Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 19
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This photo was taken near the top-end of Hezekiah’s Tunnel, or the Siloam Tunnel. It is a tunnel that was dug underneath the City of David in Jerusalem in ancient times. It dates from the reign of Hezekiah of Judah (late 8th and early 7th century BC) and corresponds to the waterworks mentioned in 2 Kings 20:20. The tunnel, leading from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam, was designed as an aqueduct to provide Jerusalem with water during an impending siege by the Assyrians, led by Sennacherib.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Kings 19:19
Now Therefore, O Lord our God, I pray, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You are the Lord God, You alone.
Lord God, I’ve heard Your call. You have said, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” I respond with those powerful words, “Here am I! Send me.” I pray this in Jesus’ Name! Amen!!!
I was about to turn 17 when I attended Lakeshore Pentecostal Youth Camp for a week. It was there at the altar in the tabernacle that I prayed approximately this prayer with all my heart, “Lord Jesus, I want to serve You fully in Your great cause. Please Lord, do me the great favour of calling me with a definite call so that I will know You have called me, and so that I will never turn back from serving You.” He gave me an unmistakable call almost immediately when the Youth Evangelist came to where I was kneeling in the middle of hundreds of other teens and said, with authority in his voice, “You are called into the Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ!” I’ve never doubted that call for even one minute for the past 62 years.
In reference to today’s reading, my English teacher in high school had us memorize the poem “The Destruction of Sennacherib,” by Lord Byron. I remember it to this day… “The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold, and his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold….” Lord Byron was a student of Holy Scripture (click here for the entire poem).
Yours for God’s call on our lives,
P.S. It’s now 12:42 p.m. in Jerusalem, where I am right now (5:42 a.m. Eastern time -Toronto-New York). In 11 days we’ll be half-way through the entire Bible. If you have just started reading with me, in 104 weeks you’ll finish the entire Bible, moving from the Hebrew Scriptures to the Greek, the Old Testament to the New, alternating between the two. Please tell others about this blog and encourage them from time to time to stick with it throughout the entirety of the Bible. Throughout the years, I have become convinced that with the two year reading plan, over 70% of people who start to read with me complete reading the entire Bible. In the one year plan which I promoted for years, only about 30% completed the entire Bible. I discovered this because of the requests (or the lack thereof) for additional study materials.

Up until 2004 this exit from Hezekiah’s Tunnel was thought to be at the Pool of Siloam. However, you will see in tomorrow’s 100words blog photo that the recent discovery, just 100 metres to the south, was in fact the Pool of Siloam. That is where Jesus, in John 9:7, after spitting in the dirt and putting it on a blind man’s eyes, told him to wash in the pool of Siloam, and the man was healed.
How great to see Ron and Ann hosting the live streaming from the River Jordan for the next three hours or so at the Empowered 21 Global Congress.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
Thanks, Graham! I am watching it right now!
I have been unable to stream – not sure what I am doing wrong – very disappointed to not be able to watch – any ideas on how I can get it to work for me?
Lois, I went to the site: http://empowered21.com/
Then clicked watch live, and again to the next screen, watch live. Seeing as the event is over and it is 9 pm or so there now, hopefully tomorrow it will work! Bless you!
Thank you Beverlee, I was unable to get back to try this tip but so appreciate your help. God bless 🙂
Perhaps the most powerful effect of this blog occurs when the photos match the scripture, proving the living truth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as He lived and walked and reigned upon the earth. History is in the making when the exact locations where Jesus performed His miracles are made to this day. I so look forward to tomorrow’s photo of the Pool of Siloam where Jesus spit on the dirt, put it on the blind man’s eyes, told him to wash in the pool and, yes, be healed! We live by Your Word, Lord, our precious Saviour and Redeemer! Amen, amen and amen!
So thankful for this two-year study Rev. M. As u have served the Lord all these years He has shown great favour to you. We are all reaping the benefit of your service. Thank you.
“I praise You, heavenly Father, that You can rescue me from any pit, no matter how deep. Help me to accept the help of others and to be ready to offer it to those in need.” Amen.
Blessings fellow saints.
Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here
Kim Walker Smith, Bethel
Verse 1:
There’s nothing worth more that would ever come close,
No thing can compare, You’re our living Hope,
Your presence, Lord.
Verse 2:
I’ve tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves,
When my heart becomes free and my shame is undone,
Your presence, Lord.
Holy Spirit You are welcome here,
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.
Your glory God is what our hearts long for,
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord.
Verse 1:
Verse 2:
Let us become more aware of Your presence.
Let us experience the glory of Your goodness x 3
My dad and uncles used to recite poems to us when we were children. Used to drive us round the bend. Now I juat love them and this is one they memorized.
By Nebo’s lonely mountain.
On this side Jordan’s wave.
In a vale in the land of Moab
There lies a lonely grave;
And no man knows that sepulcher,
And no man saw it e’er;
For the angels of God upturned the sod
And laid the dead man there.
That was the grandest funeral
That ever passed on earth;
But no man heard the trampling,
Or saw the trains go forth;
Noiselessly as the daylight
Comes when the night is done,
And the crimson streak on ocean’s cheek
Grows into the great sun.
Noiselessly as the spring-time
Her crown of verdure weaves,
And all the trees on all the hills
Open their thousand leaves;
So without the sound of music,
Or voice of them that wept,
Silently down from the mountain’s crown
The great procession swept.
This was the truest warrior
That ever buckled the sword;
This the most gifted poet
That ever breathed a word;
And never earth’s philosopher
Traced, with his golden pen,
On the deathless page, truths half so sage
As he wrote down for men.
And hath he not high honor?-
The hillside for a pall!
To lie in state, while angels wait,
With stars for tapers tall
And the dark rock-pines like tossing plumes,
Over his bier to wave,
And God’s own hand, in that lonely land,
To lay him in the grave!
In that strange grave without a name,
Whence his uncoffin’d clay
Shall break again- O wondrous thought!
Before the judgment day,
And stand, with glory wrapped around,
On the hills he never trod,
And speak of the strife that won our life
With the Incarnate Son of God.
O lonely grave in Moab’s land!
O dark Beth-Peor’s hill!
Speak to these curious hearts of our,
And teach them to be still.
God hath His mysteries of grace,
Ways that we cannot tell,
He hides them deep, like the hidden sleep
Of Him who loved so well.
~Cecil Francis Alexander (Adapted)~
Thank you Beverlee for putting the worship song to listen to it really is awesome
I love it !!
Really appreciate your blog, Rev. Mainse. I am still following it faithfully and thank you for your diligence and getting up so early in the morning to continue it. The links are so interesting and informative…thank you for including them. May God encourage, bless and strengthen you!
Great photo’s thanks…