Today’s Reading: Ephesians 6
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

In ancient Ephesus, the Pollio Fountain was located to the south of the State Agora, across the Odeion. It was built in 97 A.D. by the rich Ephesian C.S. Pollio and his family. The water was brought to the fountains of Ephesus from three main sources through aqueducts and distributed from fountains by a branching system of baked clay pipes (note the pipe at the bottom of the picture, which is now at ground level). The water sources were Kencherios (42 km) at Kusadasi, Camlik village stream of Marnas (15 km), and the Cayster River (20 km). This was an example of excellent engineering. Water was free of charge by the city in the public fountains. This fountain has a high arch facing the temple of Domitian and is known to be decorated with a number of statues. One of these statues of Roman gods and goddesses is the Head of Zeus which is on display in the Ephesus Museum today. Please note the caption written below the second photograph.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Ephesians 6:10
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”
There was a very moving reading from Ephesians 6 during the funeral service of the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher (click here to hear her granddaughter read this most powerful Scripture). “Spiritual Warfare” is real, and all of us need desperately to apply these truths to our daily lives. Having assimilated (made part of ourselves) these powerful facts, let us then be channels of God’s power to win battles, and eventually the war, by preparing for battle every morning, or throughout the day as we make quality time available, in which we concentrate on God! How do we do this? “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all PERSEVERANCE AND SUPPLICATION!” (Ephesians 6:18).
Lord Jesus, You modelled for me “all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.” Your intensity in prayer on the night of Your arrest, when Your disciples fell asleep again and again, is truly my example of “being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication!” O, how far short of that I fall! The spiritual song I sing and pray with great fervency is as follows, “O to be like thee, blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art. Come in Thy sweetness. Come in Thy fullness. Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart.” Amen!!!
My son-in-law, who preaches in the Arabic language all over the world on several satellite channels, Rev. Nizar Shaheen, has said to me over and over, “Be strong Dad!” Norma-Jean, if she is in hearing range, always adds the words of Ephesians 6: “…in the Lord and in the power of HIS MIGHT!” (verse 10). Then she preaches a little bit for my benefit. I need lots of reminders that it is only “HIS MIGHT” that makes me strong. It’s my job to make sure that I have the whole armour of God in place over my head, my heart, and my will. When I’m properly dressed for battle, then I’m absolutely confident that God is giving me “the power of His might.” I can wield “the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God” with devastating effect against the lords of the underworld and the “wiles of the devil.” The hosts of the wicked one are no match! I am more than a conqueror!!! (Romans 8:37).
Following the reading of this final chapter of Ephesians and before we begin 1 Chronicles tomorrow, I would like you to join me in reading the story of the final meeting of Paul with the elders of the Ephesian Church (Acts 20:16-38). As I read this, I, too, am weeping freely as they did. I’m praying fervently for all who read my blogs!
Yours for becoming stronger each day “In the Lord and in the power of His might!” Amen!!!

Temple of Hadrian is one of the best preserved and most beautiful structures of ancient Ephesus. It was built before 138 A.D. by P. Quintilius and was dedicated to the Emperor Hadrian, who came to visit the city from Athens in 128 A.D. The facade of the temple has four Corinthian columns supporting a curved arch, in the middle of which is a relief of Tyche, goddess of victory. The side columns are square. Inside the temple above the door, a human figure, probably Medusa, stands with ornaments of acanthus leaves. 100 years after the death and resurrection of Christ, the religion of Rome was still the state religion. These and other gods and goddesses were the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places against which Paul said we fight! (Ephesians 6:12).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
After my sweetheart and I gave our hearts to Christ in 1975 through the preaching of the Word of GOD by your friend-Rev Sam Learning and my Pastor at the time who, incidently, is still living with in St Catharines with his beloved wife-Viv,— something (someone) inside of me said that I should commit the entire chapter of Ephesians 6 to memory which I did and I can recollect saying the verses over & over & over to my wife until I got it right. This has never left me down thru the years. I will say it is easier to commit the scriptures to memory than it is to working them out and applying them in life, but God is Faithful and the Blessed Holy Spirit brings passages of scripture to mind every day –IF WERE LOOKING FOR HIM to speak to us. Great commentary Rev. David from a Great servant of GOD. We follow your scriptures every day and you have blessed us with the Word of LIFE. JESUS never fails and is “closer than a brother”. Thank you for your faithfulness.Remember- Arden On.? where we would bring our boys to the services to hear the Word of GOD. Oh how they rebelled and would have rather have gone fishing but we (and they) persevered and today, my boys are serving GOD with all of their hearts as well as their spouses and children (our grandchildren).
Amen: so wonderful to hear your testimony and because of your faithfulness your whole family is following The Lord. Amen and amen.
Thank you Pastor David for being so dedicated to the work of our Saviour. Blessings to all dear sisters and brothers. Eleanor M.
Amen, Rev. David. Thank you for sharing that scripture today. How appropriate for me today and I am going to read it again throughout the day. Blessings to all!
Thank you for your devoted prayers for all following your blog, David! I too pray for you and others as we journey in His Strength over our weaknesses, His Joy over sadnesses and His Peace over all!
Thank You David for your prayers God continue to bless you richly and God help us in Jesus name Amen
Please pray for me today. I have two people waging spiritual warfare on me! I am getting so weary of this. I pray daily and keep focusing on God.
The Lord put it on my heart to read 3 Psalms everyday, sometimes I only do 1 or 2, BUT I DO IT! something that is very soothing to stress is to place an ice pcak on each shoulder in the evening for 15-20 minutes, sit in a chair, place a thin cloth on your shoulder and place ice packs on top of the thin cloth and I usualy watch Jeopardy ( a lot of Bibilical questions on that show) and do this at least 3-4 times a week, it does calm the stress.
Let us continue to pray for Kathie from yesterday’s blog! She comes to the Lord to remove smokes/alcohol from her, Let us all pray for her, when we share our burdens with one another, the devil takes off, because he can’t get a foothold, LET US ALL UPHOLD KATHIE (see blog from yesterday) and that God will give her victory over these addictions and she will never have cravings ever again ; “WITH GOD ALL THINGS WILL BE POSSIBLE”
Please God have mercy on every blogger and give them the power
Ephesians 6: 10. Thankyou Lord Jesus, Amen!
Amen, David, and fellow saints. Yes, here’s to our becoming stronger each day “In the Lord and in the power of His might!” Paul’s humility as a human and strength as a saint because of his love for Jesus Christ is a testament to our calling as Christians. To Him be all the glory and praise! Wishing all a blessed day.
“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans” Romans 8:37-39 (KJV)
“But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” Acts 20:24 (NKJV).
Amen to all the comments. So great to have this study every day and thank u Rev. M. for all your prayers. I pray for your continued health and happiness as well as all those who help u thru your daily journey.
We live in beautiful Alberta and found this song to match the beauty each morning:
Blessings fellow saints.
For those of us who think we’re too old: God will decide.
I’m up and off to Bible Study! PRAISE AND THANK GOD!
please pray the Lord answers my prayers regarding my financial situation, is a room mate the right thing forme, if so, God has to provide very clearly so that I know it is from Him,
Kathie if you read this, thank you so much for sharing your burden and I pray ev eryone willl uphold you in prayer and I definitely do believe that God will remove all the smoking/alcohol from you and He will give you something very fulfilling, something that does your heart much good! something that is going to make you very happy and healthy and you will continue to serve the Lord, remember, you are more than half way to yur goal, you shared your burden with this blog! YOUR AMAZING, FULL OF GRACE AND BEAUTY, LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY BY OUR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, amen amen amen
THANK YOU sisters for your words of wisdom and encouragement! Just as I started work this morning my friend came over and said guess what I just realized today’s my 1 year anniversary for quitting smoking! I told her she inspired me. Then at lunch I saw a girl’s water bottle
with cucumber and lemon slices in it. It looked so pretty . When I got home I fixed myself a pitcher and I’m sipping glass after glass of yummy refreshing cleansing water. Did God just turn my wine into water?! I’m moving forward in the Lord. I’m going Lorward!! I LOVE this blog and all the beautiful bloggers. God bless you all!!! Love love.
Praise the Lord– keep your eyes and ears open and ready and I’m sure He will continue to speak and encourage you in your journey to freedom and deliverance. The Lord healed me of my nicotine addiction back in 89 after smoking for over ten years– it wasn’t an instant deliverance, but once it happened I was never tempted to smoke again, and believe this will be the case with you too. I will keep praying for you.
Thank you God for your abundant financial blessings pouring down on Sah!!!
Yes, we are more than conquerers through Christ who strengthens us…stronger each day “In the Lord and in the Power of His Might”. Amen!!
Great guidance and teaching Rev. David…the links…how clearly and well Margaret Thatcher’s grand-daughter presented that scripture.
Read Acts 20:16-38…warnings by Paul to his flock…and a sad farewell.
Lord I pray for Donna. Let your great Spirit of power and might flow through her that she may win her war!! Thank you Jesus! Amen.
This is called the Common Doxology, I am sure you can find it on Google, it is beautiful when sung in harmony!
Lord be with Donna and her situation! Lord I ask that You would reveal Yourself to those who wage spiritual warfare! May the Holy Spirit enter their hearts and minds!
Kathie, I am sending you BIG HUGS I am so thankful you posted your blogs, it sends chills up my spine, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, just as miracles were present when Jesus walked on this earth, miracles are very present today, and it comes from God, He sends it all to us, his children, we don’t have to do athing, just receive and believe and say “thank you Heavenly Father, for this glorious day” blessings to everyone
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