Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 23-24
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A mill stone found in Capernaum. Today's reading points out the absolute essential nature of the top and bottom stones in the preparation of food for survival.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 23:21
When you make a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not delay to pay it; for the Lord your God will surely require it of you, and it would be sin to you.
Family life, societal life, personal and corporate health practices, financial matters, justice issues, and care for the poor are all covered in our reading. We might do well to follow some of these instructions today. For example, as the photograph illustrates, there are upper and lower millstones needed to grind wheat, corn, etc. The creditor is not to deprive the miller of his means of income (Deuteronomy 24:6). What if we followed the instructions here for a honeymoon lasting a full year (Deuteronomy 24:5)? This practice is recommended to bring happiness to a new wife. Interest-free loans and not entering someone’s home to repossess borrowed items are all good ideas. And our key verse is so important. An unpaid pledge is serious business. It is a betrayal of our word. The old saying is, “Our word is our bond.” Then there is the last verse of our reading and the word “remember.”
Lord God, please bring to my remembrance those experiences from the past that I need to think about. May I have grace to learn from my mistakes and from my successes also. May I also learn from the experiences of the Children of Israel. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
I well remember the occasion when Norma-Jean and I made a pledge to the building fund of Bethel Church in Hamilton, Ontario. I had been Pastor there several years before, and when I went full time as an itinerant Evangelist, Norma-Jean and the children continued to participate in the life of that congregation. It was time, by vote of the people and the leadership of the Pastor, to build a new church building. Our pledge was a significant amount. Our date for paying up, Dec. 31, 1976, came and went and I had not paid the pledge. At the same time, our house was for sale, as we knew we must move to Toronto in order to facilitate the move from the weekly Crossroads and Circle Square telecasts to daily live television. But it was not selling. Finally, in desperation, my wife and I went to the bank, borrowed the money, and made an appointment to visit the Pastor to present our cheque, almost two months late. As far as we can calculate, at the very time I laid the cheque on the Pastor’s desk, Ray Edwards, our realtor, closed the deal to sell our house. I don’t believe the timing was accidental. I learned that God takes pledges very seriously.
Yours for financial integrity,
P.S. A year end is here again, and while Norma-Jean and I don’t have any unpaid pledges, we want to give sacrificially to help Crossroads Christian Communications with a serious shortfall in income that has been reported to me by John Hull, our Chief Executive Officer. John is greatly encouraged by the fact that recorded decisions for Christ as Saviour and Lord are up over last year, prayer calls are up, and according to the rating service, more people are watching 100 Huntley Street (about 200,000 more each week this Fall than in the same period last year). This is real good for the future of the television ministry, but Crossroads needs all of us who care to give right now. Here’s my question to all my blog partners. Will you join Norma-Jean and me in giving a much-needed extra year end gift to Crossroads? Your cheque must be dated and your envelope post marked before midnight December 31st or you can call toll free 1-800-265-3100 with credit card in hand. Also, Ron and I may be doing something we’ve never done before this Tuesday at 8 p.m….streaming a live webcast. That would be 5 p.m. west coast time and 9:30 p.m. in Newfoundland. I’ll let you know about this on Monday’s and Tuesday’s blogs, God willing! Pray for this exciting new venture, and also pray for John Hull’s Mom and Dad who are over 90, and John is spending many hours with his Dad over the holidays, as he is not expected to live much longer. His Evangelist Dad led John to know Jesus personally when John was just a boy. Ron and I want to lift up John’s hands as Aaron and Hur lifted up the tired arms of Moses in the Bible story.
Today’s reading mentions widows. I must get used to that term now. My husband, Ross, passed away last night. It was the same day that he entered a beautiful palliative care centre. I am in a mind of unbelief that he is gone. Our sons & daughter were with him. I had been with him during the evening & we prayed an entrance to the Lord’s Presence prayer. My voice was the last he heard.
So sorry to hear of Ross’ passing.
Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
I am so sorry, Doreen. I posted my comment without having read yours. I am relieved Ross is no longer suffering and yet I feel your deep sadness. May you be surrounded with the love of your family and friends in the days to come and know how much we love you and are praying for you, dear sister-in-Christ!
Thank you, Beverlee. Jesus is my Comfort.
Deepest condolences over your loss. Jesus has a special heart for widows perhaps He had watch Mary suffer the loss of her husband Joesph when was growing up. He took care of Mary, and He will take your hand and walk with you not only during the difficult exhausting days ahead, but for all the days there after.
Mourning your husband is the last act of love you can give him, every tear will be a testimony of how much he meant to you. It is not weakness to grieve, it is a beautiful witness of love— my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Dearest Doreen sending love and prayers that you will be held tight by Our Saviour’s arms to hold and comfort you and your family at this time.
May you sense His presence all around you.
The LORD bless thee and keep thee: The LORD make HIS Face shine upon thee, and be gracious thee: The LORD lift up HIS COUNTANCE upon thee and give thee peace. Be comforted with HIS Peace; trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean NOT unto thine own understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge HIM and HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS.
Dear Doreen : I have just prayed for you. I pray the Peace of God for you. It is a difficult time as I have been through it six years ago. I found the Lord
to be with me all the way .He will be with you. The Lord Bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you. that you know He is with you.
thank you, Elizabeth. You know what it is like. Big change for us.
Praying for John Hull’s father and mother.
Also praying for all 100 Huntley St.’s monetary woes. As always, I feel sure God would want such a great platform for spreading His word and helping the destitute to continue.
God has blessed so many of us with this blog. Thanks Rev.
Praying for John Hull’s father–that he be graced with God’s almighty comfort and peace; for quality time shared with John and his dad and family; and strength for them during this difficult time. Parting with our parents is such sweet sorrow. Also praying for you, David, Norma-Jean, Ron, Ann, Reynold and Kathy, and the Crossroads Ministry. Have made my year end donation and look forward to receiving 52 Weeks with Jesus.
Praying for Ross this morning, Doreen, and your family in Germany, Catherine. Saints, please pray for peace and healing in my life as at present I am feeling weighed down. It is such a long recovery period and yet I am so ever grateful for the improvements I make each week. Bless everyone today with the encouragement of God’s love for us as we worship His precious Son and our risen Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!
In agreement with you Beverlee. Jesus is our everything. May He take over your situation and draw you so very close to Himself. May your healing been complete as you wait upon Him.
Dear Father, You who knows our every need, surround our dear sister Beverlee with your strength and comfort as she continues to heal. Help her take each step You give her as a bigger step towards complete healing. In the mighty name of Jesus…….Amen
Surely we are blessed to have Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, especially when
Trials appear.
Praying for Dr. John Hull as he ministers to his parents and for Crossroads needs to be met.
Blessings to everyone today.
Dearest Doreen: there really aren’t any words to match your feelings right now…there are many stages a person goes through when we loose a loved one..very thankful you had a prayer with him…thankful that you have your family around you…thanful that your husband is with the Lord right now..grieving is a natural state…it needs to happen before healing can come in…please know that you can post any prayers on this blog of any kind..sometimes people need to vent..sometimes maybe to share a happy thought or a sad thought, you now you have the prayers of the people suppporting you, God bless you Doreen and may you feel His loving arms around you, children, the infirm, widows, the elderly are very important to God! You are in my prayers
Dear Doreen, l am so sorry to hear about your precious husband’s passing. My dear friend who also had her husband precede her to heaven came to our church this morning. She is still grieving, but has found great comfort in a support group she has been going to, which she feels the Lord led her to. l pray for your path to be blessed in the coming year, and that you can find solace in your wonderful memories of your life together with Ross on this earth. Journey on dear sister and take heart, as you are very loved!
Be encouragaed Pastor Mainse I have indeed followed through with your request to phone Huntley Street with a phone in donation………making a donation is a very small matter in comparison to the faithful rich deposit you pour into my life with the blog. May your other readers arise with a pure heart and joyfully bless financially.
Dear Doreen,so sorry to hear of Ross’ passing. Thankyou Jesus for hearing and answering our prayer. Please be with Doreen and her family, wrap your arms of love around them and be their strength and refuge. Be their peace in the midst of pain and grief,lift them to higher ground. In the precious name of Jesus, amen. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15.