Today’s Reading: Ephesians 2
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Ruins of the Celsus Library…one of the most beautiful structures in Ephesus. It was built in 117 A.D. as a monumental tomb for Gaius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus, the governor of the province of Asia. The grave of Celsus was beneath the ground floor across the entrance and there was a statue of Athena over it, because she was thought to be the goddess of wisdom.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Ephesians 2:19-20
Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone.
Christians take note! Our position in Christ is established! By the end of the second chapter, we have the words “in Christ” (or its equivalent) 19 times. Are we beginning to get the message? We are no longer the walking dead! (verses 1-3). We have been raised up! We “sit together in the heavenly places in Christ” (verse 6). Verse 11 begins with “Therefore” (as the result of the foregoing), which is a turn-around word. (1) We are alive in Christ. (2) We experience the exceeding riches of His grace. (3) We are saved through faith, a gift of God. (4) We are created in Christ Jesus for good works (works do not produce any favour from God; they follow as a result of His favour). (5) We are citizens of His Kingdom with all the privileges that pertain thereto. (6) We are family; His DNA can be traced within us. (7) We are a holy temple, God’s habitation!
We are “in Christ” and He is living in us! It is very, very humbling to recognize that, other than opening our hearts to Him, He’s done it all!
Lord God, I pray that I will comprehend, as much as I have the capacity to do so, the magnitude of Your blessing on me. Please assist me to recognize that my behaviour does not determine Your blessing, but Your blessing determines who I am. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I am blessed! Blessed! Blessed! Amen!!!!
I made my lifetime decision to be a follower of Jesus at 16 years old, but it was not until I was 19 that I fully realized my position “in Christ.” It was then that I studied “The Doctrines of Salvation,” first in a Bible correspondence course and then in Bible College. The book “Lectures in Systematic Theology” by Henry C. Thiessen was a companion to my Bible. This book is for sale on Amazon or can be purchased on Kindle for iPad reading (click here). I find Thiessen’s teachings concise and carefully Biblical. In fact I would recommend this study as foundational to every other Bible study curricula.
The words from today’s reading, “Chief Cornerstone,” stood out to me because of much time spent with our First Nations people. Over again and again, I heard them refer to their true Chief, Jesus Christ, as their “Chief Cornerstone.” I have the great honour of being an honourary chief. My ceremonial bonnet sits on top of a globe of the world just above me in my study where, on most mornings, I do this blog. I’m reminded that Jesus is my Chief, now and forever!
Yours for learning who we are as believers in Jesus, our Chief Cornerstone,
P.S. Our son Ron is with me every day in the preparation of this blog. He makes the format, and I fill in the blanks with the content. Yesterday was Ron’s 52nd birthday. Ron and Ann, your daughter Andrea’s birthday is the same day. Thank God that she, Jason, and your little granddaughter, Jadice, are safe. Andrea will earn her PhD degree at the University of Oklahoma this Summer. We pray lots for them as there seems to be tornados and floods in that area. Ron pointed out to me this week that we had just gone over the 20,000 number in blog readers’ comments. To you who are reading this and have never let me know, please do so today, if possible. I don’t get to answer each one, but I do read them all with thankfulness and prayers of God’s blessing on each person whose name I see.

The Celsus Library facade has two stories with Corinthian style columns on the ground floor and three entrances to the building. There are three window openings in the upper story. They used an optical trick…the columns on the sides of the facade are shorter than those at the center, giving the illusion of the building being greater in size.
David,Thank You Sooo Much For This Daily Blog.My Day Just Doesn’t Seem Complete Without It! 🙂
My strength in God is growing like wild fire out of control and I spend time with God every morning getting to know him better by going through the Bible through your blog. Praise God!
Amen brother!
I have been reading your Blog for many years, and through the Bible, I have been blessed and encouraged
Pray for you and 100 Huntley!
God bless you.Helen
Good morning David and Ron ! I thank God every day for you and your faithfulness and your witness David as you share. The way the Lord brought you to Himself and your determination and consistent serving is beautiful ! And I love how your Whole Family – getting to be quite great in number
My youngest biological son had his 50th on May 23rd along with his son Matthew who is in his early 20s! Our youngest son is in his early 30s and was dubbed, “Prince Shining Dark Eyes” by Chief Bruce Thumb when he was at Crossroads years ago. (at that time, our son was a foster child who became a true son – he is Native Canadian of the Ojibway nation). Very proud of him and love him to bits. Thank you for all that you and the family do for Jesus.
Many Thanks for my daily bible reading, they are a blessing to me!
I look forward to starting my day with your blog and reading the word. Ephesians brings back memories of visiting the historical sites you have included. You are a wonderful blessings!
Thank you , David, for this daily opening of the word. Your descriptions of the Holy Land remind us of our own tour many years ago. Your comments are an inspiration, and the Word truly is “a lamp to my feet”.
I can’t begin to tell you how important this daily blog is to me. I save every one so I will have them forever. Your comments and explanation make it a whole lot easier to understand. I am thankful that you hear the whisper of our Lord and obey Him. Thank you thank you thank you.
Thank you Ron Ann Reynold and Norma-Jean,for being there for your dad and husband, helping to bring the Precious Word Alive. Lord I pray Your Favor on all the Mainse family. Thank you for giving Rev David 15 more years on this earth to do Your work, hopefully more.
Powerful words to contemplate as usual. I particularly relate to point 4) “We are created in Christ Jesus for good works (works do not produce any favour from God, they follow as result of His favour)”.
So glad that you all returned safely from Empowered 21 in Israel filled with the Holy Spirit.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
I enjoy your blog very much. Have been following since day one. Blessings
Happy Birthday to Ron and many blessings for him and Ann and to you David,Norma-Jean and family and Crossroad family. I am blessed each time to read your blog and since my trip with you to Israel in 2013 I also feel part of the family!! Joyce from the yellow bus. ps Have praying for Benna and so enjoyed his guiding on the trip as I did enjoy being there with you all. Was he with you this last trip too? Wished I could have been with you for Pentecost this last trip. But instead God blessed me with a surprise on the BC Legislature grounds in Victoria where on Pentecost Sunday there was a church gathering celebrating and I was there celebrating and praising God too.!! Thank God for this freedom still! !
I feel very privileged to belong to the “blog family” ever since it was started.
I thank the Lord for you as He brings you to mind.
Many prayers to you all.
Found this cute poem by a young Christian:
by Dominique Givens
(Baton Rouge, LA)
Thanks for Another Birthday
Thank you Father for this day.
You have blessed me in a major way.
You are the reason I am out of the bed,
so I must fall to my knees and bow my head.
I praise You and only You.
For it is You that always come through.
Throughout my 26 years,
there were so many tears.
But You my Father, erased my fears.
It was your grace and mercy that has kept this beautiful smile on my face.
It was the Holy Spirit that has kept me in the lead of this race.
Now that I am a year older,
I can clearly see that the world is only getting colder.
Lord I ask for You to bless my family.
Please watch over them day and night carefully.
Father, thank You for allowing me to see another day.
For I am grateful for Your Son, who has paved the way.
You know me Lord, for I do not hide.
For my only wish is to be by Your side.
Happy blessed birthday to Ron and all those sharing the same day.
Thank u Rev. M. for this blog and the opportunity it gives us to share our love for God.
P.S. still wondering how all these ruins became that way.
Thank You David & Ron for your faithfulness!! I’m on my second way through the Bible with 100words. What a blessing !!! I visited Israel 5 yrs ago & Reynolds photos serve as a wonderful refresher. May God continue to bless your family. Kay
Good Morning, Rev. Mainse,
This morning you asked for those of us who read your blog daily and have never left a comment to leave one. So my comment today is thank you to and Ron for making my spiritual life blossom through the words you write. I pray for you and ask God to make you stronger so you can continue this blog for years to come. And Happy Birthday to Ron and Andrea. 🙂
Thank you for getting me into the Bible i love listening to the audio and following the scripture.Makes it come alive ! My wife and i met you in North Battleford SK on your thankyou tour. We thank God for you & Huntley st team .
I am enjoying our trip through the bible every a.m. And all the teaching with it, and ask God to bless you all every day, with whatever it is you may be needing.
Always read all the bloggers comments too and am blessed by them, so thanks everyone!
Have been following your blog every day since just a few months after it’s beginnings . Encouraged and blessed by your thoughts and biblical insights David . Appreciate waking up to 100 words -spiritual lift to the days beginning. Thankyou David and sons .
Dear Mainse family. You continue to inspire us. Our family is a mess because of our own failures and generations of mess’s before us.
In 1988 my salvation was given to me. Clean ups are ongoing. Our Church is great but our daily connection just doesn’t happen. You folks are our daily church family; and we love you. Your messages encourage us to live more for God and to share our faith. Thank you.
Blessings, George and Marilyn.
I jump up and down for JOY when people are honest about their lives! George we all are in a mess! Scripture says to confess our sins to one another! You have done just that! Our lives are a continual journey forwardm, sometimes it;s slow, sometimes seems like we go back a bit, but then we do go forward! THE MOST IMPORTANT REALIZATION FOR ME IS THAT GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US!
it seems I got shut down!
George thank you for posting your blog! Keep posting! I truly believe this blog has helped many people to become “honest” in their journey here on earth, even David Mainse has shared stories and we should never let the devil help us keep secrets! That is what he thrives on and I PRAISE AND THANK GOD EVERY DAY FOR THIS BloG BECAUSE THROUGH THE WORD OF GOD MANY PEOPLE HAVE RELEASED SECRETS FROM THE PAST THAT HAD THEM IN BONDAGE! When that happens then joy enters our hearts and hopefully we can SMILE again!
Bless all who do this blog! I am in a STATE OF ANXIETY! I am praying the Lord will open the windows of Heaven and shower me downt with great financial abundance!
Thanks Pastor,
I’m from a small parish and we don’t have anything like this. I do study on my own but the Bible is like pizza, it’s best when shared with others.
You’ve brought people together here from I’m guessing from all sorts of different denominations to study the Word together, I think that the Lord smiles when that happens.
Cheers and God bless,
It is through you blog I have learned the bible. This is my second time around. Still learning daily. Thank you for your dedication.
YEE HAW … that’s country talk for God bless you
Thank you for this daily blog. I start each day with it, with gratitude. I thank God for your faithfulness, and pray for you and your family, as I work my way through the Bible with you.
Thanks for the blog which I follow daily. I really enjoy the pics that go along with the message. Also the Bible Gateway which I play sometimes on and on as I go about my work.
We appreciate the effort and commitment that you make to provide your daily blog. We have a fond memory of our breakfast with you in Stettler on your Alberta tour. You then visited with my Mom at Heart Haven Lodge and looked up Bill & Mae Jamieson. God’s continued blessing upon you and your family. You are an inspiration to us.
I started using your daily blog 2 1/2 years ago. I am thankful for your faithfulness to do this blog every day as it helps to keep me faithful to a daily devotion. God bless you!
I have been following your study of the bible since you started this blog. I thank God for your wisdom and dedication.
Thank you for being faithful in doing this daily blog! I am encouraged each day by God’s Word and your comments and prayer! God bless you!
I have truly been blessed beyond measure reading your daily blog with the beautiful pictures that make the bible become alive and the powerful insights you make!! I am always amazed at the early hour you rise and the words of wisdom that flow from your pen!
I was so blessed this past week, also, watching and listening to you being interviewed in Israel on Marcus and Joni on the Daystar network!!
Thank-you for your faithfulness to God, your family, and to us your blog readers!! You have been an inspiration to me for many years as I have watched and loved Hundred Huntley Street!!
Thank you David and Ron for this daily bread. I HUNGER for it each day! The fire is growing!! I thank God for His abundant blessings and wings of protection over you and all those around you. Praise God my soul!!! Love love.
I have been using your daily 100 Words daily for the past year plus in my morning devotions which always starts with Psalms 23 and 121. Thank you David, may God bless you with health and strength to carry on wherever H may guide you. Blessings and Prayers
Dear Bro. David,
Thank you so much for your inspired words. I read your blog daily and just realized I haven’t sent my greetings and thanks. Today’s entry reminds me of a song Jesus Is The Cornerstone, you may remember it. Here is a link to John Starnes, one of my all time favourite singers, singing it Know that I love you and Norma Jean dearly. I pray for you both and am so blessed to know you. What wonderful family we have in the family of God!! Blessings! xoxo
David I have been following your blog since the beginning , and look forward
to reading it as well as your words thank you so much for your dedication.
Happy Birthday Ron & Andrea !!! may God bless all your families
Lianne Hogg
An interesting question to your comments for today Does Christ’s dna dwells in all human beings or only in born again Christians? Thank you for your answer Brian Switzer
Still with you since the beginning, David, and feeling so blessed to be a part of such a dynamic group of saints learning and sharing the Word of God with you. Praise God through whom all blessings flow. Amen, amen and amen!
Happy Birthday Ron, Andrea, and to everyone who has celebrated this past week and week-end. Wishing all saints a wonderful day!
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 ESV
What a blessing to read your blog every morning! May God continue to bless each one of your family. We feel we have gotten to know them as you tell us about their lives. What a treasure our families are! May God give you the strength, courage and wisdom to continue expounding “The Word” to us daily. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!!
I is good to get into the New Testament in our readings. Christs revelation of Himself in our lives is like eating meat for our bones.
May the Lord continue to richly Bless You
(Your Braeside Family)
David i follow your blog every day it helps me a lot you make it so easy to understand The Lord is number one in my life and I love him so much keep up the good work I look forward to them every day God Bless
Great structural detail in the pictures Reynold…shows your expertise as a photographer…and applies to this morning’s blog…thank you.
Joined in with your prayer of thanksgiving Rev. David…although it all is so true…all Jesus did for us…and yet hard to absorb it all.
The Greatest gift ever given…to open and receive…Thank you Father for your gift of love to me…Thank you Jesus for fulfilling that gift in me…thank you for being willing to be my Saviour…Precious Lord!!! Chief Cornerstone…
My all in all!!! What Great Love!!! Holy Spirit thank you for guiding in all my ways!!!!Amen, Amen and Amen!!!
Ever dearest David
Thank you so much for your daily blog and for your show Living Witness To Amazing Grace. Hopefully Jesus will come soon and I am praying that I will be counted worthy to be taken. It’s been almost thirty years since I was with you in Israel with your tour group and it seems like forever. Thank you for all your encouragement and teaching.
Hallelujah what a Saviour! It is sometimes so very hard to grasp that Jesus loves me so much, that He would give His life for me. BUT He has and He has proven it over and over. Thank you Jesus.
I have never stuck with a bible study as much as I have this one, and so I am grateful Pastor David to you and all of those who contribute to it, including my fellow bloggers.
Birthday blessings to Ron and Andrea.
Thank you for your words. I discovered your blog one night and I try to read it. Jasm
Amen! Catherine.
Please pray for my husband as I just drove him to hospital tonight
with chest pains. I am so thankful for this blog and bible study.
May God bless and protect each one who participates in this blog
in Jesus Name, Amen!
Enjoy your blog, part of my daily devotional, it’s been a blessing to me. What an amazing ministry you have, blessings to you and your family.
Pastor David thanks so much for this blog. I have been doing the one year reading through the Bible with the Daily Bread but I was not really understanding or grasping anything. Since January I have started this Bible study with you and it is as if a light have been turned on for me. I like how you explain what we have read and the pictures let me feel as if I am there. I have ordered the Promised Land DVD and I am anxiously waiting for it’s arrival.
May the Lord continue to Bless you and your Family. Blessing also to fellow bloggers.
All praise and thanksgiving to Him for His guidance everyday and the previledge of been able to read your blog this morning here in Madrid.
“In Christ”…to remember this and so to live..You are a living example of this life.
Bless you and all your family, thank you for prayers, singing and for all the care, love and teaching given on the Empowerment 2015 Israel tour.
Truly blessed!!!
Thank you for 100 Words David! I have read the one year Bible over the years so in January 2014 I began this two year journey through the Bible. Wasn’t sure if I would like reading the Bible on computer but listening to the Bible being read as I follow along on the screen is powerful. I am blessed by the commentary, personal words, and the wonderful photography . I am also grateful to God for the ministry of 100 Huntley Street to Canada and around the world. God bless you!
Hi David,
I live in Ottawa.
I thank God for you and your ministry. You are quite the man of God. Your faithfulness and dedication to this blog is very encouraging. I’m reading faithfully through. I love the pictures! I’m praying for the salvation of my family!
I pray God keep blessing you and protecting you and your family.