Today’s Reading: Judges 10-11
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

St. George Orthodox Monastery, or Monastery of St. George of Koziba, is located in Wadi Qelt, in the eastern West Bank. The sixth-century cliff-hanging complex, with its ancient chapel and gardens, is active and inhabited by Greek Orthodox monks. It is reached by a pedestrian bridge across the Wadi Qelt, which many imagine to be Psalm 23’s “valley of the shadow of death.” The valley parallels the old Roman road from Jerusalem to Jericho, the backdrop for the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Judges 11:1
Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valour, but he was the son of a harlot; and Gilead begot Jephthah.
Why would the writer of Scripture record our key verse? Perhaps the point he is making is that God uses all who are willing, regardless of pedigree. Our background matters little; it’s what is in our hearts that counts. The Apostle Paul urges us to consider our calling. Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-31. “Not many wise, not many mighty, and not many noble are called.” We have good news. God will use us as we are! He wants a surrendered, obedient heart. That’s all! Let us give Him our hearts anew now!
The last part of our reading is a difficult story (Judges 11:29-40). Notice that it does not say that Jephthah actually burnt his daughter as an offering. God would not allow Abraham to offer Isaac (Genesis 22:1-14). The Jewish Rabbis teach that Jephthah sent his daughter permanently into a wilderness retreat where she remained a virgin for the rest of her life. For this reason I asked David Reynold for a photograph of the magnificent monastery in the wadi Qelt where vows are maintained as a sacrifice to God.
Lord God, once again You’ve shown me that no ordinary human being is perfect. I can never claim to be sinless (1 John 1:8-10). Therefore, I confess my sin and trust Your promise that You forgive me and cleanse me. Here’s my heart once again. Live in and through me in the Person of Your Son and my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
I’m glad that Peter wrote, “No Scripture is of any private interpretation” (2 Peter 1:19-21). This is why I appealed to the Jewish Rabbis concerning Jephthah’s daughter. I deeply value the huge body of the historical understanding of the meaning of Scripture. Some react to Scriptures that are difficult to process in an hysterical way rather than in an historical way. I try to guard against jumping to conclusions until I have read the whole of Scripture on a given matter, as well as the comments of Rabbis and of Christian teachers whose work has stood the test of centuries.
In today’s reading we learn about the people of Amman. This is modern day Amman, the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This is a majority Muslim country. However, King Abdullah, whom I had the privilege of meeting, told me that he watches my Arab preacher son-in-law “all the time.” I checked on his knowledge by asking the king what TV signal he watched. He answered correctly. I’m going to Google to check once again on the ministry called, “Light for All Nations.” It’s in the Arabic language, so I won’t understand much. However, if I can find Nizar, father of six of my grandchildren, and grandfather of three of my great-grandchildren, speaking in English, I’ll attach a video link (found it…click here).
Yours for understanding the daily readings of Scripture,
P.S. If you didn’t get a chance to see my interview on 100 Huntley Street yesterday, HERE is a link if you’d like to watch it (We did a “Flashback” to Nizar and Ellen’s wedding in Cana, the town where Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding!).
those are very wise words people need to read the “whole” scripture to understand in regards to yesterday’s blog, re the petition, I rather prefer to pray and trust that God will lead and intervene I pray for God to raise up the right leaders and again I tend to lean to the needs of people that I can talk to and see every day and I pray for many people that I meet just at the pool, please pray for a lady who fractured her shoulder, that it will heal properly. God’s blessings to all.
p.s. I watched yesterday’s blog, the wedding was beautiful, the words the bride spoke, your people are my people….yes, that’s how God wants it always, we are all His children….
Fascinated by today’s message in scripture and something I would like to study, in depth. The photo of the monastery is incredible!!! Thanks so much, David, for including the link to Nizar. I so loved when his sermons were included as part of the 100 Huntley Street shows, and wish they could be so, again. I find there is too much time spent advertising for books in the current programming and it takes away from the message. Alas, God’s Word and Truth prevail! Wishing all saints a blessed day!
Yesterday, attended the Golden Harvesters monthly luncheon at church. Vernon Scott and “Friends of the Gospel” group played and sang “God on the Mountain” to guitar and fiddle! Blue grass gospel–it was wonderful!! Here is a youtube version of that song. Enjoy!
I watched yesterdays video of the flashback of Ellan and Nizar it was wonderful
watch I hope every blogger has a good day today
Lianne Hogg
I thoroughly enjoyed the interview. It was great to see the glad back to the wedding and wonderful that Ellen spoke in Arabic.
Was out yesterday so just getting caught up. Enjoyed your interview David and belated Happy Birthday greetings, Doreen and God blessings on your future. Many things happening in my life and family and am trying to be faithful to the Lord in it all. Blessings saints!
I want you to explain to me what you mean by what you wrote (notice that it does not say that Jephthah actually burnt his daughter as an offering ) . But it says in the end of judges 11 that his daughter returned after 2 mths and Jephthah did to her as he vowed . please help me to understand
The vow to keep her devoted to the Lord as a virgin.
Verbena, I am wondering about David’s comment about God not allowing Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Maybe that is what happened she was not burned but sent to that Monastery. That is why David gave us that picture.
I really hope David will explain it.
I enjoy reading the blog daily and also the comments from the other bloggers.
Have a Blessed Day every one.
Watched yesterday and you look good Pastor David. Nice to go back to see Ellen and Nizar’s wedding and that it still brings back tears of joy.
Thanks for today’s like to Nizar’s and to take in his words of wisdom.
A burnt offering does’t always mean literally but he did sacrifice a future of having no grandchildren since she was his only child. A lesson is to be careful what we promise, especially to The Lord. Blessings everyone
Thank you so much for you dedication and commitment to publish this blog each day, it’s awsome and such a blessing to me
Pictures bring you right to the very bible times and are so wonderful and helpful to bring the scriptures alive
In eastern Canada we have had so many storms this winter and I enjoy just meditating on the words and the scriptures that go with the word and the prayer
Thank you so much
Joyce D
So enjoyed the interview of Mark Green. Had never even heard of Hobby Lobby before today’s broadcast. Such a good Christian family! Also enjoyed the flasback video. Must read the book on that story.
I like the way u look at the ultimate demise of Jephthah’s daughter. Beats the sacrifice. Once had a minister who didn’t believe that God would have non-believers burn eternally in Hell. We have to stick to God’s Word though.
Blessings fellow saints.
Dear Rev. David M.
It was so nice to see you on 100 Huntley two days ago and getting a wonderful film of Ellen and Nizar wedding .
Like Lynda I was so impressed by an interview of Mart Green and his ministry which his son making the short documentery christian films. What a legacy . I strongly suggest every blogger, grndpa, grandma to order the book PULLING BACK THE 50 SHADES OF GREY from crossroad e store .
My urge to all the bloggers to inform their church about the movie 50 SHADES OF GREY which is to be released at this weekend .
We need to unite in prayer knowing who is victorious.
Heavenly Father we thank you in advance for the power and authority given to each of us , your children in the name of the one and only Jesus Christ, our Saviour, our King and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
PS.. Doreen Belated happy birhday Doreen and God bless you.
Have a blessed day everyone
xoxoxo Carole.
Yes, neither did I hear of Hobby Lobby before. Appreciated the interview Moira Brown did with Mark Green.
Where and when are the movies to be shown?
Appreciated the link with Nizar Sheheen..
The pictures great, especially the Mountain scene of the Greek Orthodox Monastery.