Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 3-4
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

A shepherd directs his sheep along a ridge in Sardis, Turkey (a region of one of the seven churches of Revelation).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10
Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.
In the midst of names, names, and more names, our key verses are like discovering gold. Remember 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is…for instruction in righteousness.” Let’s mine the prayer of Jabez. (1) He prayed for something besides wealth and worldly acclaim. (2) He asked for greater responsibility. (3) His petition to God was for God’s hand to guide him. (4) While his name actually means, “pain,” Jabez now prayed that he would not be the cause of pain to others.
What is our “instruction in righteousness?” (1) God said “yes” to Jabez’ prayer. (2) God recognizes an honourable person when He finds him. (3) It’s not selfish to pray for God’s blessing on our lives. (4) We must never be jealous of the advantages that others have. (4) Have no fear; we are not being cheated. (5) Our main goal should be to be the best we can be with God’s help.
Lord God, I join Jabez in his prayer…(I’m praying now the prayer in our key verses for today, not just reading them)…AMEN!!!!!
In fact, I’m praying that prayer several times with increasing fervency. I’m reminded that “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” That’s found in James chapter 5 (click here for James 5:13-20). This is NOT self righteousness; it’s the righteousness of Christ which has been deposited in my account with God (Romans 4:1-6).
Crossroads has the powerful life-changing book called, The Prayer of Jabez in our e-store (you can order it here). When the author, Bruce Wilkinson, appeared on 100 Huntley Street television, it created quite a stir. I began to notice signs appearing around the Crossroads Centre building with that prayer on them. It was one of our monthly book offers and thousands of copies were ordered. It’s not too late to get a copy. I gave my copy away and I intend to order another for my personal “instruction in righteousness.”
When I meet an author, I want to know if their writings changed their personal lives. Bruce Wilkinson’s life was dramatically changed. He launched a powerful ministry in Africa and beyond. His territory was truly enlarged! He is blessed indeed! Here’s a video of one of Bruce’s appearances on 100 Huntley Street (2001) regarding his Prayer of Jabez book (click here).
Yours for blessing from God, enlargement of our territory, God’s hand upon us, to be kept from evil, and to not cause pain,
Wow! I used to pray the prayer of Jabez, years ago–what an incredible reminder! “I call on you, oh God of Israel, and pray that you would bless me, indeed, and enlarge my territory. That your hand would be with me, and you would keep me from evil, so I will not cause pain.” (1Cronicles 4:10) God’s continued blessings David and fellow saints!
I used to have the Jabez prayer book, and gave it away . I started the prayer then
stopped, and thought nothing about it could happen to me or for me. I did type
the prayer down on card stock some where. I could not get the video maybe
I should pray the prayer again
Lianne Hogg
I did as instructed called upon the saints here on this blog a little while ago to pray for my daughter Rachel who is 35 yrs old. She has just been diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma. We go next Thursday in London to find out what treatment. I thank you saints for praying for her. God is good. I will Praise you Jesus in all things.
Praying God will heal Rachel of all and any illness she has. Blessings.
Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, we hold up Rachel and ask for divine healing of the cancer in her lymph nodes and protection of her entire body. We give You all the thanks glory and praise. In Jesus precious name, amen, amen and amen.
Will pray for Rachel, Dean.
Praying for God’s will to be done in Rachel’s life.
He knows what is best. With God all things are possible!
Trust in the Lord always, He is a loving God!
Praise His Holy Name! Amen.
Praying the prayer of Jabez again and for Rachel Deane.
Hosanna by Hillsong
I see the king of glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes
I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing
Hosanna in the highest [x2]
I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith
I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We’re on our knees
We’re on our knees
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom’s cause
As I walk from earth into eternity
[Chorus x2]
Hosanna in the highest
I will pray for Rachel as well
What a ton of relatives in Chronicles! Sounds like my family:-)
In response to Rob’s plea for help with his anger problem. What wonderful answers he got! I’m afraid I don’t know what our holy bible advises us to do about bad tempers. When I lose my temper, and yes I’m human too, I just stop myself by thinking that is not of Jesus. We’re supposed to try to be like Jesus (tall order, I know) and I haven’t read of Jesus spazzing out so I just tell myself to STOP being mean and impatient with my loved ones as well as others I have to deal with in my daily life. God knows if we’re sincere about changing and honouring Him. God bless u for posting your concern. I ask God to forgive me my sins at the end of every day and He does as long as I’m sincere and vow to try harder as each new day dawns. Hope this helps u and your precious loved ones. Blessings.
Thank you all for your prayers. I wasn’t really looking for “answers”, more for prayers from God’s people. Thank you. And may God bless you all.
In life when someone asks a question they are looking for an answer– last night you asked why you snap at people. You didn’t ask for prayer, you asked a question and nobody asks a question without hoping for an answer on some level do they?
I overstep by giving advice thinking my experiences might benefit you in your desire for understanding. I apologize. Since you only want prayer, that’s what I will do.
But you haven’t said what you want the Lord to do for you. Do you want God to instantly change you into someone else? Do you want Him to change life long patterns of dealing with anger and stress without effort on your part ? Do want Christians pray for you and tell you how much God loves you, so you can feel better about your behavior until then next time you do the same thing and the endless cycle or regret, guilt and rationalization can start again?
, God does love you, which means He wants the best for you, and that best includes you dealing with issues that are causing you to snap at people to the point of tears– why you did it, isn’t as important as what you plan to do about it? So I will pray that you will realize that you do need to do something and then figure out what that something, is for you. With Christian love I say Amen.
AMEN to all the prayers for Rob and Rachel and Sah!
Thank you Kathie!
as I mentioned the Lord removed smokes/alcohol from me 20 years ago; I broke my leg almost the same time and God turned that into me learning to swim! I do it almost every day! I realized that I use my swimming as a means of coping, getting out of the house! At one time it would have been alcohol! THANK YOU GOD!
I now wait for a financial increase of some sort! I have dreams of clearing debts, getting a newer vehicle, donating mine to a Organization who would find someone who could use my vehicle and get my home fixed up and then find someone who would go with me to find my family and give them each some money, I have a dream that I go to the pool and I wait for the pool to open, and the lifeguard motions me to go into the water and I pretend I can’t hear and he comes closer and I give him $5,000.00 , and big hug, and go into the water.
I don’t know what do do! I pray that God would lead me and guide me, When He does that I feel very content!
PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR ME. Thank you and God bless and thank everyone who has b een praying! amen
It’s best to leave things to God. Thank you Rob for sharing your feelings and asking for prayer. Know that the saints are praying for you. You don’t have to explain anything else. Many of us, including myself, are going through difficult times right now. We are all struggling in different ways. God never gives us more than we can handle. He is our rock and our strength. May God bless and comfort everyone on the blog.
Your comment reminds of a modern day parable I read once in a book. There was a devout lady who was caught in a flood, and as the water was rising, she sat on her roof and asked God to send her an angel to rescue her. A few minutes later, a man came by in a canoe and offered to take her away, but she said, “No thank you I am waiting for God’s angel”. Then a bit later a boat came by and they offered to take her to safety and she said, ‘No thank you I am waiting for God’s angel.” Lastly as the water was about to reach her, a helicopter tried to lower a rope to her and she said ” No thank you, God is going to send me an angel to save me.”. Finally the woman drowned, and when she saw the Lord in heaven she cried “Why Lord didn’t you send an angel to rescue me?” And the Lord said, “I did, I sent three, one in a canoe, one in a boat, and one in helicopter.”
If I come across a car accident, and I see someone coming out the car, limping and in great pain, yes I could leave it to God, and I could pray for them, but most likely any of us in that situation would call for help, knowing that person needs medical care. Likewise when I hear a Christian in pain about causing pain I am going to urge them to seek help–the rest is up to them, but if I don’t at least say that, I could not live with myself.
So if you are struggling alone, with a habitual sin, a bad habit, pain whatever and even after prayer you see no improvement, then I urge anyone in that situation to seek help– God might need to work through a person to help you. Counseling someone to do that might be God at work.
This is what you need on your site:
” Did you unsubscribe by accident? Click here to re-subscribe. ”
It has been impossible to re-subscribe since I inadvertently unsubscribed nearly a year ago.Also,I am not the only one who does not get email “sent to” me even though I have taken every action your site tells me to in such an eventuality.It’s no trouble clicking the link but your number of followers must be much higher than you know.Thank you for this wonderful blog.It will be 2 years for me this fall.God bless
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be my most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
I started reading this blog as a quick and easy way to fill a need. 10 minutes in the morning and bam! I’m good! But then there’s the links and I didn’t want to miss anything so 10 turned to 20 and I had to get up earlier. Then there’s the Bible references and reading ahead to wonder what David will say. Chronicles was great bedtime reading. Put me right to sleep. Leave it to David to bring it to LIFE! Then of course the comment section-such a blessing! Now it’s taking over my coffee an d lunch breaks and early eve and end of day. IS there enough time in a day? What, should I quit my job? Lol. Praise God for His renewing,rejuvenating,re energizing,re EVERYTHING Power!!! Thank you God Father,Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
I remember Bruce Wilkinson…and heard him on 100 Huntley Street when he was on. We went through the Jabez teaching within our church at that time, and each received his booklet.
I like the clouds in the picture over the Shepherd and the sheep!!! thank you Reynold!
Tackled reading the names on my own…not too bad…easier to do them with you Rev. David.
took a closer look at the picture…they are trees…not clouds…still gives a sombre mood look….
I join in prayer for Rachael and Rob…thank you Jesus, your word in
Jeremiah 33:3 tells us that You answers our prayers even before we ask You..Thank you Jesus…I trust You and thank you for answering these prayer request. In Your Wonderful Name I pray, Amen!!!
Morning Sah. I’m praying for God’s Gentle Guiding Hand in your life. May He open your eyes wide so you you see CLEARLY where He wants you to go! Peace be with you. Love love.
Dear David,
So enjoying your blog.. Today from 1 Chronicles 4:10 and hearing your interview with Bruce Wilkinson, reminded me the importance and the power this verse has over our lives as we break the verse down. I went and found my book on The Jabez Prayer.
I hope to be diligent in praying this prayer daily.
Your blog is so very informative. Love it. Keep on going David, wonderful job you are doing.