Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 10-11
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Around 1100 BC, the Canaanite city, Beit She’an, was conquered by the Philistines, who used it as a base of operations for further penetrations into Israel. During a battle against King Saul’s army at nearby Mount Gilboa in 1004 BC, the Philistines prevailed. 1 Samuel 31 states that the victorious Philistines hung the body of King Saul on the walls of Beit She’an. Portions of these walls were excavated on Tel Beit She’an recently. King David was able to capture Beit She’an in a series of brilliant military campaigns that expelled the Philistines from the area, pushing them back to their coastal strongholds of Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath, Gaza, and Ashdod.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 1 Chronicles 10:4b, 13-14
Saul took a sword and fell on it…So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the Lord, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. But he did not inquire of the Lord.
Suicide! What a tragic end of life for a man called of God to serve as King over Israel. Through his own choices this once humble and faithful man reduced himself to a defeated, moody, unhappy shell of his former person. The warning must be sounded! For anyone who gives his or her life to God, God-informed and Scripture-based choices must be made and followed. There should be absolutely no consultation with any form of the occult or persons who, under the guise of spiritual gifts, would seek to take the place of direct guidance from God and the Word of God. Emotional stress and mental anguish will result. With Saul, his bad temper had taken control, as evidenced by his jealousy of David. The prelude to Saul’s death, and that of his sons, was that he had forgotten the key rule of battle…keeping in close touch with the Commander of the Lord’s hosts, as Joshua did.
Every person who makes a decision to serve Jesus must consult Him daily. Jesus, Himself, gave us the example of consulting His Father in prayer early every morning. Failure to keep in close touch will result in poor decisions, and we will flounder as Saul did. Let us all take everything of any importance to Jesus in prayer. He will guide and we will follow!
“What would Jesus do?” Lord Jesus, I want to be like Peter, James and John, the three who, because of their fervency of spirit, were closest to You. Like these three, may I always keep the eyes of my spirit focused on You, so that I won’t miss anything You are doing and want me to do. I pray that I won’t struggle with this challenge, but rest in Your nearness. If there is any gap between us, Lord, help me to close that gap right now! In Your Name I pray, Amen!!!
The first Governor General of Canada I met was the Rt. Hon. Jeanne Sauve. In her former role as Minister of Communications back in the 1970s, Glen Rutledge, host of our Circle Square children’s telecast, presented her with a large study brief which we had prepared on violence in children’s TV and its detrimental impact on children’s lives. This document was the direct result of guidance I know we had received from the Lord. Madame Sauve was dying with cancer the last time I met her. We had time alone together before going out on the stage of the Convocation Hall at the University of Toronto. I remember approximately her words to me. She wept freely at her memory, “I could never dispose of that study brief. It has remained on my shelf near me ever since I received it from your children’s host about 15 years ago. I knew that as Minister of Communications at the time, I should be able to do something. However, the will of the broadcasters and society in general was not there to enable me to take action. I’m so sorry.” A political leader in a democracy is unable to act without the support of the majority of those involved as stakeholders in the cause. My heart was heavy and I did my best to pray with her and comfort this precious person. She bravely went on stage and represented Canada with strength and dignity. She passed away several months later, and I wept over the loss.
Yours for guidance from God and for showing up when we need to exercise our rights as citizens to influence the course of our various countries. We pray every time we sing our national anthem here in Canada, “God Keep Our Land.”
Thank you pastor, you probably have no idea just how timely your message today was. I’ve been struggling with a failing business and what seems like the world closing in around me. It’s has seriously started to affect my faith which makes things feel even worse because I know it shouldn’t.
Thanks again and God bless you for your message today, it was like a B12 shot to spirit.
Amen, Robert!
How i enjoy your memories of people God has put in your life. You were always such a faithful witness no matter if they were great or small!
Thank you for reminding us to turn to the Word of God for guidance. There are so many “experts” out there who are “good” people, but their source of knowledge is not the inspired Word of God. It is so easy to be swayed and deceived by half-truths.
….”For unto WHOMSOEVER much is given, of him shall be much required”…Saul had it all and Saul lost it all. So sad, too bad. Proverbs says-“Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king”, who will no more be admonished”. Such a tremendous lesson (s) for believers today especially “us” senior folks who “think” we know it all and live life frivolously like the song says- “Row, Row, Row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. No, life is NOT a dream (that’s not to say we should not dream) life is precious and life is God given and if we do not include the Lord of Glory in our living, we will be the losers in the end of life. It is not so much as how we start off in life but rather how we finish up.I intend to finish stronger than when I started with My LORD JESUS as my pilot. As Joshua of old said ..” then thou shalt have good success”. (Guess King Saul missed that class). Thank you Pastor David for your teaching today- You are such a blessing to my wife and myself. Give our love to Norma Jean and the family (Former attendees- “Women Who WIN”)
Rev. Terry & Rev. Marianna FELVUS- Grassie On.
….”For unto WHOMSOEVER much is given, of him shall be much required”…Saul had it all and Saul lost it all. So sad, too bad. Proverbs says-“Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king”, who will no more be admonished”. Such a tremendous lesson (s) for believers today especially “us” senior folks who “think” we know it all and live life frivolously like the song says- “Row, Row, Row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. No, life is NOT a dream (that’s not to say we should not dream) life is precious and life is God given and if we do not include the Lord of Glory in our living, we will be the losers in the end of life. It is not so much as how we start off in life but rather how we finish up.I intend to finish stronger than when I started with My LORD JESUS as my pilot. As Joshua of old said ..” then thou shalt have good success”. (Guess King Saul missed that class). Thank you Pastor David for your teaching today- You are such a blessing to my wife and myself. Give our love to Norma Jean and the family (Former attendees- “Women Who WIN”)
Rev. Terry & Rev. Marianna FELVUS- Grassie On.
I’m praying for your business Robert; it may “appear” that your business is failing BUT IT WILL NOT FAIL and your health will also NOT fail. the very fact that you have reached out to fellow believers and to God Almighty is indicative of the fact that you have realized that without God functioning in an active fashion in your business and life, everything “appears” to be caving in. Repent of leaving CHRIST out of your life (and business) return to the LORD and “allow” CHRIST to be your “pilot” and then watch what the LORD does in your business and in your life and your health will turn around for the best. It happened for me and it will happen for you because-CHRIST NEVER FAILS. bless you my brother..Rev. Terry FELVUS
Amen, ET!
Yes, thank you, David. We seek direct guidance from God and the Word of God and leave it in God’s Hands for His direction. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and know that He shall direct thy path. That scripture verse means exactly what it says. We leave it to You, God, with prayer and supplication, and we trust in You! Amen!
Amen Beverlee…R…
Good word an prayer today David. Amen to the words of the bloggers as well.
A powerful prayer Rev. David and I joined in it with you praying in the Mighty Name of Jesus Our Lord.
Rt. Hon. Jeanne Sauve, as I recall, was truly a gracious lady who represented our Country of Canada with dignity and grace. Thank you for sharing your story in this regard.
We do need to pray for our Country and its leader’s that they would represent us as men of God, that we would live in peace. A Country under God!
Was glad to view 100 Huntley Street this morning with Ann and Ron presenting excerpts of “Empower 21”, and to listen to John Hall’s interview with Pastor John Hagee re his book “The Three Heavens”.
At the completion of the Telecast, this is the song that came to mind as I thought about King Saul, and your thoughts and prayers in that regard:
Based on Gal. 6:14 “May I never boast except in the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ” the words by Fanny Crosby.
Jesus, Keep me near the cross, There a precious fountain,
Free to all, a healing stream, Flows from Calvry’s mountain.
Refrain: In the cross, in the cross; Be my glory ever,
Till my raptured soul shall find; Rest, beyond the river.
Near the cross, a trembling soul, Love and mercy found me;
There the Bright and Morning Star, Sheds its beams around me.
Near the cross! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me;
Help my walk from day to day, With its shadows o’er me.
Near the cross I’ll watch and wait, Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I reach the golden strand Just beyond the river.
Beautiful Irene! I love that song.
My heart has been heavy as yesterday I went to a funeral of a long time friend of my husband and I. There was no mention of the saving grace of God. I do grieve more for someone that I don’t believe made a commitment to follow Christ. Only God knows whether he did at the last or not.
Thank you Pastor David for your words today, you have a tender heart. Blessings to all, Eleanor M.
Amen Beverlee
Didn’t see the program this a.m. but will watch tonight. (hospital for more tests). I trust everyone is keeping well, especially now that summer is arriving. Great!!! Yes, we must always seek God before any decision. I have to make sure I take time and do not rush into a decision without consulting Him. I wonder if Saul and/or his sons would be forgiven. It is said, when we accept Jesus as Saviour, our sins past, present, and future, are forgiven but Saul did not have the opportunity to know Him. Does anyone have thoughts on that?
AMEN to Rev. David for your uplifting words of faith. Life would be simpler if we trusted 100% in OUR LORD JESUS. There would be no mixed signals.
Doreen and Robert and all other bloggers who are having difficulties at this time praying for you for positive outcomes.
I think people should try and put yourself in someone else’s shoes….I tried suicide years ago, then things went well for many years, but now….things are very bad…I’ve been trying to keep the faith and remain positive but…pensions need to increase greatly, the powers to be don’t seem to have any concern about seniors today, if those in governments would remember that Jesus Stated that children, the elderly and those who cannot care for themselves need to be a priority, perhaps we would have a more harmonous country….it’s very scary in Canada if your on a fixed income, your at the mercy of the government.
if people care than they need to pray for the seniors and children and they need to encourage our Members of the Legislation (MLA) to increase pensions funds..fpr tjhe seniors, not Senators, .those who have money could maybe think about giving money to the swimming pools so that all children and parents can come swimming…many cannot because of lack of funds…..if you are blessed, consider blessing others…..amen