Today’s Reading: 1 Chronicles 1-2
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The rose red rock city of Seir, Petra (1 Chronicles 1:38) in Edom, carved into the rock by the descendants of Esau, son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. This building is now called Ad Deir (Arabic for “The Monastery”). It is one of the monumental buildings carved out of the rock. It measures 50 metres wide by approximately 45 metres high. To understand the magnitude of the Monastery, look closely to see the man standing in the entrance. Although this structure may have been later used as a church, it was probably a temple. It may have been dedicated to the deified Nabatean King Obodas I, who reigned in the 1st century BC.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 1 Chronicles 1:1-4
“Adam, Seth, Enosh, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth.”
It’s a challenge to read with enthusiasm these chapters which seem to be simply a list of names. But this is more than that; this is a genealogical map of God’s plan for His human family.
(1) God knows our names and values us as individuals. Imagine the infinite value that God places on each person. Revelation 21:27 tells us of “Those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life” (read Revelation 20:11-15). Jesus will read out loud from the Book of Life before His Father and the angels (Revelation 3:5). Paul tells in Philippians 4:3 about his fellow workers whose names are written in the Book of Life. Our names are important to God.
(2) There is an amazing compound-complex sentence that can be made from the Hebrew meanings of the 10 names in our key verse. Those meanings are on the internet. Check it out and try to make a sentence out of them. It’s amazing! Write it out! (click here).
(3) In 1979 Dr. Arthur Custance was a guest on the 100 Huntley Street telecast. He was an historian with the Federal Government of Canada, Department of Foreign Affairs. His book, “Noah’s Three Sons,” was published by Moody Press (several copies are available on Amazon – click here). In it he traced the names of the children of the last three men mentioned in our key verses to present day places all over the world. This is a most amazing proof of the accuracy of the Scriptures and the story of Noah, his sons and their wives.
Lord God, I thank You for the inner assurance I have that You have written my name in “The Lamb’s Book of Life.” I pray that today I will have the opportunity to introduce someone to You, Lord Jesus, and then as they confess You openly, You will confess that name before Your Father and the Angels! (Revelation 3:5b). Amen!!!
It was the Summer of 1968 when I first learned of the meanings of the names of the ten ancient patriarchs. I was the youth speaker at a Sylvan Lake, Alberta, camp meeting. The Rev. Edward Menaldino of Philadelphia, the adult camp speaker, shared this with me. He said that the myth of the ten gods of the Romans and the Greeks may have originated from the stories of these men mentioned in Genesis 5. I was intrigued and wrote out the following sentence based on the meanings of their names: “Man of earth, chosen, nominated, appointed by God, struggled to no avail, became weak and sickly, and the Glory of Elohim (God) descended, brought teaching, suffered death, and now brings rest and comfort.” The meaning of Noah’s name is the only one given to us in Scripture. The others come to us from the ancient Hebrew language (click here for Genesis 5).
Over the years I’ve shared the significance of the meanings of these Hebrew names with Jewish friends as a way of introducing Jesus and God’s plan of salvation hidden away in those names. Of course the most effective way I found to share Jesus is to take the time to identify the personal pronouns of the book of Isaiah, a prophet of the tribe of Judah, a descendant of King David, who wrote his book some 700 years before Jesus was born. Having found dozens of personal pronouns, I ask, “Who ever lived whose name could be substituted for those pronouns?” I’ve never had any answer to that question other than “Jesus.” I’ve often wondered why Isaiah is the only book that was preserved as a complete manuscript in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Could it be the providence of God? Isaiah is known as the Gospel of the Hebrew Scriptures.
Yours for the assurance that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man (and woman) of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17),
Wow! Now I understand why the names sound so strange – they are names of meanings. I listened (and read) the version read by the man from Bible Gateway. I could never pronounce the names as quickly and as clearly as he did. But knowing they are words with meanings makes it more understandable. I wonder if our names have meanings or are they just made up without meaning. I will have to re-read this blog again. It was a lot to take in! Thanks David. This one must have been very time-consuming.
Incredible & fascinating . I have to confess I did skim through all those names. I get it now,our name is important to God. Thank you Rev David for this amazing insight. I have mail linked this to my Vicars & friends.
Lord thank you for Rev David, he surely is a blessing, show favor on him and all his family ,he is a faithful servant for you Jesus. Thank you Lord
I try to read every name but I fall short in the pro nunciation of them but I believe they are there for a purpose as we have learned so we should treasure our names especially as God knows us intimately and has written our name in The Book of Life.
Blessings everyone and thank you Pastor David.
Great study today. It’s so exciting to name a baby when it is born into this world. Maybe that is why.
Love the pics today. How did they get the buildings so straight? Must have used some sort of a plumb bob or level. Imagine how they’d marvel at today’s building supplies!
Great pic of u Rev. M. standing at your grandfather’s grave sight.
Blessings to all.
And as an afterthought, not only are names important, God has made each and every one of us look differently than the other. Even if we have a family resemblance, no one looks EXACTLY like another. How important is that!
My dear son sent me this writeup this a.m. His girlfriend has two little daughters who will be going to a Christian ranch this summer for a one-week fun time in the beautiful mountains of Alberta. To see these young ladies come to Jesus brings me such joy. Imagine how God must feel. Anyway, here’s the writeup:-)
I know genealogy is important my mother did some in our family tree where would we
be if we did not have it. I cannot pronounce the names in Gods word
I love the pictures enjoy your day everyone
Lianne Hogg
A180 repent/ direction change towards Heaven.
Best ever new vector for me.
I studied history in university, but you leave me in your dust. BRAVO!
David aka Daver CYEL
Why…do I pray, trust God, sense his Spirit wirh me, yet snap, shout, get so impatient with those close to me? Need help with this – it hurts others. I can see it in their tears…
Praying for the Holy Spirit to bring calmness into your nature, Rob, when you interact with others–the same sense of peace you feel when you are in touch with, and praying to God.
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness Isaiah 41:10 (KJV).
Rob, just because we are Christians, and know the Lord, doesn’t mean we are not human. It sounds like you are in some kind of pain and it is manifesting itself in short temperateness–it is obvious you do not want to hurt others and feel distress when you do, but if you’re were able to change this behavior on your own you would have done so. If you not ready to speak to your family doctor or pastor about this issue, which I urge you to do, perhaps you can just begin by researching the issue online. Just type why do I snap at people in your search engine and you’ll be amazed by the number of sites the come up, many offer tips on managing the stresses in your life that lead up to outburst.
I had issues similar to what spoke of, and I know from experience — don’t waste your time in guilt and shame, it doesn’t help those you love, you can help them by taking responsibility for your actions by accepting you need to change this behavior and finding the resources that work for you do so. If you do that it will go a long way to reassure your love ones that you don’t just regret your actions but are willing to do something about it.
Keep praying, keep listening to the Spirit leading you and take it one day at time, and be encouraged this can be healed- and you took the first step by posting this comment– if you are willing to change it, God will help you do it.
Encouraging to know our names have meaning and to be reminded we are important to God. He needs us. Feeling the need to pray more for our church. Thanks for the insight, David.
Ger even though I’ve never met you, your name speaks Strength/ Endurance, Has the Lord brought you your memeory card from your camera? Am praying He has!
God bless you and thank you for blogging!
Thanks for reading all those names Rev. David…I just followed through with you…how good to know that Jesus knows me by name…makes it personal.
I read through the link…the Hidden message…the Hebrew meaning of the 10 names…interesting.
When I first began to read through the whole bible…I found it interesting in how and why Jacob’s wives named their children as they did.
My name means “peace”.
Great picture of you…what a great legacy to have!!!
Amazing!!! Thank you David for this incredible teaching, today, and for sharing the link to A Hidden Mesage: The Gospel in Genesis. Speechless! Praise God for your great grandfather Joseph restoring your family to righteousness! Well done oh good and faithful servant!
Blessings dearest saints. And a special prayer for Kathie and Donna who requested it, yesterday. Holding you both up to receive God’s mercy and blessings.
The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing Zephaniah 3:17.
I need prayer, I am in desperate need of a financial windfall, God blessed me and removed smokes/alcohol, took my broken leg and turned it into swimming! I did a Swimathon in 2001, raised money for a Society that dealt with people with disabilities, I have a chemical imbalance, Once I was diagnosed I have learned to live with it! I have a Sleep Disorder since last November, I have learned with God’s help to live with that issue also! I am thankful that Mental Health pays for my swimming because I swim alot, the pool is a fun place to be and it is a form of socializing for me! I thank God that I was never forced to take any form of a prescription as my doctors all agreed that I didn’t need to be “high” . I am thankful for everything that God has done in my life! I AM FILLED WITH JOY WITH HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE,MERCY AND GRACE.
The Lord walked with me as I forgave everything in the past! I am at peace with all the issues of the past!
I come to the Lord God for a financial breakthrough! That is a HUGH stress in my life! I’m looking for childcare in the evenings for working parents and since I am somewhat nocturnal, friends felt this would be a good choice and I agreed, I have Criminal Search and have years of experience with our young people! SO here I sit, trying not to feel overly anxious, but what is going on God? I need Your help dear Lord,
I pray the if I should find a room mate that the Lord would be directing that person across my path! When God leads, I am contented! When He does things in my life, the very smallest things take on such immense thanksgiving from me. Lord God, I am thankful I can come to You for help! I’ve waited a long time for some financial help! May today Heavenly be the day of miracles.
again I am so thankful for this blog!
Praying for you Sah.
Heavenly Father in Jesus Name I pray for Sah…Lord your word say You are Jehovah Jireh, our Provider…and that you provide all our needs. Together with Sah, Lord I ask that her financial needs be met, and I praise You Lord…for a quick answer…in Your Holy Name Jesus, I pray…Amen!!
Almighty God, who hast promised to hear the petitions of them that ask in thy Son’s Name; We beseech thee mercifully to incline thine ears to us that have made now our prayers and supplications unto thee; and grant, that those things, which Sah have faithfully asked according to thy will, may effectually be obtained, to the relief of her necessity, and to the setting forth of thy glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Wow what a lot of names! Thank goodness we can listen to the audio Bible. I would not be able to pronounce many of them. Lovely pic of you Rev Mainse.
Sending prayers to you Sah for financial freedom. God will deliver, and to you Rob for patience and peace of mind.
Have a great day fellow bloggers