Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 17
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Dan is described as the northernmost city of the Kingdom of Israel. The children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem. The Danites, finding their inheritance too small, decided to enlarge its boundaries by the sword; and, having conquered Leshem (Laish), they planted a colony there, calling the new settlement by the name of Dan. Seen here is one of the remaining walls of the ancient city of Dan and the Scripture cut into the metal is Joshua 19:47.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Kings 17:18
Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them from His sight; there was none left but the tribe of Judah alone.
Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your ministry to the people who lived in the north such as the Samaritans who descended from those who were relocated there by the Assyrian king. You care about people everywhere! I pray that I will love and seek to bless all people everywhere in every way I can. Most of all, Lord, may I witness to Your Salvation and may I support world missions in a generous and sacrificial way. In Your Name I pray, Amen!
There are Christian missions all over the world. Brian Stewart, for many years the senior foreign correspondent for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, tells of his camera operator somewhere in Africa saying approximately, “I wish that just once we could go to a remote place where a missionary does not walk out of the jungle to greet us.” This witness brought Brian back to his childhood faith which he had lost during his university years. Countries such as South Korea have become powerful missionary-sending countries. It is impossible to follow Jesus closely without caring deeply about world missions.
Yours for living right in God’s sight, sharing God’s love, and teaching in word and deed the person of Jesus Christ,
P.S. Yesterday, I had the honour of addressing Christian leaders from more than 60 countries who, along with thousands of others, are gathered here in Jerusalem for the Empowered 21 Global Congress. The message I believe God inspired me to bring was a simple one: Love Arabs, Jews, and all people everywhere. Ron took some pictures from today’s leaders luncheon (below) and a short video of the worship time at the evening kick-off celebration (click HERE). You can view the live streaming of this week’s events online HERE (make the time adjustments for your time zone). Thanks everybody everywhere who take the time to read with me!!!
Thanks Ron, for sharing these pictures in today’s blog. I am reminded of a quote I heard many years ago, “The fate of every nation is sealed securely in the Hand of the Maker of Creation.” Many blessings to all!
Dear David:
I have not been getting your blog for the past 5 days. I send your blog all over the world to my friends, even Bombay, India. Please do something about this. Thanks – you are my inspirational guide, eversince my husband Reg and I have known you from 100 Huntley St., here In Toronto. We help to serve St. John Fisher Charismatic p.g., Bramalea, Ont for many many years. Remember Val Dodd he used to be in our p.g. God bless you all
What a wonderful gathering and your powerful message to love all people everywhere.
We continue to pray for peace in Jerusalem.
2012 Holy Land yellow Bus.
Great to see such a Gathering worshipping the Lord together in this City of God.
Thank u for the great links and pics of what’s happening over there in your journey to Israel! Rev. M. et al.
What an honour it would be to meet Mr. Netanyahu and his wife one day.
This is such a compassionate explanation of the Bruce Jenner fiasco:
God bless us all.
A friend sent me this video. After some composure, I’m able to share:
Wow Lynda that was beautiful,
Something snapped inside me as I watched, I don’t think anything like that has happened before.
God bless and thanks,
Incredible, Lynda! Thanks for posting! Wow!!! The power of love–God’s love from humans transferred to heal the animal kingdom!
Great links to all of the pictures etc.
Praying your talk has reached far beyond the gathering. Wonderful to hear so many singing the praises of Jesus.
Blessings everyone
Awesome !! it is great to hear everyone praising the Lord
I love your pictures as well Ron.
Was unable to open the link to hear Rev. David’s talk…but thanks for the pictures
Was good to hear the praise and worship…thank you
Thank you Lynda for the “Weeping Camel” link…AMAZING!!!
Thanks, David; checked out the links. Praise God for your leadership in Israel!
What a gift to be able to participate with you all at Empowered 21 in Jerusalem via computer.
Marilyn Hickey’s powerful presentation on the gifts and fruits of the spirit today was very powerful and especially showed the success of the Holy Spirit in China.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
Just wanted to let you know that this blog has been such a blessing to me, and the blessings we have as christians ‘in Christ’ are so awsome that words cannot describe.
Thank you