Today’s Reading: John 13-14
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This is the place identified as the "Upper Room" by the Tourist Department of Israel. It probably is not the actual location of the Last Supper, but it is a great place for Christian visitors to Jerusalem to meet, pray, and sometimes celebrate the "Last Supper."
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: John 13:5, 35
After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded…By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
The words, “love, loved or loves,” are found 14 times in our reading! The Lord Jesus is letting us know what is truly important to Him. When we say, “I love You, Jesus,” we must say it in a practical way by loving one another. Jesus said to His disciples, “I love you,” by washing their feet and by drying them with a towel. What an example to follow! In fact, Jesus tells us that the way all will know that we are His disciples is by loving one another. Sadly, the history of Christianity has, from time to time, been marked by fights and divisions. Often when we witness for Christ, we have these dark stains on the Church thrown at us. People will look past these historical messes if they see love in us as individuals, or if they experience love from and in the local church. If we are breaking the bonds of love through gossip, self interest, or outright rebellion, STOP!!! Ask God’s forgiveness, confess our sin, repent, and ask God to mend the broken bonds of love. We then are ready to read the love chapter again (1 Corinthians 13 – King James Version).
Dear loving Lord Jesus, give me the grace and determination to wash the feet of my brothers and sisters (figuratively or maybe now and then literally – it sure wouldn’t hurt to ask someone, “May I wash your feet as Jesus washed His disciples’ feet?” This should be someone I wish to serve or someone with whom I’ve had strife). I’m asking You, Lord Jesus, to grant me the humility I need to do this. Amen!
I thought one time of washing someone’s feet on the 100 Huntley Street TV program, and then I backed off because It might look like I was trying to be humble, and proud of it! The story is told of the man who was voted the most humble in the congregation and given a button stating this. However, the first day he wore the button to church, they had to take it away! He was no longer the most humble person. As a public school teacher, and later teaching college English, I required my students to memorize 1 Corinthians 13. I’m not the only one who considers the love chapter of the Bible as the finest example of the use of the English language. Of course, we memorized it in the Old King James language. In my opinion, it loses some of its beauty in modern translations. I’m a believer today because, as a teenager, I came across people who loved one another and who loved me enough to lead me to Christ.
Yours, not because of my own love, but because the love of Christ is in my life,
P.S. Congratulations to the new Mayor of Toronto, John Tory. I spent time with John when he was CEO of the Rogers Media. I think my last call from him was to inform me that Ted Rogers, the owner, had said, “Tell David that I don’t owe him anymore. I’m giving him cable 9 for the new television channel” (CTS, now, “YES TV”). What did Ted think he owed me? I didn’t ask him personally, but it may have been the fact that his elderly mother was blessed daily by the 100 Huntley Street telecast, or the fact that I had mentored him as he began his service with me as a judge in “The International Templeton Prize” for which I had been a judge for some time. Back to the new Mayor…I believe that John Tory has the potential to move Toronto closer to the name by which it used to be known, “Toronto the Good!” Let’s all pray for John. (“YES TV” is not a religious network, but a commercial one that also gives priority to TV programs like 100 Huntley Street and others like Joyce Meyer and James Robison daily. The network is paid for by the sale of commercials and the purchase of airtime by telecasts such as 100 Huntley Street…click here for info on “YES TV.”)
Hi David
Thankyou for this reminder again to LOVE and I agree with you on this 13th chapter being the most poetic use of the English language in the KJV
I will never forget how you and Norma Jean served us and “washed our feet” by tending to our every need on the Holy Land tour we took with you. As our guides you did so much to make us all feel loved. Will never forget the oil of oregano drops down the whole bus to help us knock put the virus that was hitting us.
Hope your enjoying the south and have had a great visit with your beautiful daughter who has also expresses such a servants heart.
Pastor David, I feel totally blessed and loved after reading your blog. May the love of Jrsus surround all of my fellow bloggers today.
I’ve never liked handling money as a treasurer of an organization or anything like that. Always felt like someone was waiting for me to steal it or do something dishonest with it. Judas musn’t of had that hangup. People like Judas need our love and prayers. Love is so much stronger than hate.
So happy 100 Huntley St. has another tv channel to help spread God’s amazing Word.
I pray for Toronto and Israel.
Unfortunately Yes TV isn’t in our area yet on the west coast. Look forward to its arrival…
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Have a blessed day blog friends.
Jesus lives in this man who is honoured by CNN.–6232.html?utm_source=GodVine%20Daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=10/29/2014
I pray Jesus lives in that man. Very touching. Thank you David.
I used to attend a congregation that would wash each other’s feet as part of the sacraments, of the church. The ladies would go to one part of the church and the men to another part of the church. It was an inspirational part of the fellowship. Have a great day!
Dear Saints,
Thank you for your prayers. I have missed the blog greatly. I have computer access. Thank you dear Lord, for the surgery and helping me everyday make it through. I am still in the hospital; lots of healing lies ahead; nerves that have been irritated in my back have to settle and heal; still numbness in feet and legs though that seems to be getting better each day. Please Saints, I need immediate prayer intervention for God to open the doors for a bed for me at St. Anns in Napanee for further resbit care. It would be impossible for me to go home and try to manage on my own. I know that God hears our prayers and is our hope strength rock and mighty tower. Where two or three are gathered together, our prayers are answered. In Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you, Lord, for the dear student nurse, Tanya, who lovingly prayed for me for God’s intervention in my situationj. Thank you loving saints for praying for the same and for your loving support. I place my trust and faith and hope in You, Jesus!
Immediate prayer request for bed to open at St. Ann’s in Napanee and for me to meet all the requirements there. Thank you Saints!
You’re on my prayer list Beverlee. Get well very soon. Blessings.
In agreement with you Beverlee and prayer for continued healing.
A blessing to hear from you Beverlee.
Almighty God I bring our dear sister Beverlee before you, and in the precious name of Jesus, I ask that You work out all of the details for her resbit care, and direct her to the place You are preparing for her. Ease any pain she is experiencing, and bring feeling back into her feet and legs. Surround her with those who will minister in Your Loving ways and restore her to full health. Amen”
Rest in His arms Beverlee and keep us posted. Catherine
Amen and Amen–
Bless you sister Catherine!
Praying for you Beverlee God be with you….R….
Thank you saints, intervention is already in place. They are working on the best plan for either St. Mary’s or St. Ann’s before sending me home. Prayer and faith in the Lord is my saving grace.
I am praying for you Beverlee may God be with you
Lianne Hogg
I am also praying for your healing and a bed to be available when you are ready for it. God be with you. Beverlee. Eleanor M.
In agreement in prayer for an immediate opening for a bed for Beverlee at St.Ann’s in Napanee Lord in your Mighty Name Jesus, I pray…Amen!
But the Greatest of these is “Love”! …the love chapter.
Praying for Beverlee Kay.
Pray for John, yes; but I couldn’t vote for a man who states he has been in the last 8 or 9 ‘gay parades’.
Thank you beautiful saints for your love prayers support and being who you are, individually, and as an inspired group of Jesus followers lovers and inspirers. The metaphoric thought that comes to mind is the net (strong and assured) cast into the sea by the disciples at Jesus command.
Great to hear from you Beverlee and Yes I will pray for the best bed opening for you, dear sister.
is the Mayor of Toronto John Tory gay? could someone explain the comment made by Keith? Did this John Tory state that he was in so many gay parades? If so when and why? this comment is confusing to me! I agree pray for the man! Very thankful to the Lord for Beverlee Kay coming through her surgery and for the Lord to find her a place to rest and heal before returning home! Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you.
Praying for you Beverlee, may you be anxious for nothing, and may God fulfill all your needs by His riches in Glory.