Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 3
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The theatre of Philippi – No doubt the enemies of the Apostle Paul had been in this very theatre. It was in Philippi where Paul and Silas were severely beaten and thrown into prison. They loved their tormentors, and because of their love, they led many to Christ (Acts 16:16-34).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 2 Samuel 3:1, 36
Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David. But David grew stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker… Now all the people took note of it, and it pleased them, since whatever the king did pleased all the people.
Lord God, in the Name of Your Son, my Saviour and Lord Jesus, I pray for grace to love people more and more, and not just those who love me but everyone I meet. I want to be more and more like You Jesus. Amen!
As I read of the banquet David put on for Abner, I kept thinking of David’s words in Psalm 23, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” David’s experience was that God did this for him. Now, David does this for others.
In over 50 years of seeking to communicate God’s love to mass media audiences, I have had a number of critics who, while I wouldn’t call them enemies, were not very friendly. I had learned that I should make no defence or offence of myself when attacked verbally in the press. I really tried to be friendly to these people in practical ways. When the negative publicity hit the fan concerning certain TV evangelists, these people who had attacked me in the past rallied immediately to my defence, saying very positive things about 100 Huntley Street and about me as an evangelist. Proverbs 11:30b says that, “He who wins souls is wise.” I pray for wisdom fervently every morning, because I know that if I do not have wisdom from God, I’ll turn more people away from God than I bring to Him. I’ve just accessed on Youtube the old hymn, “Jesus, What A Friend of Sinners” by the Gaither Vocal Band. Here’s a link to the audio of them singing it a capella. I’m blessed!
Yours for loving all people, even those who may have acted like enemies,
Great study today Rev. M. and thanks so much for all your comments and explanations.
Found this good writeup concerning “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
Our faith might be shaken at times but never demolished. We are only human and God is God, our Saviour. Have a blessed Easter Sunday fellow saints.
CHrist is risen, Halleluia!! Resting in bed after my surgery. Thank you for all your prayers. I have to take it easy for the next six weeks, one day at a time. Happy Easter to all.
God bless you, Eleanor!!
Father God thank you for the surgeons and a successful surgery on Eleanor and for the excellent care she is receiving! Father I ask for complete healing for her, total restoration of her health and that she may enjoy life, laugh, sing, dance, rejoice, continue to blog, and Father I pray all these things in the Name of Our Resurrection Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! AMEN AMEN AMEN
Happy Easter Sunday, dearest saints! Yes, our Lord is risen, amen! We worship and praise You, Lord Jesus!!!
We had a very special Passover supper and Messianic Fellowship celebration at our church, last night, with a complete catered dinner following the traditional seder supper and Old Testament Jewish teaching; it was a time of incredible worship and fellowshp in honour of our Risen King. Amen!
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Easter Blessings to everyone. Christ has risen!!! He has Risen indeed!
When I find t difficult to love someone who has wronged me,I go to prayer and ask The Lord to help me.
Eleanor rest easy and safely in His Arms. Time will pass quickly as you do and healing will come. Blessings dear one!
Blessings, Eleanor. Thank you for that good word, David. Is my prayer today too. Thank you Lord for showing your great love for us. Happy Easter saints!
Joined in your prayer Rev. David…
Amen, Happy Easter to everyone God Bless you all…R…
Thanks David your words are welcome in my heart…..Yes Jesus is RISEN and for that we shall rejoice…….Forgiving is a choice we have, I always think the best way is to,.. Forgive everyone all the time—-not hard to do if
you have a forgiving heart
Well I guess I was not blessed with a forgiving heart, because I do forgive, but it doesn’t come easy. It takes a lot of love and willingness to trust God to deal with those who wounded me, because I know I cannot accept the mercy God gives me for my sins while holding other’s sins over them– so I don’t see forgiveness as a choice; I will always forgive, but it’s a journey. Perhaps one day I will reach the kind of maturity you must have to find forgiveness such a simple thing to give.
blessings Donna for your total honesty! a friend could not forgive anyone, anytime, then went to a counsellor and did some exercises into the “whys” they could not forgive, they were encouraged to write them out, and they would discuss it with the counsellor and encouraged to go back and dig deeper into the “whys” and it took a couple of years but they did unravel the reason, it went back to their child hood…..so….I would encourage you to do the same, write out the “whys” you have issues with and keep digging and of course pray to God to reveal and see what happens! dosen’t cost a thing and it may be very theraputic! I have to do this very often, always dig down as to “why am I feeling this way?” and then begin to write things down! A blessed Easter to you and your family!