Today’sĀ Reading: Ephesians 5
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The ancient Ephesus Commercial Agora (shopping mall) is in the form of a square, each side 110 metres, and surrounded completely by columns. The Agora has three entrances, one from the front of the theatre on the northeast, one opening to the harbour on the west, and a third from the Celsius Library. The north side of the Agora is left open, and the other three sides are surrounded by a portico in which there were rows of shops.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Ephesians 5:18-19
“And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”
In an earlier reading from Ephesians, we noted that the words “in Christ” (or its equivalent) are repeated 35 times. Interestingly, there are also 35 directives given!…one for each reminder of our position “in Christ.” Do we need another reminder that good behaviour is determined as a result of being “in Christ” and not a factor in getting us into the body of Christ? We are there only by grace through ourĀ faith; it is a gift of God, not of ourselves (Ephesians 2:8-9). We’ve considered this fact before, but it needs to be repeated to make sure we’ve got it in the right order.
Our reading begins with the directive, “Walk in love as Christ also has loved us.” His love is a sweet-smelling aroma. There is a sign on a Kingston, Ontario, shop that says, “Aroma Therapy.” We have never gone in to check it out, but we do breathe deeply of the aroma of Christ every day. It’s the cure for whatever ails us. Then having been saturated in His fragrance, we will carry that fragrance with us for at least 24 hours. We mentioned this in our reading from 2 Corinthians 2:14-17. Christ definitely passes the smell test! Do we? There are at least 35 ingredients in the content of the fragrance, according to Paul. Please don’t list them and put them on the wall like the Ten Commandments. We need to relax in the knowledge that we are “in Christ.” His constant Presence in us will exude His fragrance through our behaviour. We may or may not have ever been drunk with wine (I don’t ever intend to find out what it’s like), but be assured we cannot ever drink too much of the Spirit of Christ. Just hand Him our lives and say, “Fill ‘er up!”
Dear Lord God, may I receive grace from You to be like Jesus, speaking as He would speak and doing as he would do. May the fragrance of Jesus permeate my person so that others will know I’m “in Christ,” and He is in me. As our key verses tell me, Lord, may I not be under the influence of wine but filled with Your Spirit and under Your strong influence at all times. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!
At 19 years old, 3 years after I made my lifetime commitment to Christ, I said to God in a time of discouragement, “I can’t live the Christian life as I should. I might as well quit!” God’s response was unmistakable. I heard that still small Voice of the Lord say, “Good, go ahead and quit. Now perhaps you’ll let Me live the Christian life in you and through you.” Suddenly I felt totally free just to go ahead and LIVE! I can’t begin to describe the feeling of elation, joy, strength, and courage I began to experience. I knew beyond any doubt that my life would be lived “in Christ” and that Christ lived in me. My life was not “of works, lest anyone [me] should boast.” I was totally confident that I was “His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Ephesians 2:9-10). I was the proud owner of a 1947 Plymouth. I did not have to move each piston up and down to move the crank shaft which moved the transmission which moved the drive shaft which moved the wheels. All I had to do was to connect to the power by my free will decision to connect to the engine. Believe me…I knew from that time forward that I needed to connect with God first thing every day. That spark connected me to the power of the gasoline in my spirit combustion works, and power flowed to every part of me so I could live, move, and get to where I needed to be.
The winter I was 20, I remember being out front of the railway station in Chalk River, Ontario, with my car and booster cables, trying to start a friend’s car at almost 50 degrees below zero. It took patience and I persisted. Finally there was ignition and he was on his way. Leading others to Christ may be a challenge, but with persistence and the right connection, it will happen. I will seek to give someone a boost in coming to life in Christ today!
Yours for being connected to Christ and for connecting others to Him,

Ancient public toilets in Ephesus – All I can say is that I appreciate modern dividers. These were part of the Scholastica Baths, built in the 1st Century A.D., around the time Paul was in Ephesus. They were the men’s public toilets of the city. There was an entrance fee to use them. There was a running water drainage system under the toilets. These bathroom toilets could accommodate up to 36 men at one time. This was a place to talk to your neighbour and perhaps shake hands on a business deal. It’s possible that Paul witnessed for Christ to his neighbour here. This picture was my photographer son’s idea (as was the shaking hands suggestion!).
Wow, how germs would spread on the shaking of hands at the public toilets! Fascinating photo and imagination! Thanks for the example of encouragement, David. Oh how grateful are we that You live in us, oh Holy Spirit of the living Lord! We are being careful to live wisely as we live by Your will and are filled by the Spirit. We rejoice in singing and make music from our hearts to You, oh Lord. We give thanks and praise to God our Heavenly Father for everything, in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, amen, amen and amen. Blessings fellow saints!
Thank you David for your keen Spirit-filled insight,,, We blog followers enjoy the fruits of the Holy Spirit and are so blessed by your consistent daily teaching on His Word…
Praise God for this awesome blog… Have a blessed day blog friends…
Amen! I’m connecting again after a fantastic trip to Israel with the Mainse family. My only regret is that I lost the memory card that contained the best of my videos. What are you saying to me here Lord? Will get some good video on Israel and hopefully Empowered 21 from 100 Huntley St. Thank you for your prayers for all of us. Am looking forward to the presentation of the trip next week on tv. God bless you saints!
So happy to hear from you, Ger! I had wondered where you were as you hadn’t posted in so long and was not aware you were on the Israel trip. How wonderful!! I am sure it was a divine experience and am so happy for you! Bless you dear sister-in-Christ!
Lord God speak to Ger and tell her where she can find the memory card! Lord God you showed me 2 hours after I lost a swim ticket where it was, on the ground, partially covered in sand and rain, BUT YOU DEAR LORD, showed me where to go and I ask the same for Ger. WE PRAISE AND BLESS YOU DEAR GOD FOR LOOKING AFTER US, 24 HOURS A DAY, 365 DAYS A YEAR! I am so thankful we can just rest in God, in Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
Thank u for your story of just living your life and not being uptight Rev. M.
Amazing pics of old, thank you Reynold. Can’t imagine using a public washroom such as that. We’ve come a long way!!!:)
Found this lovely hymn on YouTube:
Blessings fellow saints.
Dear David,
I am placing this sentence that you expressed today on my kitchen fridge….my wall for ‘thoughts of the day’!! Thank-you for sharing the understanding of God’s fragrance in our lives….this is so true and such a blessing from God!!
“His constant Presence in us will exude His fragrance through our behaviour”
God’s fragrance is so beautiful!! I hope my behaviour will consume His fragrance so that others may be drawn to the Saviour!!!
Yes, His Love poured out through us!!!
Joined in praying the prayer with you Rev. David “May the fragrance of Jesus permeate my person so that others may know I’m in Christ and He in me. Amen, Amen and Amen.
Thank you Reynold for the picture…I’m glad we have come a long way with toilets that are more private. Even though that may be a way to meet with our fellow man…greater communication…
Have all blessed day, all in His Love!
Thanks Beverlee!
Thanks Lynda for the link to that music…as well I went into the song “Halleluiah to the Lamb” …what a blessing!!
Valuable teaching today. Good music Lynda. Blessings forward to all. Xo.
About the end of March, 2015…I asked for pray because I was told I was not allowed to drive my car anylonger.
Praise the Lord with me…Today I passed my Driver’s road test and have my driver’s license!!!! Thank you for praying and for words of encouragement!!!
Yay Irene! I’m so happy for u and congratulations! Continued favor from our heavenly Father.
20 years ago He removed smokes/alcohol from me. A friend spoke these words over me “WE HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT ENABLES US TO DO MORE THAN WE EVER DREAMT! i immediately THREW the smokes into the water, we went to the beach after an Easter Service April l6, 1995, never haD ANY CRAVINGS! 10 days later I broke my leg and GOD TURNED THAT INTO ME LEARNING TO SWIM, and I have been doing that every since I ENJOY IT SO MUCH! But I sure do get goosebumps when I think about even, 20 years later, it brings to me knees!
I have learned many things from that experience, I always encourage people to never give up, God loves them regardless of their sins, even now, I shake and tear up and all I can say is THANK YOU LORD, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
Oh Sah I’ve been praying for God to remove smokes/alcohol from my life. I even called the prayer line and had a pastor pray with me. But here I am with a glass of stupid wine and a smoke in my hand feeling weaker and more lost than ever!
Oh Kathie, how my heart goes out to you. It is so frustrating at times when we struggle with some issues and then hear of victories others had and wonder why God hasn’t helped us, or believe somehow we are to blame because we aren’t good enough or strong enough, or have enough faith. But the truth is although God could instantly deliver us from our struggles, and at times he does, often, it is the struggle itself that makes us stronger in our faith.
I urge you do not beat up on yourself, just keeping trusting God. Instead of telling God what you want Him to do, try asking Him what does He want you to do. And listen, perhaps the Spirit will start with asking you just to delay the morning cigarette for an hour. Obey the leading, the more you listen to the Spirit the easier it will be. Don’t give up, don’t listen to enemies lies that you are to blame, the enemy wants you to stay addicted, to destroy the gift of life God gave you, don’t let him win by convincing you this is a lost cause.
Your path to freedom might be more difficult, you might have to give up the hope of instant deliverance and just bite the bullet of withdrawal, trusting God to get you through it. God might need you to seek professional help in quitting, or He might need you to deal with something first, because it that issue that is fueling your addiction. Only you and God truly know your situation. I will be praying for you, and bet others will too, you might not see the evidence of those prayers working right away, but they are at work. Be encouraged dear one, you are loved and you’re not lost, God knows exactly where you and why.
Dear Kathie
Jesus died for you…He doesn’t condemn you…but He desires the highest and best for you…Praise Him…and thank Him…with His Word in your hand instead of a cigaret and glass of wine…take the Holy wine of the Holy Spirit…
Its not through our striving and trying that we are set free but by His Grace through face believing in Him…He loves you just where you are…and will set you free…as you give this burden to Jesus.
In Jesus Name I pray!!!
Hi Kathie
YOU HAVE JUST DONE AN AMAZING THING! You reached out, you own the problem, you’d like to quit but…….this is all the work of the Holy Spirit, just keep planning on quitting, can you start some exercise programs, even at home, walk, cycle, swim, ask people to go with you!
KEEP TALKING ABOUT WANTING TO QUIT! I will pray for you daily, and you just need to get things organized. Clean out your home! get rid of junik, keep praying, keeping insisting that the Holy Spirit will remove the smokes & alcohol from you. You are in an excitintg place right now! I am thankful I decided to post my blog, the Holy Spirit lead you to read it! THE HOLY SPIRIT IS WORKING DEAR SWEEET KATHIE, YOU JUST KEEP GOING FORWARD, YOU ARE GOING TO QUIT! PLEASE KEEP POSTING YOUR BLOG, LET US KNOW WHEN A SMALL THING HAPPENS, BECAUSE THAT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT AT WORK! WOW