Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 16
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The most recent excavations in David’s City are just to the south of the Temple Mount. If only these stones would sound an echo from David’s time, we would have a tune as well as the words of David’s songs, which we have in today’s reading.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Chronicles 16:29
Give to the Lord the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!
King David blesses the people in the Name of the Lord! (verse 2). He declares, “‘Blessed be the Lord God of Israel…’ and all the people said, ‘Amen!'” (verse 36). “David returned to bless his house” (verse 43). Webster’s dictionary says that bless means, “Invoke divine favour; approve; make happy; praise.” Let’s take our pick of those meanings and “bless” people, our house, and God! David’s words and music accomplished this. He was good at it! Everyone is good at something. Let us bless others with our abilities whatever they are. We can all bless God (receive His approval and make Him happy) as our key verse says, by giving Him glory, by bringing an offering, coming before Him, and worshiping Him in the beauty of holiness. Being holy is to consecrate oneself to God for His purposes. This is true beauty!
We see the purposes of God in verses 23 & 24…First, “Sing to the Lord.” Second, “Proclaim the Good News of His salvation from day to day.” Third, in verse 29… “Give the Lord the glory due to His Name.” Fourth, “Bring an offering.” Fifth, “Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” Sixth, in verse 31b… “Say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns.'” Seventh, in verse 34… “Give thanks to the Lord.” We bless God by fulfilling His purposes! “And all the people said, ‘Amen!’ and praised the Lord” (verse 36 b).
Lord God I praise You! Hallelujah! Amen! Please grant me the grace to consistently fulfill Your purposes for my life. I pray these mercies in and through the One who fulfilled all Your purposes, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and AMEN!!!
I’ve often made up songs for the Lord’s ears only. I would sing them when I was all alone with the Lord. I felt that He appreciated my effort. Once only did I venture to sing one of my songs in front of my college buddies, and it did not go over too well. I gave up on the idea of ever being a songwriter for other people. However, it was not so with my wife, Norma-Jean. She has had many songs published, which have been sung by her and others. I’ll never forget when, about a year after we were married, she went to the piano in our little church building in Brighton, Ontario, and here are the words I heard her sing:
Verse 1: “Oh Saviour hear my prayer– and make me more like Thee– to walk this narrow way– to higher heights in Thee, Oh Lord I want to shine– forth with thy love sublime–Oh make me more like Thee…That those who are blind might see.
Chorus: Christ in me–and Christ in you—we will a witness be–as He shines through–Let self not darken –His radiant face—Let Christ shine through–in every place.
Verse 2. Oh Saviour hear my cry–and help me e’re I die–to walk with Thee each day–and never stray away. Oh Lord I want to speak–though in my flesh I’m weak–cast out each doubt and fear–That those who are deaf might hear.
Chorus: Christ in me–and Christ in you–We will a witness be–as He shines through–Let self not darken–His radiant face.–Let Christ shine through–In every place.
The theme of this Gospel song is Jesus Christ. The first verse is a prayer that He may be seen in our lives. The second verse, that He may be heard in us. The chorus calls upon us to yield, allowing Christ to shine through. Norma-Jean said, “Inspiration for this song came from a life which exemplified this experience. Therefore, I dedicated this song to the memory of my mother, Lillian Rutledge.” This was one of her songs published in sheet music by “The Gospel Publishing House” of Springfield, Missouri. Two years later, I heard the choir from the Bible College in Peterborough, Ontario, sing her song. I was so very blessed.
Yours for striving to live a life where Christ shines through,
P.S. Below is the published sheet music of Norma-Jean’s song that I referred to above. (You can click on them to enlarge and print, if you wish).
The most beautiful blessing from King David–such splendid scripture; and such a lovely message and song shared by you and Norma-Jean, today, David. Thank you! What a wonderful way to start the day–praising our almighty God by blessing His Holy Name! Nothing could be greater, this day, than singing our praises to You, Lord! Sharing the love of Jesus and blessings with you, dearest saints! Oh, the splendour of our King! Amen!
The Splendor of a King, Chris Tomlin
Amen Beverlee, what an inspiring reading from the Word. Then to be so blessed with Pastor David’s comments and Norma Jean’s song as well. Praise the Name of Jesus. Have a lovely day dear friends. Eleanor M.
Amen as well. Lovely messages and songs. Love this portion of scripture as well as it talks about music and missionary endeavor; “Declare His Glory among the heathen; His Wonders among all people.” (I Chron.16:24). I also thought of one of my nieces who signs in to praise and worship in F’ton area like they sign in to pray at a Prayer Centre in Jerusalem. God is great and greatly to be praised. Amen! Blessings to all!
In case you didn’t get my message, Beverlee, that is a lovely prayer you prayed for me. THANKS! Enjoyed the presentation of Empowered 21 on 100 Huntley St. this week.
Absolutely loved the song by Norma Jean. I have written it out in my journal and this will be one of my daily prayers.This song is most definitely Holy Spirit inspired. As I read the beautiful words I cried . I am enjoying the daily episodes from Israel . God bless the 100 Huntley street ministry. We pray for your family and for your health always.
What a sincere prayer in song by Norma-Jean Mainse,
God has truly blessed her with these gifts.
A beautiful way to encourage others to trust and obey our
Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for sharing!
God’s blessings to all, Amen.
How blessed we are to receive this blog each day!! and fellowship together through it: In the Word of God, words of wisdom coming from you Rev. David: As well as personal stories. And guidance for the day, in prayer.
Thank you Rev. David, I copied Norma-Jean’s anointed song!!!
“The Splendor of a King” one of my favorite songs, thank you Berverlee for sharing: and for your heart-felt prayers.
many blessings to all, Amen!!
pray for Tanaya, young Mom with 2 boys, brain tumor has returned, canot have any further treatments pray the Lord simply touches th tumor and it is gone! In Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
I encountered a problem with this blog…..something called WORD PRESS > ERROR appeared, apparently I had to type in my name and e mail address again…so if anyone is having difficulty getting on this blog, hopefully this will help.
I misspelled so many words in my blog above regarding a friend who has a returning brain tumour…I firmly believe God will “touch” the tumor and it will be HEALED AND COMPLETELY GONE!
Lord God I need a financial windfall, to clear debts and fix up home/car and give some money to Shawn in order to build a suite, then I can sell and move in and all I would own is a car, then I can help others, weed gardens, coffee with people, clean after musical events in the park and swim and find someone to go with me to find my children
Praying for your friend Sah and for you and for all the beautiful bloggers and all our petitions! Lord Jesus we believe and receive and praise you and thank you! Amen.
TY Lord for all who post their blogs…Lord I ask that You would bless Shawn and that all items will sell at the Yard Sale
Bless his diabetes, I pray that Shawn will be healed.
Lord I need financial breakthrough, clear my debts and give some money to Shawn to build a suite and then I can move in and sell my place…that would a good thing Lord, thank you in Jesus Name AMEN