flow!
Good morning David,
Thank you, thank you for your truths and inspiration every morning. How blessed we are to know we have a Lord and Savior in our precious Jesus Christ .
How great you have a pic of your dad Rev. M. Love the beautiful pic of the hillside and the meaningful poems. Sent the poem out to friends and family.
This would be a good hymn for Job. Peace in the Valley, by the Gaithers:
This is an awesome tribute to Anne Graham Lotz who is Billy Graham’s daughter.
Thank you Pastor David for this morning’s manna!
Thank you Pastor David for your teaching from God’s Word today.
I was so amazed at how much Reynold looks like your father. Amen to all the other blog message s.
What a beautiful photo of your father in front of the tomb of Lazarus, David! And thank you for that poem. “Yours, for reaching out diligently for God’s perfect will”, amen! All for the love of Jesus!~In His precious name, we pray, amen, amen and amen. Blessings fellow saints!
Thanks David for your Awesome blog todat, I enjoyed it very much and LEARNED WELL, that if word from now on I will be trying my best to avoid it.
God Bless you,
Love Jenny.
My Dad used to read that poem to me. Thank you so much for your encouragement, teaching, and sharing. We appreciate this blog that you do for us very much; it is a blessing!
What special poems on the little word “if” both by Kipling and your Dad.
the photo of your Dad on the stone that was rolled away..as well as that of the Northwest Hillside of the Sea of Galilee. Awesome teaching!!! thank you again!!
Great tribute for Anne Graham Lotz!! A great Lady!!