Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 22
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Facing the Mount of Olives on the eastern side of the Old City of Jerusalem is The Golden Gate, also called The Eastern Gate. The Bible indicates that Jesus passed through this gate many times while He was in Jerusalem. Jewish religious tradition teaches that the coming Messiah will enter Jerusalem through this gate. To prevent this, the Muslims sealed the gate in 1541 A.D. during the rule of Suleiman. Like the walls around Jerusalem which were built for protection, may we build around our families the protection of the teaching of the things of God.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Kings 22:11
Now it happened, when the king heard the words of the book of the law, that he tore his clothes.
In our reading two days ago, King Hezekiah tore his clothes to show his strong grief. Now Hezekiah’s great-grandson, Josiah, 18 years old, tears his clothes to show his extreme grief because his father, Amon, and his grandfather, Manasseh, had utterly failed to serve the God of the Book, and Judah had, for 57 years, reverted to the practice of false religions. How could this be? Isaiah, such a mighty man of God, had taught and preached over four generations of Kings from Uzziah to Hezekiah. Hezekiah’s son and grandson led the people away from the true and living God, living evil lives. Does this not prove that we are only one or two generations away at any time from the demise of the Church? If we fail to reach the next generation for Christ, a terrible turning away from God happens. Do we do our part with a passion in teaching Sunday School, in mentoring young people, in strong intercessory prayer for the next generation? Do our church services include strong Bible teaching which is contained in the Hymns and songs as well as the sermons? Do we succeed in communicating thoroughly the things of God? We should read again how this is to be done for the eternal good of the next generation…Deuteronomy 6:1-25.
Lord God, keep me within the sound of Your Word. I need to hear Your thoughts every day without fail. I pray also that I will be enthusiastic in communicating Your Word to others, particularly to the next generation after me. Please give me wisdom in how I am to do this. I’m here Lord, please use me for Your great cause. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!!!
I’m in Jerusalem today and I miss my grandchildren and great-grandchildren greatly! I’ve just looked at the picture of my great-grandson, Myles Neilson. I often put my arms around Myles when he slows down a bit (he loves his great-grandpa), and I share a story of God’s wonderful love. How thankful I am that, unlike Josiah’s father and grandfather, his parents, Sheryl and Todd Neilson, and his grandparents, the Staceys, love and serve the Lord. Below is a photo of Myles with me that we took in the park next to his home. As this picture was taken by his Mom, I was sharing the amazing story of the boy king, Josiah.
I’ve been doing this blog for almost three years now, and those who’ve been with me since the beginning will now be almost through the entire Bible 1-1/2 times, moving back and forth between the Testaments. I trust that no one who participates with me is finding the blog boring or that it has become just another duty. I’m praying fervently every day that the experience will be alive, life giving, and life changing! May the Word of God always be a mirror in which we see ourselves as we really are; a Sword which will cut away those things which weigh us down in our service to God; a Light to guide us into God’s will, keeping us faithful in the way of Truth.
For new visitors to this site, you can start today and in just 24 months you’ll have made the entire Bible part of yourself. Great goal!
Yours for God speaking to us every day through His Word to His human family,
P.S. I’ve put the picture of Myles and me first as my relationship with my family is much more important than what happened last night in the Pais Arena here in Jerusalem. The other pictures below are of a presentation I received. My son Ron was there. He took the pictures and I asked him to explain with his words in the captions.

My seven-year-old great-grandson, Myles Neilson is one of eleven. Hezekiah and Josiah were also great grandson and great grandfather.

Caption by Ron: Last night, Dad was honoured with a Lifetime Global Impact award at the closing Pentecost Sunday event of the Empowered 21 Global Congress in Jerusalem. Congratulations Dad! Next to Dad in the photo are the Global Co-Chairs of Empowered 21, Dr. George Wood (General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God) and Dr. Billy Wilson (President of Oral Roberts University).
David, jam still with you after 3 years following your blog. It is how I start my day. Thank you for your faithfulness!
Thank you David for your faithfulness to God’s Calling throughout every Season of life. An Encourager to young and old alike. You were rightly honored and acknowledged. May we all encourage the young to seek after God in whatever way possible. Great photo of you and Myles.
Congratulations, David! What an honour! Though I did not see you receive the award, I enjoyed watching the final cermonies–fantastic worship. I have been with the blog since the beginning and praise God it starts my day. Thank you for your guidance through the Bible. We carry on the teachings to the next generation so God’s Word is never lost. He reigns in our lives now and forever, amen. Wishing fellow saints a glorious day!
Congratulations! Wonderful pictures and words today, as always! I too have been with this Blog from the beginning, and it has been a growing and insightful experience. May our Lord continue to anoint and bless all of you with a safe journey home!
Me too.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
PS I was in Brockville when David shared his vision of this blog with a group of us before he drove to Crossroads in Burlington to have breakfast with Don Simmonds and then back to Smiths Falls to fulfill another speaking commitment that evening. It was when he felt “a little tired” and before David was diagnosed with terminal cancer!
Congratulations David on your award. God has blessed you immensely.
Haven’t missed since day one. Not boring! Thanks for dedication of you and family. Congratulations on award.
I’m still here since I started more than a year ago. It is the most important start to each and every day – even when on vacation… Thank you David for your continued devotion on teaching scripture and how to apply it in our daily lives…
Safe journey blog friends.
God Bless
Congratulations, thank you for your many years of service to the Lord.
Congratulations for your award you deserve it, and thank you to Ron , Ann also
Renold for all your beautiful pictures you take !!!!!
Lianne Hogg
Dear David,
I never miss a day of your blog, it is wonderful to start my day with God’s word through you.
Can you imagine the many hearts you have changed through the many years of your ministry. Thank you Ron,Ann all the rest of your family. You all are surely blessed.
Dear David: I look forward every morning to starting my day off with your blog. I have been in hospital and not caught up but I carry on and feel for now that is best. I am proud of you and the honour you were shown, you are deserving of it. Love the picture of you with your grandson/
I was camping almost two years ago and heard about 100 words. I started and again start my day with it. It is a wonderful inspiration. I have read through before but am getting so much more out of it this time. Thank you so much for your faithfullness. Congratulations on your award. A servant well rewarded.
Thank you David for the example you set for the importance of family and congratulations on your reward. I started your blog over 2 years ago, and reading it is an inspiring way to start my day. Thanks so much
so very glad I started your (HIS) blog almost at the very beginning….actually several days later that June….which was marking my personal Spiritual Birthday….and another one is coming…starting with your blog every morning…so great that it is interactive:)…it is a glorious journey…so thankful for your love for HIM!!!and us!!!
Thank you Mr. Mainse, and congratulations !
Still enjoying this blog ! 🙂
Diane 🙂
I have been thinking about you, Ger, and am wondering where you are (have been). I pray angels are covering you with their wings and hope to hear from you on the blog, very soon. God bless you, dear sister-in-Christ!
Congratulations Pastor Mainse on your well-deserved award.
Thanks for this blog. It is a good help to me each day coping with daily life.
Hope to finish it second time around. May God bless you and your family
for your faithfulness to Him! Amen!
This blog is very important to me, It is apart of my daily devotion
every morning , I wouldn’t want to be with out it , thankyou so much Rev. David
for your faithfulness in doing it day by by day ….R…
Congratulations David, a well deserved award!!!
I have been blessed by following your blog and inspired by your dedication and love for God and family.
Thanks to Reynold for the wonderful pictures of Israel. I’ve always wanted to go but have never made it, so this is second best.
May God continue to bless you and your family.
Dear David,
It was truly an inspiration today to share the story in the mentoring of your family! Intergenerational Christianity!! It is wonderful to see how a family can sustain the dynamic energy of Christ through the generations. Thank-you for sharing this with those who follow your daily devotions!!
Good morning David from British Columbia. I have been with you from the beginning. You have helped me be faithful each morning in my devotional. Your award is well deserved.
Congratulations Rev. David…an award well deserved!
Thank you for your leadership and wisdom imparted through this blog, your family relationship and guidance into the Truth and Life in Jesus Christ. A blessing you received from your parents being passed on to the following generations, may God continue to strengthen and guide you in all your ways. May your love and relationship with Norma-Jean continue to flourish as you walk with the Lord!!!
Thank you Ron, Ann and Reynold for your input into this daily manna in support of your Dad and his ministry.
I joined with this blog about a year and half ago, and have been blessed by your enlightening off and wisdom in God’s word.
The input by all bloggers is an added bonus each day.
Have a blessed day all you saints in the Lord!!!
Congratulations on your awkward!
I have been blessed to be on the blog from the beginning and give Praise to The Lord for leading me to it.
Thanks you Pastor David et al for your faithfulness and input each day.
Thank you too fellow saints for all your encouragement prayers and love. Blessings to all.
P.s. Should have said: Congratulations on your award!
Congratulations Pastor David on your award, you are well deserving of it. I have been with your blog almost from the beginning and I have NEVER found it boring. Thank you for your dedication It is an inspiration I am sure to all of us. Blessings to all. Eleanor M.
the blog is ok, I would like Mrl Mainse to consider doing the blog just 5 days a week, give some a chance to catch up, where I live I have heard these comments, when I think about it, I don’t understand why the “hurry up” approach, perhaps, next time round, Mr. Mainse might give this some thought!
Thank you Rev. David for your blog. I had started it a year or so ago and for some reason no longer rec’d your daily email, even tho’ I re-registered many times ? I started it again on Jan 5/15..( getting it thru’ google) I look forward to this wonderful ministry each day and will continue to follow thru (GOD willing) until I have completed the Bible in 2 years. Also look forward to reading the comments and feel that I am getting to “know” them, reading their comments.
Congratulations on your well deserved Award and how you have followed up where your parents left off and the generations before and after and to see that your children and grandchildren continue to “serve” and acknowledge the LORD. Praise GOD for HIS goodness.
GOD bless you Rev. David , your family and fellow bloggers.
A well deserved award for a well deserved recipient! Congratulations Rev. Mainse.
I have just started reading this blog about two months ago so I am a newcomer. Thank you Rev. David for your teachings and insite about each reading. Also to each blogger I am learning so much from each one of you. I feel blessed to be a part of a wonderful Christian family.
Blessings to my brothers and sisters in Christ!
Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for doing this wonderful blog for us. God bless you and Norma Jean bunches!
Congratulations to u
And what a beautiful great grandson u have…he sure loves his granddad
“He was eight years old and did what was right with the Lord.” Praying your prayer for the next generation. A few years ago on the very day that I was reading this scripture, my father had a terrible vision of many kids falling into hell. He was 80 years old at the time. “Because your heart was tender,… I also have heard you.” May I, too, keep a tender heart for the child who needs the Lord, through Christ Jesus.
Thank you Rev.Mainse for this blog. It is such a great help in keeping me faithful to his word. I have been reading it for a year now and the photos are a wonderful visual to bring scripture to life.
Have been with the blog since the beginning and have never found it boring. Look forward to every day’s post, and enjoy all the comments by fellow readers.
I also watch the daily TV telecast and feel Blessed to have you and your family in my life through these mediums.
I pray God will continue to bless your ministry.