Today’s Reading: Leviticus 8
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![October 2, 2014](
The High Priest washes his hands at the Brazen Laver. Behind him stands the replica of the Brazen Altar. During the Summers of 1997 and 2012 thousands visited the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario, to tour the replica of the Tabernacle which was created by Teen Missions International of Florida.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where my son, David Reynold, took the photo. click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 8:5
And Moses said to the congregation, “This is what the Lord commanded to be done.”
The first seven chapters of Leviticus speak of the sacrifices. Chapter eight introduces the priesthood. As sinners we need a sacrifice. As believers we need a priest. We have both in Jesus Christ. He offered Himself as the final Sacrifice on the Cross, then He entered the heavenly sanctuary as our Priest. The ear, the thumb, and the big toe represented hearing the Word of God, doing the will of God, and going where God commands. Notice that Moses did not say, “This is expedient, agreeable, suitable or traditionally proper.” He did not lead by consensus. Seven times in this chapter the word “commanded” is used. In tomorrow’s reading, we’ll learn the results of obedience. Here’s a sneak peek…”The glory of the Lord shall appear to you” (Lev. 9:6).
Lord God, grant me the grace of strict adherence to Your Word. I find the symbols of Your Priesthood in the Old Testament and the fulfillment of those symbols in Your life and teachings, as described in the Gospels. Thank You that You established “Truth” in these ways. Finally, You confirmed the truth in practice, evident in the lives of believers in the Acts of the Apostles and in the detailed writings of those Apostles. Please sanctify anew my hearing, my doing, and my going. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
While still a teenager, I heard the Rector of a local Anglican (Episcopalion) Church say that it is absolutely essential to “Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God.” Some statements, such as this one, have been indelibly engraved on my mind. I’ve just read again Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:7-13. You may want to click on those references and read them with me. I understand that God has put His laws in my mind and has written them on my heart. I make myself available to Him to do this every morning. What an amazing privilege to say, “I know Him,” and to be certain that He is merciful to my unrighteousness. My “sins and lawless deeds” He remembers no more!
Yours for putting equal portions of our minds and our hearts into a more thorough understanding of God’s Word,
Amen pastor David
I’m currently reading a book written by author/evangelist Joyce Meyer. Here is a quote from her book that I like, because I often find myself in this place. “We must be willing to do what is right when it feels wrong”.
Have a great day brothers and sisters in Christ!
Amen Joyce meyers I watch her everyday at 10 am on vision as well as cbn canada at 10 30
St. Peter said something similar that I try to carry in my heart, “If it’s God’s will, it’s better to suffer for doing good than for evil”
Amen brother Robert!
We sure need to be obedient to the Lord’s leading which rewards us with Blessing. Open my eyes & ears Lord. I want to see Jesus.
I have Joyce Meyer ‘s book and am a partner I agree with you David Maines
and David Loewen. I agree with you both.
Hope you can go outside today its a beautiful day
Lianne Hogg
Looking forward to tomorrow’s study
God bless each of us.
Praise God for the new covenant in Jesus. Renew me each day O Lord, that I may shine for you.
Blessings everyone.
Joyce is wonderful !
I watch her everyday. She can be so funny 🙂
Blessings to all !
Diane 🙂
Thanks, David, for helping me to more fully understand the types presented in the Old Testament books. Your explanations are enlightening and encouraging! Keep up your excellent work as the Body needs your regular input!!
I was looking around Shopper’s Drug Mart today for a cream to reduce the itchiness at my surgery line. I found a whole array of skin products with the product name of “YES”!! Familiar?
I appreciate 100 Huntley Street, I’ve never gotten the impression that anyone was all about money!. They had a vision and prayed to God for guidance and this proram has enlarged but it’s purpose is to tell people about Jesus Christ, that they can come to Him, confess their sins, receive forgiveness and not condemnation and continue to reach out to others and share the GOOD NEWS! I say this because I don’t get that impression for instance from Joyce Meyer. I am thaankful that she is reaching out and doing for others, but it becomes a very fine line between “look at what I am doing” or “Lord forgive me for I have sinned, Please forgive me and guide me to others who need your love” I get this last bit from 100 Huntley Street, always have, right from the beginning. Praise the Lord! I believe God has provided excellent leaders with the right focus on sharing Jesus CHrist with the World. I also believe God spearheaded this blog! David Mainse has shared personal down-to-earth experiences and that is what people need to hear! That’s when the Love of the Lord God becomes real! AGAIN I SAY, praise the Lord! I hear stories of people stealing from stores etc etc etc and selling and needing the money for drugs! That makes me cry! YET, NO ONE COMES WITH A PLAN TO STOP PEOPLE FROM USING DRUGS IN THE FIRST PLACE! I wrote about this the other day, I pray everyone will take a long hard look at their lives and perhaps find a youth program in the community that they can support! I find it more healthier for me to support local programs, and as I said before, many people serving the Lord have gone to other countries because of all the red tape in Canada and USA. BUT anyone can support the Salvation Army, or any youth program in their community. I prefer to support programs I can see and touch. Blessings to everyone…
What a comfort it is to know that God’s laws are written on my heart and put in my mind and that He is My God and I am His child.
Thank you for the two scripture references, David, Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:7-13, explaining God’s plans and the gift of his new covenant–the coming of Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord Saviour, whose sacrifice and blood set us free from our sins in the world.
A New Covenant
33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”
How very privileged we are indeed, by the guidance of God’s Holy Word, through such an inspired and obedient servant–thank you, David Mainse for your dedication to the blog God put on your heart. I (we) have been able to learn and live from the Bible as God intended for us all. Amen! Blessings dear fellow saints in the Lord.